
Chapter 576: The Victor's Reward (8000)_4

"The award ceremony will be held at noon today, and in addition to the rewards of Gold Coin and Merits, those who are exceptionally outstanding will also receive special medals and military honors!"

"Medals? What kind will they be?"

"I heard that they are Magical Tools with quite impressive Attributes, and they can also enhance one's Merit Level and privileges..."

"That good? I'm already envious!"

"There's no need to be envious, Adventurers get them too!"


"Not just Adventurers, but also the public who have demonstrated corresponding Merits!"

"Apart from that, there's also information on the purchase of Warships, further branching slaughter tasks, highly remunerative land development tasks..."

"All these tasks share a common feature, not only must one's strength be up to standard, but their Merit Level must also keep up..."

"Doesn't that mean it's especially prepared for us?"

"You can't put it that way, but we surely have greater advantages!"