
Arcane Origins: A Knight's Journey into Wizardry

Embark on a thrilling journey as Sauron traverses realms beyond imagination, kicking off his extraordinary odyssey by donning the armor of a knight! In a realm teeming with strangeness and peril, Sauron's only ally is a mysterious data panel at his side. Armed with determination and a relentless pursuit of skill enhancement, he strides down the path of strength, unraveling the enigmatic truths that unfurl in this captivating world. Brace yourself for a riveting tale where every step unveils a new layer of intrigue and danger.

Xoran · Fantasy
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62 Chs

A Sword Seals the Throat

In the blink of an eye, three more days had passed.

The cyan sky stretched endlessly, resembling a vast ocean, with a few white clouds floating in the distance, soft as cotton.

On the ground, an army was advancing.

Conrad rode on horseback, gazing forward with a hint of confusion in his eyes. He turned his head to look at Sauron beside him.

"Why are we here?" Conrad asked solemnly. "Shouldn't we be heading to Night Raven City?"

"This is also the territory of the Swain family," Sauron said calmly, whispering, "With our current forces, launching a direct assault on Night Raven City would pose significant risks."

"Therefore, I plan to start with Lighthouse Town!"

"This was Kylo Knight's Fiefdom, but it has now been occupied by White Valley City. I want to take it back as our base."

Sauron's eyes flickered slightly.

Although they were already within the territory of Night Raven City, he didn't head straight for the target. Instead, he intended to reclaim Lighthouse Town first to strengthen his own influence.

In the Swain family's territory, Lighthouse Town was the largest town.

The lord here, Kylo Knight, was not only a loyal follower of Oren but also carried the bloodline of the Swain family.

Sauron was unsure whether, after White Valley City took over Lighthouse Town, Kylo Knight was still held captive here.

Compared to Night Raven City, the defenses of Lighthouse Town were evidently weaker. With Conrad, a high-level Knight, and two hundred Red Feather Guards, retaking the town would be no difficulty.


Conrad said lightly.

Sauron nodded, looking ahead.

In the distance, the outlines of Lighthouse Town were already visible. Huge waterwheels rotated in the fields, and it was now the season suitable for cultivation, yet there wasn't a single serf to be seen in the fields.


Sauron waved his hand, leading the Red Feather Guard to continue forward. Before long, they arrived in front of Lighthouse Town. However, the town appeared unusually quiet.

The drawbridge made of logs was open, and there were no sentinels on the towers on either side.

Sauron narrowed his eyes. Even the foolish could sense that something was amiss, but he didn't show fear. Instead, he led the Red Feather Guard into Lighthouse Town.

On the streets, no silhouettes were visible.

All the buildings around had tightly locked doors, as if the town had turned into a deserted place, and all the commoners had disappeared overnight.

Beside him, Conrad's eyes flashed with a hint of mockery.


At this moment, a spear suddenly shot out from the left building. Following that, many archers appeared on the rooftops of the surrounding houses.


On a tower-like structure, a middle-aged Knight clad in plate armor raised his hand and gave the command. The surrounding archers immediately bent their bows and placed arrows.

On the street, the Red Feather Guard reacted swiftly.

The shield bearers raised their shields, forming a shield wall to block the arrows and spears, while more soldiers appeared in the surrounding alleys.

Compared to the previous encounter with bandits, these soldiers were all dressed in White Valley City attire.

Apparently, just as Sauron expected, Lighthouse Town had also been occupied by White Valley City after the fall of Night Raven City.

"Intermediate level Knight?"

Sauron raised his head, looking at the tower. The middle-aged Knight on top seemed to be the commander of these White Valley City soldiers.

"Do you need me to make a move?" Conrad lightly asked.

"No need."

Sauron shook his head. The current situation was manageable, and there was no need for Conrad, a high-level Knight, to intervene. Although Princess Hestoria had sent Conrad to assist him in the Western border, Conrad wouldn't easily make a move unless it was a critical moment.

Conrad didn't say much in response to this.

Sauron's eyes gleamed as he took out an iron-cast longbow from behind. He smoothly bent the bow and placed an arrow, then shot it out.


A fierce breaking sound rang out, as if the air itself had been rippled. The arrow, like a streak of cold light, went straight towards the middle-aged Knight on the tower.


The middle-aged Knight coldly snorted, grabbing the steel shield by his side.


A loud explosion was heard. The complexion of the middle-aged Knight changed, and the shield in his hand unexpectedly cracked, with broken iron pieces flying in all directions.

"How is this possible?"

A look of astonishment flashed in the middle-aged Knight's eyes. While the arrow shattered his shield, his hand was also injured, blood flowing profusely from his fingertips.

Before he could react, Sauron's second arrow had already been shot.

"Damn it!"

The pupils of the middle-aged Knight contracted. He hurriedly dodged, and the arrow

 grazed past his ear, almost taking his life.

But this was just the beginning.

Sauron, on horseback, continued to pull the bowstring.

This bow was not the horn bow from before but a recently acquired spoil of war. It was more comfortable to use.

Arrows shot out consecutively, and Sauron's movements were fluid like flowing clouds.

Seemingly ordinary arrows, when shot from Sauron's hands, possessed a formidable power that seemed to have increased tenfold. The arrows pierced through walls as if they were made of paper.

Beside him, Conrad's eyes flashed with complexity.

Indeed, he hadn't expected Sauron's innate talent in archery to be so remarkable. The arrows shot by him carried an astonishing power, almost reaching the pinnacle.

As a high-level Knight, Conrad admitted that even his archery skills might not surpass Sauron's.


Another arrow was shot out, and a corner of the tower exploded. The middle-aged Knight, unable to dodge in time, fell from the tower. After landing, he quickly rushed towards Sauron.

Evidently, after witnessing Sauron's amazing archery skills, the middle-aged Knight understood that he needed to close the distance if he wanted to confront him.

Otherwise, a few more arrows, and the middle-aged Knight might not be able to withstand it.


Seeing the middle-aged Knight approaching, Sauron decisively put down the longbow, slowly drew the cross sword from his waist, and rode towards the opponent.

After advancing to an intermediate level Knight, Sauron had not truly honed his sword technique. Now, with a worthy opponent, it was a good opportunity.

In the instant the middle-aged Knight approached, Sauron leaped off the horse.

Clang! Clang!

The friction between the cross swords produced a piercing sound.

Sauron's eyes gleamed, and the longsword in his hand swung like lightning. In the blink of an eye, it had cut across the middle-aged Knight's throat.


Armybreak Swordsmanship, A Sword Seals the Throat!

A look of astonishment flashed in the middle-aged Knight's eyes. He subconsciously raised his hand, attempting to cover his torn throat, but the unstoppable flow of blood seeped through his fingertips.