
I keep trading my skill and level in order to get stronger

Kairos, once betrayed by those he called allies, finds himself unexpectedly thrust into a world of magic and mystery when a mysterious entity entrusts him with a fateful quest. With an enigmatic red grimoire in hand, his mission is to locate the elusive fifth key, a powerful artifact said to have the ability to reshape destinies. Embarking on a grand adventure, Kairos delves deep into the arcane arts, uncovering an extraordinary affinity for all forms of knowledge and watching his powers grow to unprecedented heights. Along the way, he encounters a fellow wielder of mystical forces, and together they form an unbreakable bond. Their journey takes them across a vast and varied landscape, from shadowy forests to ancient ruins, each step filled with peril and discovery. As they navigate this world, both feared and revered for their burgeoning abilities, they uncover ancient prophecies and malevolent forces that threaten to plunge their world into darkness. Along their path, they face powerful adversaries, each encounter revealing more about their pasts and the intertwined fate that binds them. The journey tests their growing powers, their resolve, and the strength of their friendship. In their quest for the fifth key, the line between friend and foe blurs, and Kairos is faced with moral dilemmas and the haunting echoes of past betrayals. The weight of ancient prophecies grows heavier, and the malevolent forces seeking to exploit the key’s power become more desperate. In the climactic final confrontation, Kairos and his ally must summon every ounce of their strength and wisdom to thwart a cataclysmic event threatening to rewrite the very fabric of their world. Through their trials, they come to understand that true victory lies not just in the fall of kings, but in the resilience and courage of those who dare to fight for their destiny. The journey challenges their beliefs, redefines their notions of power and sacrifice, and ultimately leads them to embrace their true selves and their destinies. "Defeat a pawn, and the game may shift, but victory remains elusive until the king falls." -Kairo

SunRae · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Darkness and Light, Shadow and Wrath

As the embers of the Zenith Pyroclasm unleashed, the attention of the Nexus shifted. The clash between Team Aether's Vanguard and Team Arcane Echoes had been monumental, but they were not the only contenders in this grand tournament.

Far from the scorched center of the arena, another battle raged with equal fervor. Team Celestial Fury, led by the enigmatic Lyria, faced off against the formidable Team Mystic Tempest. The air was alive with the sound of Lyria's lute, her melodies weaving spells of harmony and discord.

Astrid, the Elemental Enchantress, summoned torrents of water and gusts of wind, her powers a dance with the elements. Cassian, the Shadow Walker, moved unseen, his strikes as silent as they were deadly. And Seraphina, the Lightbringer, cast beams of pure radiance, cutting through the darkness.

Their opponents were no less impressive. Mira, the Alchemist of Aether, concocted elixirs that transformed the very air into a tapestry of magic. Zephyra, the Wind Whisperer, called upon the gales to buffet and disorient. Fiona, the Tempest Conjurer, summoned storms that crackled with lightning. And Vale, the Nature's Warden, grew thorns and vines that ensnared and entrapped.

The battle was a symphony of power and precision, each team member playing their part in the intricate ballet of combat. The crowd watched, enraptured by the display of magic and might.

Zephyra:"I will be your enemy Seraphina."

"Are you strong? Zephy"

"Don't call me Zephy! you're really a pain since we're kid!!"

"Hahahahaha don't get angry!"

"By the way Zephy did you see what silas did? can you also do that?"

"Hmmmmmm Maybe but they said only chosen one who can wield or unleash it. Let me tell you something. I just happened to hear this there's 5 staged of form all of the weapon we have staff, grimoire, katan, etc. i think what he did is the first staged it's called Zenith it means that you know your weapon well by calling it name."

"Looks interesting huh!"

"Don't being friendly with me Seraphina you make me irritated!"

Their exchange was interrupted by the resounding clash of magic as Mira's alchemical concoctions collided with Astrid's elemental fury. The arena trembled with the force of their combined power, a testament to the skill and ingenuity of both teams.

Mira:"Take that!"

