
Arcane Arts: Profanities and Witches

In a world where the gods favored witches and humans lived devoid of magic, a mere human sage dared to challenge the established order. His failed rebellion left behind remnants of unfulfilled hope, as he envisioned that one day, someone would rise to end the tragic fate of humanity. Now, a millennium has passed since the sage's uprising, and the arcane arts he created still linger in the world as remnants of his unfulfilled ambition. In the midst of this, a young man named Rex Fey rises to uncover the secrets of the arcane arts and challenge the oppressive rule of the witches. As he delves into these forbidden arts, he confronts his own inner demons and hones his mastery over the arcane disciplines. With unwavering dedication, Rex embarks on a journey of self-discovery, poised to unleash the unseen power that lay dormant within him and fulfill the ancient sage's long-lost dream of freeing humanity from the reign of the witches.

Junk_Artisssan · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Unseen Power

In a bustling market town nestled between towering mountains, a young man named Rex Fey stood amidst the crowd, his eyes filled with a relentless determination. Despite being a human in a world where witches held sway, Rex refused to accept the fate that had befallen his kind. He had heard tales of the arcane arts and the failed rebellion of the ancient sage. Now, as he gazed up at the distant peaks, he felt an inexplicable calling, beckoning him to uncover the secrets that lay shrouded in the mists of time.

Rex was no stranger to hardship, having grown up in the shadow of the imposing mountains that surrounded his home. From a young age, he had watched as the witches flaunted their powers, while humans bowed their heads in submission. But within Rex burned a fiery spirit that refused to be quenched by the cold indifference of the world.

As he threaded his way through the throng of people, the air crackled with an undercurrent of tension, hinting at the simmering discontent that lay just beneath the surface. It was in this volatile atmosphere that Rex first caught wind of the arcane arts, whispered like a forbidden secret among the townsfolk.

He sought out an old sage who was rumored to possess knowledge of the ancient ways, and upon finding the reclusive figure, Rex pleaded for guidance on how to unlock the power of the arcane arts. The sage regarded him with a mixture of caution and curiosity, recognizing the fire that burned within the young man's eyes.

Author's Note: The 'Old Sage' here is not the same Sage who created the "arcane arts".

"Seek within yourself," the sage advised, his voice carrying the weight of ages.

"The arcane arts are born from the depths of human desire, tempered by the primordial sins that lie dormant within every soul."

Rex absorbed the sage's words with fervent determination, realizing that he would need to delve deep into his own heart and confront the darkness that resided within. As he departed from the sage's dwelling, a newfound resolve surged through him, propelling him towards the daunting task that lay ahead.

Over days that melted into weeks, and weeks that stretched into months, Rex immersed himself in the study of the arcane arts. He delved into ancient tomes and sought out long-forgotten knowledge, gradually unraveling the intricacies of each sin-imbued discipline: Gula (Gluttony), Ira (Wrath), Avaritia (Greed), Acedia (Sloth), Luxuria (Lust), Invidia (Envy), and Superbia (Pride).

With unwavering dedication, Rex embarked on a journey of self-discovery, confronting his own inner demons as he honed his mastery over the arcane arts. Each sin-infused discipline presented its own challenges, testing his resolve and pushing him to the brink of his abilities.

As he neared the culmination of his training, Rex felt the weight of responsibility settle upon his shoulders. The world awaited the emergence of a new champion, one who would carry the mantle of the ancient sage's legacy and strive to fulfill the unattained dream of freeing humanity from the oppressive rule of the witches.

Unbeknownst to him, the seeds of change had already been sown, and Rex Fey stood poised on the precipice of destiny, ready to unleash the unseen power that lay dormant within him.