"What a profound joy it is to welcome you, the good students of the Mages Training Academy to the resumption of the elimination wage." The arena announcer began using magic to amplify his voice.
The spectators cheered loudly at his announcement. The announcer continued after clearing his throat briefly so the spectators could stop their cheering chants.
"I guarantee that you are in for the most riveting spectacle in all of the city of Mores Katunsan, Araphelus county. The rules are very simple: three harrowing challenge's two opponents in each test- whoever survived in this battle moves on to the next stage.'' The announcer stopped, his eyes darting about the arena, waiting for the new chanting to stop.
"As for the reward, after clearing each level, the contestants get a reawakening for their system. Be it they have gotten an elemental gift from birth or not, they will get their system and be officiated as official disciples and students in this great academy. Anyone who fails to clear all three levels will be kicked out and never to be reinstated into this academy."
Another loud cheering engulfed the whole arena.
Another announcer came on stage to complete the match announcement. He spread his hands wide in acknowledgment of the crowds cheering. He smiled and then folded his right hand- which means, everyone should stop!
"Now, for the final physical test, the contestants, Damien, the first Mage to attain the level five quest of an initiate in the Order of Hermes."
A very loud chant from those who loved Damien roared loudly in the arena as they awaited the arrival of their star-Damien into the arena.
The cheering grew louder as a boy stepped into the arena from a lower chamber. He had his hands stuffed in his pocket and his shoes were laced with silver cords that emanated how they were craftily made. His robe was like an ancient made costume and evenly graved with precious threads.
A smirk sat on his face evenly as he walked to the center of the arena. He swept his hand through his hair as he raised his face towards the sky. The loud cheering was great evidence to how he was loved by all the student Mages.
The announcer cut Damien's momentary fame with his husky voice. "To the contestant whose fate will be sealed today, either he will be ousted from this academy or he will manage his way through is none other than…."
The crowd cut his speech short by chanting 'Boo' without waiting for the contestant's name to be announced as they had already known who it would be. Notwithstanding, the announcer continued.
"It is none other than Ashton!"
The crowd chanted 'Boo' once again!
A boy clad with dark clothes stepped into the arena, his eyes brimming with dark energy which seemed like a quest for revenge. His eyes hovering over his opponents' menacingly.
"Let the fight begin!"
A loud gong was banged and the cheering continued.
Ashton hardened his fisted palm while lowering his gaze at Damien. He struck his left foot forward a bit to maintain a good balancing and his eyes never left that of Damien's.
"I summon..."
Ashton recited and a blue flame exuded on his fisted palms, beckoning to Damien to initiate the first move. Damien lept at Ashton, thrusting a full punch towards Ashton but he successfully ducked the attack, swerving to his left.
Ashton's magic hit Damien by his side and sent him crashing into the arena's barrier, falling flat to his face. Damien groaned as he stood up to his feet. He wiped a bead of blood that had splurged out of his mouth. He lowered his gaze at Ashton as if saying: 'You are definitely messing with the wrong person Ashton!'
Damien stomped his feet to the ground with a small magic making the dust unsettle and causing a mild storm in the arena. The dust from the ground oozed in the air and the crowd cheered loudly once again celebrating Damien's first magic counterattack.
Ashton took advantage of the unsettled dust and jumped in the air so he could send an unaware blow at Damien but unbeknownst to him, Damien was also flying towards him in the same manner.
Their fists collided midway sending a huge wave of power force colliding through the arena. A mixture of blue flame light and green flames rippled sending both boys flying backwards and falling against the arena barrier.
Damien was quick to regain himself and he watched Ashton struggle to get back to his feet. Damien summoned a sword for himself through a magnetic force. He recited a spell as his eyes leveled on Ashton.
"I summon..." Damien screamed, as he raged towards Ashton and the sword he had for himself surged with a green flame energy which was probably burning his fingers.
He ran hastily towards Ashton and when he was ten feets away from him, he jumped on his feet, flying in the air so as to thrust the sword into Ashton.
Ashton's vision had cleared and he could see Damien flying in the air towards him with a sword pointed at him. His eyes widened as the proximity got closer. He definitely could not avoid the incoming attack as it was pretty too late to duck.
