
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-283- Tsundere?

Zoran's shop, second floor—

Under the warm orange light, Kai'Sa sat at the dining table, facing the sullen Kassadin.

Zoran had already retreated to his room, and when he left, he quickly sent Taliyah, who wanted to stay and be a light bulb, back to her room too.

Although there were many things Taliyah wanted to ask and she wanted to know the current situation in Shurima, but Taliyah must listen to her Master's father and chose to go back to her room.

So, there were only Kai'Sa and Kassadin at the dining table.

Huh? Where's Linwin?

Linwin is in the kitchen right now.

Dinner was clearly not enough. Although Linwin knew Powder might come, he made a portion for six in advance. However, Powder and Taliyah are still growing, so the two girls ate the portions of three people. Old Zoran can't eat much because of his age, but Linwin can eat a lot.

So, what's left... isn't enough for Kai'Sa, who is a huge foodie. 

After being out in the wind and eating dirt for so many days, Kai'Sa was hungry even when she was on the merchant ship. On the way back, smelling the aroma of street food outside, even her skin began to itch.

So... she just quietly made a request to Linwin.

"I want to eat something delicious."

Kai'Sa made a simple request.

But... only Linwin knows how heavy the request was.

Kai'Sa, sexy, beautiful, and a big eater!

Plus, with her father-in-law here, Kassadin, being infected by the Void, eating is not just about satisfying hunger for them; it's also a way to become stronger and evolve.

So for these two, Linwin obediently put on an apron and started cooking in the kitchen.

First, he took out a large piece of lamb from the freezer. Then, Linwin found something similar to green onions, cut it into small pieces, giving the effect of large green onions.

He was going to make stir-fried lamb with green onions. This large piece of lamb leg, weighing at least twenty pounds, Linwin was going to cook it all at once!

Chopping vegetables wasn't troublesome for Linwin; it was just a matter of seconds. With a gentle movement of his fingers, his wind magic could scrape the lamb leg into evenly sized pieces, clean and neat.


"Does he usually cook for you at home?" 

Kassadin's gloomy expression softened a bit as he watched Linwin cooking in the kitchen, wearing an apron. There was even a hint of admiration in his eyes, but only a hint.

After all, the more a father-in-law looks at his son-in-law, the less pleasing he finds him!

But although being a huge figure in Zaun and with powerful magic, yet he still cooks for Kai'Sa, this was indeed a plus in Kassadin's eyes.

"When I was here the first time, he used to cook a lot, but the twin cities need him, he's too busy. So, it became Zoran cooking for me. But now, it's all me cooking." Kai'Sa skillfully used chopsticks to pick up food, and in no time, several plates were clean.

"So.... did he teach you how to cook?" Kassadin nodded, more satisfied.

Kassadin had seen Kai'Sa's appetite along the way, and Linwin's father was willing to cook for Kai'Sa, which means they didn't mistreat Kai'Sa.

Kai'Sa nodded, and the leftovers on the table had already been eaten by her. Kassadin was also eating, but only symbolically taking a few bites.

Of course, it's not that the food isn't good, but Kassadin wanted to make sure his daughter was full first.

It's the love of an old father!

However, the kitchen already had a scent wafting out.

Kai'Sa propped her chin up and looked towards the kitchen, where the spatula was flying in the air on its own. The flames were soaring high, almost looking dangerous as they were about to burn the wooden cabinet above, but Kai'Sa knew that Linwin was in control of everything.

Lnwin's cooking and Kai'Sa's cooking were completely different things.

Kai'Sa once thought Linwin was showing off! Showing off that he could do such things.

Kassadin, without his coat, revealed his slightly purple but still within the normal range of human skin.

"Father, I'll go help him." Kai'Sa suddenly picked up the plates on the dining table and said to Kassadin.

"Um, yeah, go ahead." Kassadin nodded.

Then, turning his body to look at the kitchen, Kassadin saw Linwin and Kai'Sa closely together.

Kassadin: "!"

His fist clenched!

Kassadin silently watched the interaction between his daughter and that brat.

He was looking into their eyes.

Both pairs of eyes were full of smiles, and warmth permeated the small kitchen.

Kassadin had keen insight; he could tell that Linwin's feelings were genuine, and he could see that his daughter really enjoyed being with him.

Being in a high position, young, wealthy, and capable.