Hyōketsu Shugosha of the 3rd Division: "Mira looks happy"

Astrid:" Don't be so confident Mira I'm not on my full strength yet."

"Then use your full strength."

"Look Mira you are not that strong. Ahahahah!"



"What is happening!"

The ground starts shaking as mira starts unleashing her power.

"What now Astrid? do you think you can defeat me"

"No matter how stro- how did you get there?"

"You look surprised astrid! are you sick or something? i just use time forwarding."


"Bang! shoosh!"

 Raijin Tatsu:"This can't be happening. Astrid stand! Announcer aren't that killing disqualify her!"

"Oh by the way i didn't kill her i avoid her vital organs."

Spectator:" That was brutal did you see what she did? it's like an invisible air something pierce astrid heart"

"Our first elimination, Ladies and Gentlemen Astrid is eliminated from team Celestial Fury"

Spectator:"Yea it is but there's more 3 remaining they wil win"

Meanwhile, Cassian, the Shadow Walker, moved with silent grace amidst the chaos, his presence barely a whisper in the wind. His eyes locked onto his counterpart, Fiona, the Tempest Conjurer, each recognizing the other as a worthy adversary.

Fiona's laughter echoed through the storm she had conjured, her voice tinged with a hint of madness. "You cannot hide from the tempest, Cassian. Embrace the chaos, for it is your inevitable demise."

But Cassian merely smirked, disappearing into the shadows before reappearing behind Fiona in a blur of motion. "Chaos is but a tool, Fiona," he whispered, his blade flashing with deadly precision. "And in the hands of a master, it can be wielded as a weapon."

"You can't see me, Fiona," Cassian's voice echoed around her, taunting and elusive. His laughter seemed to emanate from every shadow, surrounding her with an eerie sense of foreboding.

With a defiant snarl, Fiona summoned all of her strength and unleashed a wave of pure elemental energy, hoping to catch Cassian off guard. But he was nowhere to be found, his presence elusive as ever.

The spectators watched in awe as the battle between Cassian and Fiona reached its climax. It was a duel not just of strength and skill, but of wits and cunning. Each move was a calculated risk, each strike a testament to their mastery of the arcane arts.

As the arena crackled with magic and tension, the crowd held its breath, waiting for the final outcome of this epic confrontation. And amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained clear: in the heart of battle, true champions were forged, 

"You can't hide forever!"she called out, her voice echoing with unwavering resolve. The winds howled in response, whipping through the arena with an intensity that threatened to tear it asunder.

"Lightning strike!"

"This will last for a minute let's see if you can still hide in shadow's"

Announcer: "What a genius play"

"Don't be over confident fiona"

"Spatial Void!"


"Do you think i only hide to shadow?! Looks like you need to learn about your enemy. Before you fight them"

Announcer:"Also nice play to cassian. he opened a portal from other dimensional to transfer the lightning to other dimension!"


"Where did he go! stop hiding cassian!. Tempest grasp!"

"I can feel your heart i know exactly where you are cassian!. Each beat of your heart i can feel it i can hear it"

"Wind blaster!"

Announcer:" Looks like cassian shadowstep was revealed he is running from fiona's wind blaster magic look's like we know who will win her-"

"Shadowstep times 2"

"Ha! using again the same skill will not change nothing!"

"Do you think it will work that shadowstep to me aga-!"

"Nightmare Lurker"


Spectator:" Doesn't that look bad? that's the forbidden magic that is missing!"

Hyōketsu Shugosha: "Fiona!! Stand fight it!"

Fiona fought against the darkness, her willpower a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. She would not let Cassian's sinister magic break her spirit. For she was a Tempest Conjurer, and within her, raged the storm of a warrior's heart.

"I will never give up. i will never surrender myself to this thing! I want to get stronger"

Unknown Voice: "Do you want to get stronger?!"

"Where is that from?"

