
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Fantasy
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62 Chs


After advancing to the high-level Knight, Sauron felt extremely exhausted. This was the aftermath of the breakthrough. During the process of condensing the Raven Spirit Rune, almost all of Sauron's Battle Qi was depleted. Even his life force had been somewhat consumed. However, this weakened state could be recovered with some rest over time.

Getting up and leaving the room, Sauron freshened up. He ordered the kitchen to prepare a large amount of food. Sauron consumed a portion of roasted meat equivalent to that of ten people, gradually feeling his strength returning.


After regaining his strength, Sauron sat on a chair, his face showing a contemplative expression. Becoming a high-level Knight gave him a foothold in the Western border. Although there was no explicit legal requirement, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a city's lord was often a high-level Knight. Only high-level Knights could become the guardian of a city.

However, in Taal dukedom and throughout the history of the entire Lost Continent, the youngest high-level Knight was still over twenty years old. Sauron, at less than eighteen years old, would likely cause a considerable stir if news of his promotion to a high-level Knight spread. He might even become a prominent figure in Taal dukedom, attracting unwanted attention.

"I can't reveal it for now."

Sauron pondered. The news of his promotion to a high-level Knight must not be disclosed yet; otherwise, Snake Shadow would undoubtedly become vigilant. According to Snake Shadow's rules, they would only execute one operation against a target. Whether the assassination succeeded or not, Snake Shadow would not attempt a second one. If the assassination failed, the person targeted would never be their focus again.

This ancient rule had been followed by Snake Shadow for hundreds of years.

Trudging footsteps interrupted Sauron's thoughts.

Frost scholar walked over, a somewhat excited tone in his voice. "Sauron Young Master, the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce has entered Night Raven City."

Sauron's heart stirred. The Black Sail Chamber of Commerce, which appeared only once a year, had finally come to Night Raven City. This meant that there was hope for Oren to be cured.

"Take me there."

Sauron immediately said. He also wanted to see what kind of power the omnipotent Black Sail Chamber of Commerce, rumored to possess, actually had.

Led by Frost scholar, Sauron arrived at the square in Night Raven City. Several black carriages were parked there, and a group of merchants in black robes were selling various items to the people around.

The Black Sail Chamber of Commerce! This ancient and mysterious organization seemed to have everything one could desire. As long as the price was right, they could seemingly provide anything.

"That is the leader of this merchant convoy," Frost pointed to a man.

Sauron's gaze followed.

The man wore a black robe, appeared somewhat frail, had a mild complexion, wore golden-rimmed glasses, looked middle-aged, and leaned on a cane.

Coincidentally, at this moment, the man's gaze also happened to meet Sauron's.


During the brief eye contact, Sauron's pupils contracted.

The aura emanating from the man made Sauron feel as if he had encountered someone similar to himself. This man in the black robe seemed to be a transcender, just like Sauron, possessing magical powers.

"Could it be that the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce is backed by wizards?"

Thoughts flickered in Sauron's mind. With the familiar aura from the man, he felt like he understood something.

No wonder the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce had survived for hundreds of years on the Lost Continent. No wonder these mysterious figures, claiming to be omnipotent, could seemingly fulfill any request as long as the price was right.

"Hello, young friend."

At this moment, the man also noticed Sauron. A glint flashed in his eyes, and he walked over with a smile, saying softly, "Are you the current Lord of Night Raven City? Quite a young and promising individual! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Thor, the Chief-In-Charge of this merchant convoy."

Thor behaved gracefully, not like an ordinary merchant. Instead, he carried himself like an ancient aristocrat, always wearing a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Thor."

Sauron dared not underestimate the other party. His eyes showed a hint of complexity as he said, "It's an honor for the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce to come for trade in Night Raven City. I wonder if Mr. Thor would be willing to accompany me for a while?"

Upon learning the identity of the transcender, Sauron felt a slight tremor within.

Oren, who had been asleep for several months, might truly be awakened. At the same time, Sauron wanted to learn more about wizards from Thor.

Having encountered a transcender, Sauron naturally wouldn't let this opportunity slip away.


After a moment of contemplation, Thor politely nodded. After giving a few instructions to his subordinates, he followed Sauron to Raven Castle.

"Mr. Thor, there's something I hope you won't mind."

As they entered the castle, Frost scholar said solemnly, "Everything you see today is related to the life and death of our Night Raven City. Therefore, after today, please keep our secrets confidential."

Although Frost scholar firmly believed that the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce had the power to awaken Oren, he still reminded the other party before going to the underground chamber.

"Rest assured; the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce never interferes in worldly disputes." Thor said lightly.

With Thor's promise, Frost felt somewhat relieved. He then opened the mechanism in the room and led Thor to the underground chamber, where Oren lay in a stone coffin.

Seeing this scene, Thor's expression remained unchanged.

"Lord Oren, a few months ago, fell into a deep sleep due to certain reasons."

Frost scholar explained, "The Black Sail Chamber of Commerce possesses great magical power. Mr. Thor, could you please try to save Lord Oren?"

Thor nodded slightly and approached the side of the stone coffin.

Frost's face showed a trace of nervousness, and thoughts flickered in Sauron's mind. He was eager to know what method Thor would use to awaken Oren.

"Sorry, forgive me for being unable to help."

After a while, Thor shook his head and said softly, "Lord Oren's soul has been lost. What lies here is just a lifeless shell. So, even I cannot awaken him."

Hearing Thor's words, Frost's face turned pale.

"Lost soul?"

Sauron's eyes flashed with light as he asked, "Why would this happen? My father is a high-level Knight. Even if wraiths wanted to absorb his soul, it should be challenging, right?"

Thor smiled indifferently and said, "Lord Sauron, don't you understand why Lord Oren's soul is lost? If I'm not mistaken, Lord Sauron, you should be a member of the Necromancer Faction, right? For those without wizard innate talent, forcefully cultivating the Meditation Method would naturally come with corresponding consequences. This is something that no one can change."