
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Breathing Technique

"Necromancer Faction? Meditation Method?" Frost was puzzled.

"Frost scholar."

Sauron pondered for a moment and said, "Please leave for a while. There are some things I want to discuss with Mr. Thor alone."

After a brief hesitation, Frost nodded and turned to leave.

In the underground chamber, only Sauron and Thor remained. Thor's expression remained indifferent, as if he had everything under control.

"So, my father fell into a coma because of the Meditation Method?" Sauron asked.

Although the Necromancer Codex had already explained that people without innate wizard talent would pay a price if they forcefully cultivated the Meditation Method, Sauron didn't know the specifics of Oren's current situation.

According to Thor's implication, Oren's soul was lost due to cultivating the Meditation Method, and now only an empty shell remained in the coffin.

"Don't you have a mentor?" Thor looked at Sauron and suddenly realized, "Oh, I understand now. You were not trained by the Necromancer Faction; you accidentally inherited something and embarked on the path of a wizard."

"That explains a lot."

Thor nodded and looked at the coffin. "If I'm not mistaken, Lord Oren received the Necromancer Faction's inheritance first, but he lacked innate wizard talent. When he forcefully cultivated the Meditation Method, it led to the loss of his soul."

"After Lord Oren, the Necromancer Faction's inheritance fell into your hands."

"I have to say, Lord Sauron, your luck is quite good. In the mundane world, it's rare to find someone with innate talent among hundreds of people. The fact that you can cultivate magical power through the Meditation Method proves that you have the aptitude to become a wizard!"

Hearing Thor's words, Sauron's thoughts flickered.

As he had speculated before, Thor and the mysterious Black Sail Chamber of Commerce were indeed an organization supported by wizards.

"Mr. Thor, is there really no hope for saving my father?" Sauron asked after a moment of silence.

"That's not entirely true."

Thor shook his head and said, "Lord Oren doesn't have innate wizard talent, but he forcefully cultivated the Meditation Method, leading to the loss of his soul. To awaken Lord Oren, we just need to retrieve his lost soul."

"However, I don't have that ability."

"Then who does?" Sauron asked.

"At least someone of the formal wizard level," Thor pondered for a moment. "I'm not sure where Lord Oren's soul is now, but a formal wizard should be able to solve his problem."

"What do I need to offer?" Sauron asked.

According to the Necromancer Codex, wizards adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange. Sauron knew that if he wanted a formal wizard to help, he had to pay a price.


Thor chuckled and said, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly. The cost of asking a formal wizard to intervene might be something Lord Sauron cannot accept. However, since you asked, I'll tell you."

"The common currency among wizards is a resource called magic stones. If you want to ask a formal wizard for help, you'll need to prepare at least five hundred magic stones."

With that, Thor extended his hand.

"Five hundred magic stones?" Sauron's heart stirred. Magic stones were the currency for wizard transactions and were exceptionally rare in the mundane world. He didn't even have a single one.

"And you must act quickly," Thor added suddenly. "Lord Oren's soul is already lost, leaving only an empty shell. It probably won't last much longer. Despite having the physique of a high-level Knight, in his current state, his life force can only last for about half a year."

"Half a year?" Sauron's heart sank.

"Yes," Thor nodded. "You must retrieve Lord Oren's lost soul within half a year, or his life force will be exhausted, and he will die!"

"I understand." A hint of solemnity flashed in Sauron's eyes.

Afterward, the two left the underground chamber.

Upon learning of Thor's transcender identity, Sauron's attitude became eager. Through their conversation, he gained more information about wizards.

Back in the square, Thor introduced the goods brought by the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce to Sauron. Among them were some extraordinary items.

"What's this?" Sauron pointed to a peculiar bracelet.

The bracelet was entirely black, resembling a serpent with its head and tail connected. The head had two ruby eyes the size of grains of rice.

"An extraordinary item, the Black Snake Ring," Thor picked up the bracelet and said softly. "This is an extraordinary item personally crafted by my mentor. After injecting magical power, it can summon a black snake!"

"So, this is an extraordinary item!" Sauron's eyes flickered. The Necromancer Codex also had records about extraordinary items. In the wizarding world, anything with extraordinary attributes could be called an extraordinary item.

Shifting his gaze away from the Black Snake Ring, Sauron didn't inquire about the price. To purchase extraordinary items, one needed to use magic stones as the trading currency, and Sauron didn't have a single one.

"Mr. Thor, how much gold coin can exchange for one magic stone?" Sauron asked.

"Gold coin is the trading currency in the mundane world, just a special metal in the eyes of wizards, with no significant value. As far as I know, there is rarely a fixed exchange rate between magic stones and gold coins," Thor shook his head.

Disappointment flashed in Sauron's eyes.

Later, he browsed through the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce's items. Thor brought many extraordinary items, but unfortunately, Sauron couldn't afford any of them.

"How much for this?" Suddenly, Sauron asked.

"The Snow Eagle Breathing Technique?" Thor raised an eyebrow and said lightly, "A Knight's Breathing Technique in the mundane world isn't worth much. If you want it, it's three thousand gold coins."

Sauron's heart stirred.

Finally, there was something he was interested in and could afford. Without the slightest hesitation, he bought the Snow Eagle Breathing Technique for three thousand gold coins.

Afterward, Sauron inquired if there were other Breathing Techniques for sale. Thor thought for a moment and produced the Red Serpent Breathing Technique.

For a transcender, Knight cultivation Breathing Techniques were not highly valued. Very few apprentices would waste time on this. However, Sauron was different.

With a proficiency panel, Sauron could quickly comprehend any Breathing Technique and, after reaching the limit, condense a life seed.

Rune power!

Currently, Sauron only mastered two Breathing Techniques. The Night Raven Breathing Technique had been cultivated to the extreme, transforming into the Raven Spirit rune. As for the Brute Bull Breathing Technique, it was just a step away from its limit. Presumably, it would provide Sauron with another rune shortly.