
Arcane Conflagration

Greetings, all. Do you know what is the toughest part of being in a society of quirks? The discrimination. My name.. is Midoriya Izuku.. and I am a human male hero. Beware! All villains.. Your days of villainy.. are over, punks.. (A/N:- I have exams in feb so studies are my priority. So, chapters will be sporadically released. If I see a comment that will affect my mental state, I am deleting it, no questions asked. My mental health is too important for me to lose it over some dude sitting behind his screen being an absolute waste of a human. If you don't like it then no need to be a**holes. Just stop.)

Strongarm · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13


The sky was crying with sadness for the losing sanity of Endeavor. He was regretting to have made the choice of wanting Izuku as his intern and Todoroki Shoto was having an absolute blast at Endeavor misery.

On day one itself, Endeavor was shown that All Might wasn't the only one stronger than him. It was a critical hit to his pride and ego.

"How does it feel to be worse than a wet behind his ears student? The only heroic thing about you is your hero license. Monkeys have more compassion than you. It does say something about your evolutionary status. You wife must be an archangel to balance out a degenerate like you to give birth to your human children."

Too bad Endeavor could do nothing as he was bound to have Izuku at his agency for the rest of the week.

Then, Stain struck once again and Hosu was attacked by many Nomu as Shigaraki didn't want to be shown up by the former.

As Izuku was effortlessly fighting a Nomu, he said, "These things remind me of Bakugo. They are equally dumb."

As if the Nomu took offense, it charged at Izuku with reckless abandon.

"Yup.. the resemblance is uncanny."

A second later, the Nomu was unconscious with its limbs missing and its wounds cauterised to prevent their regeneration.

Izuku inclined his head and said to Endeavor, "This attack is sudden and doesn't seem to be well planned. Given that Stain has been active in this city, he is bound to be coveted by villainous organizations. The presence of these Nomu indicate the involvement of Shigaraki Tomura. He is not so mature and rational. This could be a tantrum after a disagreement he might have had with Stain. He never needed a distraction to attack heroes so we can strike that possibility off. I conclude that the hero killer is in this city right now and Shigaraki wants to create more chaos than him. Permission to locate Stain with my heat seaker ability and engage in battle?"

Endeavor replied immediately, "Hm! Locate him but only fight if necessary. You're still not allowed to battle without supervision of a hero."

Izuku nodded and like a switch being flipped on, the entire world around him turned infrared.

In an alley not far away, Izuku saw a figure standing over a fallen and unmoving body as another figure was approaching them at high speed with the latter sticking out like becon.

"I have found Stain. Iida is there and so is another person who is in danger. Sending my live location to Shoto as I confront Stain."

And with that, Izuku flamed on and shot through the air.

Right at the moment Stain was about to kill Iida, Izuku arrived to their location and smashed into Stain with a flaming charge, sending the hero killer tumbling across the alley.

"Midoriya! Why are you here!?"

Izuku looked down at him and said, "To save you and... Native. I knew you would blindly go after Stain to avenge your brother so I tagged you with the help of my quirk when we shook hands at the station."

Stain coughed and asked Izuku about his identity but the boy ignored him and said to Iida, "You are dumber than you look. To even think you could defeat a murdering maniac when so many heroes who were more experienced and stronger than you, could not. Your brother would be ashamed of you."

Livid, Iida retaliated by saying, "What the hell do you even know about him!?"

Izuku began walking towards Stain and replied, "Enough that I am relieved you did not choose Ingenium as your hero name. It would have been a disgrace. Now, stay down like a good little wounded puppy and leave this to me."

Stain growled and said, "Leave, kid. I don't wanna kill you but I will if you're in my way."

Izuku inclined his head and said, "Why would I leave? You are a criminal and I am a hero student who is on patrol. It is my job to see to it that you are apprehended. I am just doing my job. Just like all the other heroes you crippled and killed. With regards to killing me, we shall see how you manage to do that given the fact that you are surrounded by a hemispherical layer of intense heat. If you squint your eyes, you will be able to see a faint violet hue surrounding you. If you try to touch the layer, you will get burnt to ashes within a moment."

Stain frowned and said, "You're bluffing!"

Izuku shook his head and said, "I am not capable of lying. If you do not believe me, try throwing one of your knives at me and see for yourself the fate you could suffer from if you do not stand down."

Stain remained standing still as he contemplated. Thinking that it wouldn't hurt to try, he pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at Izuku.

To everyone's surprise except Izuku, as soon as the knife came in contact with the layer, it immediately became red hot and melted down within a foot of getting through the layer.

There was no way out for Stain. He could feel the intense heat around him and was already sweating profusely. Not wanting to risk getting severely burnt, he cricked his tongue and sat down with his legs crossed and Izuku began tending to Iida and Native.

Soon, Endeavor and his team arrived at the site.

Stain had passed out from a heatstroke and dehrdration and was easily arrested.

Iida was scolded by the heroes for going after Stain on his own. A flying Nomu tried to attack the apprehending party but was quickly defeated.

The attack on Hosu city was quickly countered with no civilian or hero life lost.

It was uneventful.

Izuku did not laugh uproariously and was disappointed. He would not be returning to Endeavor's agency.

With Izuku gone, the number two hero stopped taking anxiety medicine.

It was the happiest week for Shoto.