
Arcane Forging Divinity

Jason is a man of 35 who grew up in a modern world working as a chef. The leaders of his world had just released am experimental AI to the public. He had just gone in to get the new AI uploaded to his brain. Do to an accident he reincarnated into a world of wizards mages gods and demons. This is a world of magic and adventure, trials and tribulations. Will a man of this modern world be able to survive in a world of dragons and demons An excerpt from the story: During the procedure a freak power surge happened. Roughly 1 billion joules of energy supercharged and fried Jason..... Waking up Jason was confused about were he was. it was in a somewhat dark room but couldn't move or feel anything. All he could remember was a searing light that seemed to burn his mind and soul. Suddenly he heard a frantic female voice, "Hosts original body no longer compatible for life." New body found that is optimal for hosts soul." " Integrating soul with new body. " "Integration 100%" Jason was freaking out and finally managed to scream "What is going on, where am I, where are you, who are you!?!"

firelord49R · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 6

"Next week you will begin trying out the different professions. There are Staff Makers, Formationists, Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Tailors, Brewers, Spirit Chefs, Bowers, and Talisman Masters. There are a few more but we do not have a way to train you in them. Two weeks after, you will be given the choice of professions to follow. You are allowed at most two proffesion, one major and one minor, although it is recommended that you only choose one." Tobias said at the end of the lesson.

"Are you and Thomas really going to train with War Blade? He's insane!" Anna exclaimed as soon as lessons ended and Tobias left the greenhouse.

"Yes and while it will probably be tough, I believe it is for the best." Jason answered.

Anna scrunched up her freckled noise in confusion before running off to find Thomas and see what his opinion was.


As Jason left his room the next morning he found Thomas about to knock on his door. He had a dark but determined face, vastly different from the jolly giant he was yesterday and the day before. "Training begins in 6 minutes we need to hurry or it will be worse. War Blade provides us with the food we eat on training days. Do not try to eat anything else he will know and beat the sh't out of you. "

"Um. Ok good to know I guess. Where do we meet him?" Jason asked, a little worry finally creeping into his mind.

"He trains us in the dungeon Arena right next to the torture chamber. We need to hurry." Thomas turned and jogged down the hallway.


Jason arrived in a large room where the ground was made of weird sand. Reaching down he found that just a handful weighed almost fifteen pounds. Falling on this would hurt almost as much as falling on a cement road, but made walking much less running very unstable.

All of a sudden an old voice growled out, "Boy!, if you are done playing in the dirt get over here so we can start the training. "

Turning Jason saw a scrawny looking old man who apparently was the one who barked out the orders. His body responded on instinct going to attention and hollering out "Sir, yes, sir!" before running to stand beside homas.

The old man was surprised but he didn't shoe it. "First off my name is Kyle, but you will refer to me as War Blade until you earn my approval. I will be forging your body into a weapon. The method I train is called Forging Iron Divinity. It treats your body as a lump of ore that will be hammered and burned clean, only to be hammered again and cleansed again. Unfortunately it is incomplete so I had to substitute a few things to help it have the power it does. You will train with me for at least a weak if you survive I will give you a choice to continue or leave. Or you can give up the foolish notion of a mage being a warrior right now and leave. CHOOSE!" Kyle bellowed the last word while releasing a little of his bloodlust.

Thomas was terrified but after a moment he felt his teeth and stood strong. Jason seemed uninspired and just glared back as if wishing this old fart could see the horrors he had witnessed durring the third world war.

The old man was once more shocked. Those were the eyes of a warrior, of a killer who had bathed in the blood of hundreds. They were the eyes not of a boy, but somehow the eyes of a man who watched is brothers bleed out screaming for their mothers or lovers. Seeing those eyes Kyle seemed to have realised something but refused to speak about it.


"Take off your clothes and get into these tubs of acid. When I tell you to get out, immediately jump into these pits where I will burry you in the sand. Eat this root so you can submerge your whole body and still breath. " handing the two boys roots that seemed hollow the old man put a lid over the tub after the got inside.

"Jason, do you want me to neutralize the acid?" Jess quickly asked.

"No leave it alone it is there to help me get stronger. Actually can you slow down my natural healing so the acid can go deeper?" Jason asked.

"How much do you want me to lower it? And do you want me to numb your pain receptors so you dont have to feel this pain." Jess asked with a worried tone.

"No, the pain will help me temper my will. Please lower the healing as much as you can without risking my life" Jason stated.

"That would be half the healing speed of normal person. The pain could cause your mind to snap! "Jess nearly cried out with fear.

"That is ok, I'm not so weak willed to break from pain. Besides I have you to distract me from the pain. Also you've seen my memories, you know I won't break."Jason replied with steely confidence.


Kyle immediately knew something had changed with Jason. Rushing over he saw that jason had somehow lowered his healing so the acid could seep even deeper. After seeing it didn't get any worse he strolled off again. After seeing that display he was even more certain of his earlier conjecture.


Jason wanted to scream, but luckily Jess had already parylised him, otherwise he would have that acide inside himself. The pain was unbearable. He had already lost his eyelids and he could see giants pits in his skins.

After a while Jason realised something shocking. His eyes didn't hurt. it was also pitch black in here but he could see his body. "What? How is this possible ? Jess?"

"I don't know exactly what kind, but you seem to have natural mystic eyes." Jess answered.

"Mystic eyes? What exactly are mystic eyes?" Jason asked in confusion.

"Mystic eyes help with sight and van allow you to see though illusions. Normally you need to have taken a 5th level potion to get mystic eyes. Also all mystic eyes are equal but each type also has unique traits about them. Most people who are stronger than a 2nd tier wizard has them. It is strange for an orphaned mage apprentice to have mystic eyes though. " Jess tried to explain even though she herself was confused about what was going on.