
Quest:Secure the Goods

[The Undercity, Location: Harbor 2]

The group casually made their way through the Harbor. There were four Harbors in Zaun. Two facing Piltover and Two facing the ocean. The one they're going is on the ocean side. The Ocean Harbor No.2 he supposed.

Ekko was playing around with Powder as they go. Silently making faces and miming something that the other responded as ridiculously as possible. Claggor and Mylo joining them occasionally when they slowed down enough to escape Vi's notice.

Speaking of whom, the girl was tense. Understandable. This is a step up from the usual gigs that Vander had for them. It was the man's test of their ability. To see if they could handle more.

'Maybe he'll have us collecting Protection Rackets next.' Ekko thought with an amused smirk. Despite not being a gang leader or a Chem-Baron, the Hound of the Underworld is the unspoken leader of the Zaunites.

He has his people, his lanes and even his own headquarters. The thought of Vander in a white suit, wearing sunglasses and a fur coat came to a stop as Violet called out.

"We're here."

All of them stop to look at the place. It was dirty, moldy, and cargo of all kind were being transported in and out of boats. And you could see a storm brewing out in the ocean. A fantasy harbor with the steampunk aesthetic to go along with it. Truely a classic.

"Mylo, you take point on the roof there. Claggor take a seat on one of the logs and act casual. I'll give you a signal when Jericho cargo arrive. Follow us discretely after that." Vi ordered her foster brothers.

"What will you be doing while we wait who knows how long?" Mylo had to complain. Otherwise he wouldn't be Mylo. Ekko mused.

"I am going be at the actual dropsite. I'm gonna be recieving the cargo on Jericho's behalf." Vi told him, a little annoyed.

"And what abou-" Before Mylo could complain more Vi cut him off.

"They're both coming with me. Now go do your part of the Job while we do ours." Vi tilted her head for the two, Powder and Ekko to follow her.

"Ah Man!" Mylo whined as he start what he was told to do and climb onto the roof. Claggor finding a nearby place to lay his ass down.

'In hindsight, it was a good move.' Ekko supposed. Let the prepertrators think their numbers are few and lure them to a false sense of security. They're not gonna do anything blatant out in the open, that's why Vi told Mylo and Claggor to follow them out of sight after she got the cargo.

The actual action will be in the alleyways of Zaun. Where they will either get ambushed or let go on their merry way if the culprits chicken out.

'Yeah, like we're lucky enough for that.' This is Zaun, you don't count on luck here. Even with all his powers, Ekko is still cautious of the things that went unspoken through the belly of Zaun.

'Not like the theives are gonna be much of a challenge. I'm more worried about if they have some the pets the gangbangers like to use.' Ekko thought as he worriedly look at both Vi and Powder. In the Sumps, there is a slave market. You can get all kinds of merchandise there.

Including your own mutated beast that were tamed someway or another. The worst were the Dogs and Rats due to how common and numerous they are. Cheap too.

Wordlessly, he used his 10 pounds of biomass for today and made a weapon inside is body. Slowly pushing out a bone club that looks nothing like the material it was made out of. It was Hexagonal in shape with a handle and a cap at the end. Similar to a baseball. He couldn't shape it any more after it left his body but he can still make things in it and push them out.

He plamed the club/ bat in his hands. Checking it's shape and size.

"Here.Just in case." He passed it to Powder, who was the least physically inclined of the group.

"Whoa! Where did you get that?" Powder asked as she took the bone-white(*heh) club. Even Vi look a little intrested by how symmetrical it looked.

"Found it in the scrap bin back at the lanes. Been holding on to it for a while." He lied as easily as he breathed.

"Where in the world were you keeping this? I didn't see it on you earlier." Vi said curiously. Thankfully he had already thought of that. And just open the side of his thick trench coat, showing some spaces that he could have hidden some weapons.

"Damn, little man. You came prepared huh? What? Don't think this gonna go without a scrap?" Vi asked with a smirk. Her tone might be joking but she also knew that 90% of the gigs that ran through Zaun has a fight or two involved in it.

Ekko just smirked back. Powder was too engrossed in the weapon to notice the by play. It was the perfect size for her. Not too light. Now too heavy. With the right length for her to swing with maximum efficiancy too.

It might have made her suspicious had she been a little older but now she was just too giddy playing with a new toy.