Damien's sword pierced through Ashton. He stood up in victory as he had defeated his opponent. With a smile of victory, Damien raised his hands in the air to receive the powerful chants of his fans.
As he did, it was as if he was getting charged with PowerPoint but soon, the crowd's cheering started to turn into a bee hum as everyone mumbled in awe.
Damien's eyes darted around the arena at the students cheering just to know why they had suddenly stopped praising him. He followed their humming and finger pointed directions and there, at the far end of the arena, a little close to the barrier was Ashton.
As he strained to get up properly on his wobbly feet, he held a menacing smirk playing on his lips.
The life in Damien's face flushed away as his eyes caught the appearance of Ashton on the other side of the arena. The questions that flowed on his lips were,
"How? How is he still alive?"
Damien looked down beside him and could still see Ashton's pierced body lying on the ground lifeless next to him. His sword was still thrust in through his chest so why is Ashton still alive?
"Wait a minute! Did he just fission himself? But ...but he doesn't have a system ability yet." Damien said to himself, he looked down at the facsimile of Ashton's body and a deep anger surged through him. "You cannot possess such ability yet Ashton!" He roared.
Damien's brows furrowed as he charged towards Ashton. "Come on! Let's finish this!" He screamed, propelling his fisted palm and speed with some more magic.
Ashton smirked wildly as Damien got closer to him.
'You know one bit of the thesis about the first attacker in a fight? They always sell their moves out to their opponents while charging. For a more efficient fight, I'd advise you to not charge first. Calculate your opponents moves' Ashton says to you with a wink.
As Damien got closer, Ashton prepared his magical creed and a blue flame formed on his hands, with one single punch from where he was, he sent Damien reeling back into the barrier walls.
Damien tried to falter the attack by dragging on his feets but he was no match to this great blow. He tumbled and fell flat on his face.
"Ashton, for winning the final battle and reclaiming your spot as a student in this great academy, your system ability will be granted to you today." The Grand Mage pursed, his eyes devoid of an ounce of emotion. "Step forward and place your hand on the holy stone for the final test. If you're worthy enough to wield the elemental system, you will live and if not, your burial proceeding will commence earnestly." The Grand Mage said.
Ashton stepped forward, took a deep breath and placed his hand on the holy stone which was etched in the wall of the chapel. The stone had a strange embodiment etched around it and it emitted a soft ethereal purple glow.
As he touched the stone, the cold stone on the symbol grazed his finger, drawing a bead of blood.
The instant the blood made contact with the symbol, a surge of energy coursed through him, his vision blurring as the world around him dissolved. He could feel himself being lifted off his foot and floating steadily in the air.
He looked down, watching in slow motion as the floor receded far away from him. A slight fear gripped his heart as he felt he was going through an infinite procession.
'Am I going to fall from this height?' Ashton thought to himself as looked at how far he was being lifted away from the ground. He hung suspended in the air just below the ceiling and a blue lighted energy started to course round him.
The energy crackled and snapped, its power tangible and almost suffocating as it filled him in. The energy storm continued to intensify and Ashton growled loudly as the energy filled him in.
'Am I going to die?'
And then, Ashton slammed onto the cold, stone floor as soon as the swerving vortex stopped, his vision momentarily white with pain as he landed. He lay there, stunned and disoriented, as the swirling energy of light faded around him.
The only sound that broke the silence was a strange voice that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. It said,
[Congratulations, you have been granted…]
He couldn't hear the rest of his congratulatory message as his eyes rolled back behind his head.
But, the system interface continued to materialize his status.
[Name: Ashton –]
[Age: 18]
[Class: Cultivator]
[Grade: Low rank]
[Level: —]
[Strength: 10]
[Agility: 10]
[Defense: 10]
[Stamina: 10]
[Health point: 8/10]
[Spirit point: Locked]
The Mages in the room crowded upon him staring bluntly at his dull face as he laid on the cold stony floor. A look of apprehension filled their eyes as they continued to stare in awe. It was the first time something like this had happened, no one got a mild ascension into heaven just to claim their system.
"Is he dead?" Someone asked.
[This is probably going to be the last time you'd see this book if you plan to skip and I'd like to let you know you'd be missing a plot so different from regular ones the moment you drop... fingers crossed, I hope you don't. God bless!]