
Where Victor takes his wifey(yuri) to his dorm

Yuri was feeling annoyed, there was a beam of light pointed towards his face that would not let him sleep, thinking it was a pichiti making some joke tried to ignore for a while but in the end failed. He opened his eyes to fight with Pichiti and realized that he was not in his room but in an unknown place full of crystals. He felt a movement beside him and turned his head to see what it was and came across a very naked Victor hugging him. As he looked into Victor's peaceful face as he slept his memories were returning. The date, the picnic, the teasing, the masturbating and then ..... Yuri just then uttered a silent scream. <I CAN'T BELIEVE ME AND VICTOR WE DID .... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT THE WAY I ACT .... SOMEONE BURIES ME PLEASE> thought yuri as he covered her face with her hands dying of shame. HIs had been completely out of the ordinary, but Victor had been so good. <Hmm, it seems that the nickname Victor-Sex-God-Nikiforov is not in vain> thought Yuri feeling a little jealous of who had come before him. Sighing and calming down a little, <after all we're both dating right? So it would be normal for that kind of thing to happen, right?>(Yuri thoughts). When he removed his hand from his face, he noticed something in his left hand. <What is this? This wasn't there before> he thought as he brought his left hand close to his face <It seems to extend across my arm.> Yuri touched the mark in his hand and saw that it was real and didn't came out from touching it. He found it strange and looked at Victor thinking of waking him to ask about when he saw the same mark in Victor's right hand and arm. He touched Victor's mark as well to make sure it was real and it caused a shock that made yuri quickly withdraw his arm and eventually woke up Victor.

~ Victor's point of view ~

Feeling a slight shock, Victor awoke from his nap and came across yuri next to him, making a surprised expression with a slightly flushed face. He grinned as he was immensely happy to wake up next to yuri (very naked by chance), took his arm, pulled him close, hugged him and kissed him gently.

"Good morning yurii" Victor said when he separated from his mouth, placing a hand on yuri's face "how are you feeling?"

"Good afternoon Victor," yuri replied, rolling his eyes as he felt a stab of pain in her hip region. "And not well, my hips are killing me, I won't be able to walk much less swim out of this cave anytime soon." answered yuri who realized that he would be trapped in this cave without food for a while became worried "next time try not to abuse me so much right? Or at least remember where you are before you lose control."

"Sorry yuri" Victor said while stroking his hips / ass "I was really very hard for your first time, but you're equally guilty for being so soooo sexy" said while yuri blushed to hear this "and don't worry, i have a way to go out of this cave."

"Unless you have some magic device," yuri said, looking at Victor and raising an eyebrow. "To transport us out of here, I don't see how that would be possible," he finished as he rested his face on Victor's chest. (and what chest he had ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °).

Well, Victor had no magic apparatus, but his magic could (also) carry objects, although he had never tried to do this with other people besides him. He could also drill a hole above them using earth manipulation magic, and float them out using air magic, but all those spells required a lot of manna and the sexual act he had had with yuri for some reason had exhausted his reserves. While he slept, he had only been able to recover enough to perform a high-risk teleport magic. But that could raise suspicion in yuri, after all no race in the present world knew the magic structure needed to activate teleportation magic. They had managed to create machines that do this, but the means to do it through enchantments was such a magic that no one but those who came from the world or were descendants of the race that had created these and other powerful spells knew. Victor using this magic in front of yuri would be a big risk but there was nothing they could do.

"Oh and Victor," yuri called, cutting Victor's line of thought. "Um, there were some marks on our arms," ​​yuri said, raising his left arm to let Victor see. "Do you know what they are?"

When he saw yuri's arm, Victor couldn't believe what he was seeing.< But these are bond-forging tattoos of predestined mates, they should only appear after the ceremony of my race, which we certainly didn't do.> He raised his right arm and saw the same tattoo on it. It was really beautiful, it showed two butterflies interconnected by a vine branch which had some flowers blooming. Victor knew that each tattoo told a story, as he knew they allowed a very strong connection between mates to the point where in a few days mental conversation and sharing of power would be possible between them. Looking at yuri he said

"I know what they are," he said slowly, "but I need to do more research on this one specifically and I need to ask you about two days before I can tell you," Victor finished. "Don't worry that it's okay, right now, it's like they were my proof of love for you. If you feel anything different seek me out right away."

"OK" said yuri knowing he couldn't get his answers now "how do we get out of here then?"

"Don't worry," Victor said as he gently placed yuri by his side and grabbed his underpants. "I'll get out of here with my magic," he said as he finished putting on his underpants and started wearing yuri's. "But that has to be our secret. OK ?" asked victor blinking.

" Okay" yuri said laughing at Victor "just go fast because I'm hungry. Someone made me spend all that lunch." Yuri said looking at Victor.

"Slander," Victor said, taking a princess-style yuri he wait for yuri to get ready.

Seeing Yuri's confirmation, Victor closed his eyes to focus on the spell, some time later the magic circle had been created and both were transported to the picnic tablecloth. The sun was setting and a cold breeze was blowing. Victor hurried to get both of their clothes and started dressing yuri and then himself. Makachin was glad to see that the two of them had returned and was with her head lying on yuri's lap that was leaning against a rock while he saw Victor tidying up. Finishing Victor picked up yuri again and walked towards the exit with yuri in his arms. After leaving downtown Victor started walking toward the dorms.

"Victor" said yuri shifting in Victor's arms " please put me down, being carried like this is very embarrassing" said a red yuri.

"But you can't walk," said Victor, looking at Yuri. <Cute.> "if you're very uncomfortable I can carry you on my back."

Realizing Victor's determination to take him to the dormitories carrying him, Yuri agreed with the idea that it was less embarrassing than the current one. Victor paused a moment to change position and continued the walk.

"So," Victor began after a while, "how about you spend the night with me?" He asked

"Do you really expect me to be able to go to PE class tomorrow if I sleep with you?" Asked Yuri incredulously.

"Do you get P.E?" asked Victor. "But back to the subject, I promise not to do anything yuri, I just want to stay with you a little longer."

Seeing that Victor was telling the truth and wanting to be with him more too, he agreed. Upon arriving at the apartment (bedroom) in Victor's dormitory, which was currently empty, Victor laid yuri on the couch while preparing something to eat. After dinner they both showered together, and true to his word Victor did nothing but kiss with yuri. After they both got ready for bed (Victor felt his possessiveness smile at yuri when he saw him in his clothes) Victor lay on his bed hugging yuri and they both walked together to dreamland.