
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-57- Councilor Talis

Noxian year 984 – Middle of July, under the scorching sun of Piltover. 

The entire city shimmered like it was covered in a golden veil. In this city of progress, the first thing that amazed visitors was the array of towering buildings, along with various strange devices installed high in the air. But the most eye-catching was undoubtedly the newly constructed Council Hall.

It was the tallest building in Piltover, now serving as the city's center of power.

Beside the grand structure, a slightly shorter building emitted a sudden arc-shaped shield-like blue light. Following this, the space twisted, and after a dazzling display of blue light, a massive skyship appeared abruptly in the sky.

"Damn it, those greedy Freljordians!"

"Damn, they are so greedy! It's just a poro, and aside from the wealthy who want to keep them as pets, what's the value? If it weren't for Professor Heimerdinger sparking the poro pet craze, who would want to keep those little snowballs!"

"Meatless, inedible, and can't even be used as a mount. They lack any combat capabilities in that place. They can only serve as cute playthings, yet they're sold at such high prices!"

"This is what you get when you do business with them. They deserve to eat frozen dirt in the icy tundra!"

The airship gradually landed beside the tall building, and then, a blue light bridge extended from the building, forming a metallic blue staircase that connected to the exit of the airship. Immediately after, a merchant-looking person, furious, descended from the ship.

In his hand, he held a peculiar blue long box and was constantly yelling into it, directed at the other end of the box.

"I told you to keep an eye out. I went to Freljord, and the family's matters should have been handled by you guys. Now you tell me you've been waiting for my message?"

"My goodness, there's no signal at all in Freljord! I couldn't make any calls there. Writing a letter? Do you think this is still the past? It would take months for a letter to travel back and forth. What are you thinking? Tell me to go to a more open place? Do you think that's Piltover? I can't even make a call in the sky. What are you thinking?"

"You, you are a hopeless idiot!"

His voice clearly disturbed the people nearby, and a few men and women holding similar long boxes walked past him, all casting disdainful glances his way.

Soon, an enforcer with advanced equipment approached, wearing a smile as he spoke to the merchant:

"Sir, please lower your volume. Do not create disturbances around the skyport gate, and also try not to make Hextech calls while disembarking from the airship. It's not safe for you. There have been cases where people slipped and lost their lives because of this."

The merchant immediately nodded and lowered his volume but didn't hang up the Hextech phone. Seeing this, the enforcer shrugged and went back to his post.


At the same time, inside Piltover's Council Hall, a new meeting was called with a total of seven council members in attendance. It wasn't a representative from the Ferros family but, instead, a new council member for Piltover – Councilor Talis.

Councilor Jayce Talis.

"In recent years, the economy of the Undercity has surged, and the impoverished laborers from Undercity haven't even come to Upper City. Without them, many jobs were vacated at the docks. People from Piltover won't take those jobs, unless the wages are in large amounts of gold coins, but how is that possible?"

"Indeed, in the past, hiring people from Undercity required just one gold coin for three years of labor, but now, for the same employment duration, it costs tens of times more money."

"Now, the people from Undercity are slowly slipping out of our control, and the main reason is Linwin!" one of the council members exclaimed. "It's because of his Hextech phone!"

Around the round table, the sky was visible, with airships launching from the hex gate and soaring into the world at intervals. This had become a prominent feature of Piltover, and the city had profited greatly from it, with revenues nearly a hundred times higher compared to a few years ago. The customs duties alone at the Hex gates had soared.

These achievements were largely attributed to the efforts of the new council member, Councilor Talis.

The improved transportation and faster means of shipping had elevated Piltover, the already recognized center of world trade, to the heart of the world. Hextech technology had become an integral part of Piltover's identity. In pursuit of binding interests, Jayce was elected as a council member shortly after the creation of the hex gates two years ago.

"Councilor Talis, I've repeatedly asked you about Linwin's whereabouts, but you've always given me an 'I don't know' response," the portly council member frowned, looking at Jayce. "As fellow council members, we should strive for Piltover's future, but right now, you consistently side with the Zaunites. What are you doing?"

Jayce sat in a corner between his two friendly council members, Councilor Kiramman and Councilor Mel. He stood up, leaning on the table, and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. I genuinely don't know Linwin's whereabouts. He hasn't contacted me for a long time."

"You, Viktor, and him – the three of you together created Hextech, and he used your Hextech technology to invent the Hextech phone. Your relationship doesn't need further explanation, does it?" the portly council member squinted at Jayce, continuing, "I understand that you're doing this for your close friend, but Councilor Talis, Piltover needs to come first!" 

Jayce looked at him helplessly and replied, "Linwin left Piltover several years ago and isn't in Zaun now. Viktor can testify to this."

"Why did he hand over the Hextech phone to someone from Zaun instead of giving it to us? What's his purpose?" said the mechanical council member loudly.

Jayce looked at him and replied, "Because he is a Zaunite. It's evident from the fact that he never accepted support from any of the families. He has always considered himself a Zaunite."

"But he received an education in Piltover!" the council member countered. 

"You're mistaken, Councilor. Linwin worked as a laborer at school, not as a student. He never received any help from Piltover University. In fact, Linwin has helped us with many things. Professor Heimerdinger can vouch for this. The only person who claims to have taught Linwin is Zevi, but she has also disappeared with Linwin."

Heimerdinger immediately raised his hand and added, "Yes, I can vouch for Jayce. Linwin did not receive an education at the academy."

The council member who had been speaking fell silent, but Councilor Kiramman stood up and said, "But the Hextech phone cannot belong to a Zaunite, Jayce. The income generated by this invention is no less than that of the Hex gates. If he were a Piltover citizen, he could enjoy this income without issue. Piltover does not prevent anyone from pursuing their dreams. However, he is a Zaunite."

"You can see that he is scheming something with the money from this technology. For years, people from the Upper City have been unable to enter Zaun at all!" 

"This isn't a reason for you to exploit Linwin!" 

"Can you ensure that he won't endanger Piltover, Councilor Talis? You can't." The councilor with the golden rings continued, "You have assured us before that Zaun won't threaten Piltover. But now, the Zaunites are gaining autonomy; they refuse our control, and they don't even need our support anymore."

"Your good friend, Linwin, he handed over the process of making Hextech gems to the Zaunites! They now have their own Hextech gems. Isn't this your fault?"

Jayce paused and then earnestly stated, "Hextech technology was never meant to belong to me alone. It's the property of all Piltover citizens, and this technology has always been open and transparent. Viktor and I never intended to monopolize it. We created Hextech for people to have better lives, so I don't mind others learning the craft of Hextech production. But instead, it's you all..."

"Jayce!" Councilor Kiramman sternly interrupted him. She looked at Jayce, shaking her head, and said, "This is getting out of hand."

"Jayce, that's enough," Councilor Mel also reached out to hold Jayce's arm and gently shook her head, signaling Jayce to sit down.

Jayce took a deep breath and complied, sitting back down.

He wore an expression of discontent, looking at everyone present, and he spoke again, "In any case, everyone, I genuinely don't know where Linwin is right now."

"If you want to find Linwin, then please go find him yourselves," Jayce stated firmly. 

"I am now Councilor Talis, not Jayce Talis. So I ask you, respect me! Because that's also respecting yourselves!"