
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-348- Generous

//// Sorry didn't update yesterday, was busy cuz of installing java eclipse and Javafx stuff and had no time to translate ////

"Damn, that guy runs so fast!"

"300 meters in 19.8 seconds, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. It takes me over ten seconds to run 100 meters."

"Where is this Stonewall Town?"

"Boss, two more cups of wheat beer and a side dish, please."

In a tavern in Piltover and Zaun, people from Twin Cities gathered together, drinking beer, eating delicious food, and watching the TV placed in the center.

This sports event is really interesting!

Even though Twin Cities were eliminated early in the running event, Twin City residents are not disappointed.

"The first place in the sprint is an elite soldier from Demacia's Dauntless Vanguard. I heard an enforcer say he's like a scout?"

"A scout? Then it's normal for him to run fast."

"The second place is Little Stone from Stonewall Town. Unbelievable, with such short legs, she can still run this fast."

"Yes, she runs like a rabbit, fast and agile."

"Here it comes, the award ceremony!"

On TV, Linwin Lorant, known to all Twin City residents, is holding three medals, gold, silver, and bronze.


On the podium, Little Stone looked excited, raising her head to watch the head referee drop from the sky.

"Congratulations." The referee first said to the tall man next to Little Stone.

Standing on uneven steps, Little Stone's step is the second highest, but she is now the shortest of the three.

"Please lower your head, Little Stone."

After putting the gold medal on the first place, the handsome head referee walked to Little Stone and said softly.

Quickly bowing her head, Little Stone felt the weight on her neck.

Reaching out, looking at the fist-sized silver medal on her chest, it's pure silver, about two centimeters thick? The diameter is about seven centimeters.

It feels comfortable to touch, cool and round. Little Stone held her medal lovingly.

This is the result of her hard work for the past six months.

"Congratulations to you all, don't rush to leave later, the enforcers will come to take you to collect your rewards."

Linwin spoke up.

Running is not the focus of this sports event.

In this supernatural world, strength is the most important, so boxing is the focus of this Twin Cities Sports Event, followed by soccer.

This is the event Linwin is looking forward to.

Watching the champions run freely on the green field, playing soccer, etc., really makes one feel excited!

"Let's take a break, the boxing match will start at four o'clock in the afternoon!"

After awarding the long-distance runners, Linwin turned to the camera and said loudly.


After hearing the head referee's words, people in front of the TV expressed their doubts:

"Is it over? I haven't seen enough yet."

"It's not over, didn't you hear what he said? The boxing match will start at four o'clock in the afternoon. I'm most looking forward to that."

"Four o'clock? Oh no, I have to go to the sheep pen at four o'clock." The man holding the wine glass frowned.

"Then why don't you go now?"

"Oh right!"

"Stonewall Town, I seem to remember that place, it's near the Nockmirch Plains, right?"

Little Stone heard the voice, turned her head, and saw two tall soldiers from Demacia looking kindly at her.

They were the first and third place winners of the race.

"Sorry, I don't know," Little Stone shook her head.

Nockmirch Plains?

She can't read, and this is her first time leaving the town.

"It's okay," Kaeya shook his head.

He looked at Little Stone, then at his comrade, feeling a sense of absurdity deep inside.

This short girl can run faster than the soldiers of the Dauntless Vanguard.

Kaeya was about to say something when two enforcers walked up.

First, they congratulated the three of them, then one of the enforcers said, "The three of you, please follow me to choose your rewards."

"Choose. Isn't it just giving out Hextech scientific equipment directly?" Kaeya asked curiously.

The enforcer smiled, "There are also Hextech living supplies, but I think it's better for you to choose for yourselves. Perhaps there are things you need more."

"What reward does the third place get?" Kaeya asked an important question.

Well, it's important because he is the third place winner.

"The third place reward is not very good, such as... several tons of food, or a crate of jade and a crate of three hundred gold coins?" The enforcer smiled and shook his head.

"A crate of gold coins, or a crate of jade?"

The enforcer said it casually, but Kaeya was shocked. He quickly asked again, "Does every bronze medalist get such rewards?"

"No," the enforcer facing away from Kaeya replied.

Kaeya breathed a sigh of relief.

You gotta be joking, a crate of three hundred gold coins? With so many events, so many bronze medals, if everyone chooses gold coins, that would be thousands or tens of thousands of gold coins, not to mention the rewards for silver and gold medals.

You have to know that ten gold coins are enough for Kaeya to eat and drink well in the Zaun tavern every day for a month, including accommodation fees. So, three hundred gold coins, wow, that's enough to buy a house in Zaun!

"The rewards for different events are also different. The rewards for many events are better than running." The enforcer suddenly said again.

Kaeya, who had just breathed a sigh of relief: "."

Justice above, how rich are the people of Twin Cities?

Little Stone beside him widened her eyes.

Gold coins? Stonewall Town doesn't have gold coins as currency. If it weren't for occasional merchants coming to Stonewall Town, Stonewall Town would exchange goods for goods, so gold coins...

Little Stone's mind seemed to be filled with piles of golden light.

Forgive the little bumpkin from Stonewall Town for never seeing so much money. During her time in Twin Cities, Little Stone certainly knew what gold coins represented.

"Alright, let's pick up the pace. Councilor Mel is waiting for you three," the middle-aged enforcer next to him said as he saw Kaeya about to ask again.

"Yes," Kaeya nodded.


Twin Cities did not stop the news of the first batch of medalists choosing rewards.

Soon, all the merchants in Twin Cities knew about it, and through their phone calls, some countries immediately knew about the rewards given by Twin Cities.

The first place in Demacia chose—five new Hextech mining machines, with a usage period of two years.

Little Stone from Stonewall Town chose—a Hextech station to be built in Stonewall Town, along with two hundred free Hextech phones and a public Hextech phone hall.

Third place....

"This reward is too generous!"

After this news spread, countless people were shocked by Twin Cities' generosity.

The top three in each event can choose rewards. If all the rewards are like this, my god, won't the countries that didn't come to Twin Cities for the sports event regret it?

Hextech mining machines, even the people of Demacia are envious of them. With this machine, it will be even easier for Demacia to mine their sliver, and efficiency can be increased by more than ten times while reducing a lot of manpower.

And a Hextech station and two hundred Hextech phones.

Building a Hextech station in Twin Cities is not free now. It used to be free to open up the Hextech phone market, but now, both Hextech stations and Hextech gems are expensive.


People of Twin Cities are really generous!