Plus, Kai'Sa's uniqueness....

No, even so, Kassadin still felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But... let's see for now.


Half an hour later, Kassadin looked at the pile of delicacies in front of him on the dining table in shock.

One plate was stacked with golden-brown baked wheat bread, a basin contained creamy mushroom soup, and there was a plate as big as Kassadin's head, piled with fragrant meat chunks, along with some strange foods that Kassadin couldn't even recognize.

Linwin and Kai'Sa sat together, handing chopsticks to Kassadin.

Kassadin dumbly took the chopsticks, feeling awkward holding them, looked at the dishes, and then back at Linwin.

The tantalizing aroma made Kassadin's mouth water.

"Fa—" Linwin suddenly opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, Kassadin glared at him. "Who allowed you to call me like that?"

"Kassadin." Linwin immediately corrected himself.

"What?" Kassadin looked at Linwin.

"With a spoon, it's not convenient to serve dishes. What you're holding in your hand right now is called chopsticks. You've seen how Kai'Sa uses them. Put them together, then try to pick up the food." 

Kassadin glanced at Linwin, thought for a moment, and then followed Linwin's instructions, manipulating the chopsticks in his hand.

Inadvertently, the old father-in-law revealed the gauntlet on his hand, which Linwin immediately recognized it as the Nether Blade.

The Nether Blade, a powerful artifact.

Linwin suddenly felt like touching it and seeing the attributes added by the Nether Blade. But after thinking about it, he chose to sit obediently next to Kai'Sa.


That was the sound of chopsticks hitting the bowl, and Kai'Sa was eating quickly.

Kassadin was also eating; at first, he was a bit hesitant, but later, just like Kai'Sa, he awkwardly used the chopsticks and started eating voraciously.

Several minutes later—

Kassadin looked satisfied at the messy table and turned to Linwin, saying seriously, "Your culinary skills are really good."

"Thank you for the compliment," Linwin responded immediately.

The old father-in-law looked at his daughter, who was picking up a bunch of plates and putting them in the sink, and then at Linwin in front of him.

After looking back and forth at Kai'Sa several times, Kassadin asked softly:

"How far have you and Kai'Sa gone?"

Linwin was stunned, looking blankly at his father-in-law, "Huh?"

"Huh? What? Don't play dumb. I'm asking you, how far have you and my daughter progressed?" Kassadin furrowed his brows, looking at Linwin again and said, "You know what I'm talking about."

"We've... just agreed to be together not long ago," Linwin scratched his head awkwardly.

Could he ask such a question?

"Just agreed to be together?" Kassadin gave Linwin a skeptical look. If Kai'Sa wasn't washing dishes behind him, he might have slapped the table by now.

Just agreed to be together?

The information Kassadin got wasn't like this.

"Just agreed to be together? Kai'Sa has already told me that you've proposed to her. You call that just agreeing to be together?"


Linwin immediately nodded and replied, "Yes, yes, I did propose to her indeed, but we really just got together, Kassadin, you can rest assured, nothing has happened between me and Kai'Sa yet."

"Really?" Kassadin doubted.

"Really, it's true."

"What are your intentions then?" Kassadin looked at Linwin, his expression serious, and said very seriously, "I don't intend to meddle in my daughter's affairs, so as long as she wants to be with you, I'll agree. But I want to know, what are your intentions?"


"The same as I told you before."

"Kai'Sa and Powder, they are both my lovers," Linwin said to Kassadin.

Kassadin looked into Linwin's eyes for a long time.

Then, Kassadin spoke up, "I understand."

"You agree?" Linwin immediately asked in surprise.

"Keep dreaming, kid." Kassadin lifted his head, looking at Linwin displeasedly, "I just said, as long as Kai'Sa is willing, I will agree with her decision. But I agree doesn't mean I approve."

"But considering your status and position, and Kai'Sa's situation is quite special, I can understand."

Linwin's eyes lit up, looking at Kassadin intently.

The worst thing would be if the old father-in-law disagreed and interfered!

But now it seems like my father-in-law is quite satisfied with me?

Linwin thought happily.

Looking into Linwin's eyes, Kassadin immediately turned his head and then said, "I will observe you closely."

Linwin: "."

Linwin: "?"

My father-in-law couldn't be a tsundere, could he?