"Look here below"

"How come are you talking [Magic wand]"

"We're not just a tool we're filled with spiritual energy. We have name but only people who can hear it can use it. Did you hear about the evolution like what silas kid did. He unleashed the first covered of his tool it's called Zenith. I will give you 1 min pass this and you will get stronger"

"What i need to do?"


Fiona was transported somewhere running for her life while getting chased by a giant monster

"Oiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! what is this aren't that the...the acient monster!"

"Yea and then? if you want to get stronger you need to survived"

As time goes by fiona was successfully completed it

"See if you want you can do it"

Fiona closed her eyes, reaching out with her senses. "I think you can hear my name now. Call my name, Tetsuyu."

The announcer's voice, filled with shock and excitement, boomed through the arena. "Should we eliminate Fi— Waaa! What is happening? Do you guys feel that strong aura!"

With a burst of newfound power, Fiona's voice rang out, clear and commanding. "Tetsuyuuuuu!!!"

She reappeared in the arena, her aura blazing with an intensity that was both beautiful and terrifying. Her eyes, once filled with fear, now shone with the fierce light of a warrior reborn.

Cassian, who had been watching from the shadows, stepped forward, his expression one of disbelief. "No one has ever broken that spell before! How did you manage to do that!?"

Fiona, with a confident smirk, readied herself. "Some spells are meant to be broken, Cassian. Just like some records are meant to be shattered."

The two faced off once more, their powers clashing in a spectacle that had the entire arena on the edge of their seats. Fiona's control over the elements was now on full display, her every gesture summoning forth blasts of elemental fury. Cassian, undeterred, danced through the onslaught, his blades a blur of motion as he sought an opening.


Shing! Woosh!

"Eye..of..The Storm"

The whole arena is filled with big storm unleashing strong lightning to cassian. With fiona command the lightning follow her gesture. 


Fiona succesfully parry the shadowblade from cassian

"Lightning Burst x10!"


Cassian was hit repeatedly by fiona enhanced lightning attack

As the storm summoned by Fiona raged within the arena, the air crackled with electricity and raw power. Cassian, the Shadow Walker, found himself caught in the eye of the tempest, his shadowy form flickering against the relentless barrage of lightning.

"Shadow Veil!" he shouted, attempting to cloak himself in darkness, but Fiona's command over the storm was absolute. The lightning, guided by her will, pierced through the veil, illuminating Cassian with each strike.

"Tempest's Wrath!" Fiona called out, her voice thundering over the roar of the storm. The sky above the arena darkened further as she channeled the full might of her awakened powers.

Cassian, his figure now a silhouette against the blinding light, moved with desperate speed. "Not yet… I won't be defeated!" he declared, his blades weaving a defensive pattern in an attempt to ward off the relentless assault.

But Fiona's newfound strength was overwhelming. With a final, decisive gesture, she unleashed a concentrated bolt of lightning, a brilliant lance of energy that struck true.

"Lightning Strike: Final Flash!"

The impact was monumental, sending a shockwave through the arena. Cassian's form was engulfed in light, and when the brilliance faded, he was on his knees, his blades shattered beside him.

The crowd erupted in a deafening cheer, their voices rising in a crescendo of excitement and admiration. Fiona stood victorious, her figure radiant and powerful, a true master of the storm.

The announcer's voice boomed through the coliseum, "What a display of power! Fiona of Team Mystic Tempest has triumphed in a battle for the ages! Cassian is now eliminated from the tournament"

The crowd erupted in cheers and gasps, their eyes tracking the blur of movement and flashes of magic. The battle between Fiona and Cassian had become the heart of the tournament, a duel that would be remembered for ages to come.

As the battle raged on, the spectators watched with bated breath, their eyes darting from one team to the other as they sought to predict the outcome. The clash of magic and steel echoed through the arena, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dared to test their mettle in the crucible of competition.

And amidst the chaos and the cacophony of spells, one thing remained certain: only the strongest would emerge victorious, their names etched into the annals of history as champions of the Tournament of Magic.

To be continued . . .