After waiting for about an hour or two at the port, Ekko was bored out of his mind. Powder was bored out of his mind. Even Vi was bored out of her mind. The usual restless energy she had on jobs was nowhere to be found.

Vi just hope Mylo and Claggor didn't fall alseep on the job. Powder and Ekko last the longest but after running out of things to play without their usual trinkets around, they all joined the boredom train.

Just as she was about to sigh again for the umpteenth time in the last half an hour, the boat matching Jericho's description pulled up.

"Finally!" Vi exclaimed as she went over to the person manning the boat.

"Package for Jericho?" She called out loudly with her palms around her mouth for maximum sound distance... At least that's how she think it works...maybe.

The guy, who looked like a slimmer version of Jericho, thankfully heard her and perked up. He warbled something and picked up a barrel, crossed over to the port and set it down.

"Great! Thanks for-" Vi was cut off as the man/merman? Let's go with Fishman turned around and walked back to his boat.

"...rude." Powder mumbled beside her. Vi looked like she was about to blow up at the perceived slight before the guy came back down with an another barrel..

"..." And another

"..." and another.

When he was done, Ekko looked at the not one, not two, not three but not FOUR but FIVE!! fricking barrels the size of Powder, presumably filled to the brim with seafood. He turned to Vi.

"How much did you say the Cargo was again?" He knew the answer. But he decided to needle her a little.

Vi looked away in embarassment and mumbled something. Ekko put his hand to his ear.

"Hmm? What was that oh glorious leader? I didn't quite catch that." She punched him in the arm with a face resembling a tomato.

"I said I forgot to ask okay! Lay off little man." Vi face was comically annoyed and Powder thought so too, evident by her quiet snickers.

"Traitor!" Vi mumbled as Powder tried to apologize between her giggles.

"So, what's the plan now?" Ekko asked as he looked at the four barrels. Thankfully they weren't crates or it would be a bitch to make it back all the way to the opposite side of Zaun.

They heard a warble and saw the fishman waving cheerfully at them from the boat. The trio waved back before turning their gaze to the innocent looking barrels.

" ... "

" ... "

" ... "

There was a beat of silence before Ekko broke it.

"I'll watch the crates."

"I'll get the boys."

"I'll wait here with little man."

The three said, one after the other without missing a beat.


"Ugggh. This is so boring." Mylo complains as he rolled one of the barrels beside claggor. The broad boy just silently rolled his own barrel.

"Shut up, Mylo. You wanted the next level. So here it is." Vi bit out as she roll her own barrel over the debris.

"If I recall, you're the one who wanted "the next level". " You could hear the finger quotes in his reply.

Just as Vi was about to retort back with something viscious, Powder tripped over a stone and send her barrel rolling down a slope.

"Powder!" The blunette didn't pay attention to her sister's call as she chased down her runaway goods.

"C'mon! Keep up!" Ekko shouted as he zoom pass the other three while rolling his own barrel with renewed speed.

VI, Mylo and Claggor struggling to keep up with the dark-skinned boy.

Meanwhile, Powder was catching up to her barrel when it stop abruptly, nearly making her trip. As she scrambled to not plant her face on the barrel, Ekko and the other caught up.

When Powder looked up, she saw a shadow fell over her. And a boot on her barrel.

"Well. Well. Look what've we here. Thanks for bringing the goods kid." A husky voice said as Powder scrambled back from the tall stranger. Ekko steadied her as he caught her.

"I think you got the wrong idea, friend." The emphasis on the word making it clear that's it was not used as intended.

The likely culprit who's been hitting Jericho stash for the past few times was dressed in black leather jacket and cheap jeans. He was bald with only a growing goatee for hair above the the neck.

He looked a little older, somewhere around 20-25. And he is not alone. Two more guys, similarly dressed but built a lot smaller came into view. But it was the third that made Mylo swallow.

"Oh man..." Mylo bemoaned as a guy built like two fridges stacked beside each other came up from behind the two. With two injection ports on his arms and a cylinder full of toxic green chemicals on his back. It was one of the Chemically enhanced goons that Chem-Barons like to use as enforcers.

'Just our luck to get the most dangerous possible option for an opponent.' Ekko thought amusedly as he put Powder behind him.

The atmosphere was tense as the two groups eyed each other. The sun sat on the city of Zaun as Powder look nervously between Ekko who was protectively shielding her and her sister looking ready for a scrap.

Finally Vi open her mouth to talk.



A/N: Suprise Cliffhanger no Jutsu