
Love at First Grip

Rufius stood at the center of attention, resplendent in his mage robes, as Princess Blanca, a vision of grace and beauty in her slender form, prepared to bestow upon him an award for saving her from her captors.

The nobles, adorned in their finest silks and jewels, filled the hall with murmurs of admiration and anticipation. Rufius, his chest puffed up with pride and his confidence shining brighter than any gem in the room, basked in the moment. 

He'd saved countless princesses before, but this time was different... Or, maybe, just the same. They kind of look the same after a while.

Princess Blanca, her voice gentle yet commanding, turned to the crowd. "My loyal subjects, today we gather to honor a hero of unparalleled valor. This brave mage, Rufius, has risked life and limb to rescue me from the clutches of my kidnappers. He has shown unwavering courage, and for that, he deserves our utmost respect and gratitude."

The hall erupted in applause, a symphony of hands clapping and cheers echoing off the high-vaulted ceilings. Rufius beamed, soaking in the adulation like a thirsty flower receiving a long-awaited rain. He waved his gloved hand with a flourish, and even gave himself a subtle pat on the back.

The princess stepped forward, a radiant smile gracing her delicate features. She held a jeweled pendant in her hand. Rufius knelt before her, his heart pounding with excitement. He'd been awarded many tokens of appreciation, but this moment felt different. This was the sixty-seventh one.

"As a token of our gratitude," Princess Blanca said, her voice quivering with sincerity, "I bestow upon you, Rufius, this pendant, a symbol of your heroism and our eternal thanks."

She gently placed the pendant around Rufius's neck, and he couldn't help but flash her one of his most dashing smiles. He stood, the pendant nestled against his chest, and addressed the gathering once more. He leaned close to her, his voice low, "Princess, and what about the money?"

Princess Blanca blinked. "Oh," she said, "and also a bunch of money!" A formally attired servant with a large bag of gold on a silver platter humbly presented Rufius with his reward.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it has been my great pleasure to rescue the fair Princess Blanca," Rufius declared, his voice carrying through the hall with an air of theatricality. "But let us not forget that it is my duty, as a mage of unparalleled skill and charm, to protect those in need."


"What a heroic mage!"

"He's so brilliant and skilled!"

Yes, he knows. As the applause continued, Rufius couldn't have been happier. In the spotlight, surrounded by nobility and the beautiful princess, he reveled in the glory of the moment, savoring every clap, every cheer, and every smile. This, he thought to himself, is the life of a hero and a mage, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Boom! The grandeur of the award ceremony was shattered as the doors of the throne room burst open with a resounding clap like thunder. The sudden intrusion sent a collective gasp rippling through the assembled nobility, and all eyes turned to the source of the disturbance.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

A black-haired woman, her ebony tresses flowing like a cascade down to her hips, strode into the room with an air of authority. Her expression was unyielding as she surveyed the room.

A soldier in a crisp, white uniform, standing just behind the black-haired woman, held out a parchment, trembling slightly as he announced, "By order of the Crown and the High Council, we hereby arrest Princess Blanca for plotting the murder of her sister, Crown Princess Eunice."

The room fell into silence, the applause and cheers from moments ago replaced by an atmosphere charged with tension. Princess Blanca, her slender form trembling with shock and fear, instinctively sought refuge behind Rufius, her savior, her protector.

The black-haired woman approached with measured steps, her gaze fixed on Princess Blanca. Her voice was as cold as ice as she addressed her. "Come with us peacefully, Princess Blanca," she declared. "Or be met with force."

Rufius stepped forward, positioning himself between the black-haired woman and the trembling princess. His chest swelled with determination, ready to shield Blanca from any threat that might befall her. As he should, being a hero-mage and all.

As Rufius stood there, he couldn't help but notice something that caught him off guard. It wasn't the accusation or the gravity of the situation that gave him pause; it was the woman's sheer height. No, not only that. Her build was completely different from any woman he has met in his life.

She's quite big.

As she loomed over him, her presence became all the more pronounced. Rufius was no stranger to facing formidable adversaries, but this woman's stature was undeniably imposing. He had to tilt his head upward to meet her gaze, something that didn't happen often in his encounters with beautiful women.

He shifted his stance slightly, maintaining his protective posture but also subtly adjusting to the new realization.

"Wait just a moment," Rufius said. "This is a serious accusation. Are you certain of these charges? Princess Blanca is innocent until proven guilty. Plus, she was just kidnapped."

"Y-yeah!" Princess Blanca shouted from behind him. "I was totally kidnapped by happenstance and is very much unrelated to your charges!"

The black-haired woman's gaze bore into Rufius. "The evidence is clear, and the investigation is thorough," she replied. "Justice will be served, and the truth will prevail."

He spied the sword hanging from the black-haired woman's waist, his ever-present confidence swelled within him. The sight of the weapon did nothing to diminish his self-assured demeanor; instead, it ignited a spark of cocky bravado.

With a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips, Rufius couldn't resist the urge to boast, "You know, I've always been quite the swordsman myself. In fact, I'd wager I could beat any swordsman in a fight."

Even in the midst of a tense situation, Rufius managed to inject a touch of his trademark arrogance.

He continued, "My magical prowess aside, my skills with a blade are nothing short of extraordinary. I've faced down fearsome foes and emerged victorious every time."

There was an audible, exasperated sigh belonging to a man at the back of the room.

The large woman continued to regard him with an uninterested expression. Her cool demeanor was almost unnerving, considering the gravity of the situation.

Without warning, the woman's large hand shot out with lightning speed, capturing Rufius by the top of his head as if he were a plaything. In an instant, he found himself dangling several feet above the ground. It was a sight that brought a collective gasp from the assembled nobles.

Rufius's confidence wavered for a second as he dangled helplessly in mid-air, his magical staff slipping from his grasp. He couldn't help but glance at the woman's massive hand, which enveloped his head entirely, and he realized just how outmatched he was in terms of sheer physical strength and size.

With a swift, yet surprisingly gentle movement, the woman set Rufius down to the side.

In a practiced motion, the woman effortlessly hoisted Princess Blanca over her shoulder, much like one would carry a sack of corn. The princess, still in shock from the sudden turn of events, could do little more than gasp in surprise and cling to the woman's back.

The man in uniform watched as his superior carried the convict away. He looked around the room filled with confusion. "Um," he began to announce, "we will be going now!"

Rufius sat on the floor of the throne room, still recovering from what had transpired. Now, his ever-present confidence had taken a considerable hit. 

A big hit. A huge hit. A hit by the same shape and size as that black-haired beauty.

His gaze remained fixed on the spot where the giantess and her entourage had disappeared, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.

It was Harold who approached Rufius, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. He took a seat beside his friend and asked, "You alright, Rufius?"

Rufius slowly turned his head to meet Harold's gaze, his eyes wide with bewilderment. "Who was that woman?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of awe and confusion.

"I think that's Captain Banba. Aside from that…" Harold's face screwed in disgust. "What's with that gross look on your face?"

"She's quite big."

Harold smacked the back of his head. "Don't be racist, Rufius."

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