
5. Newbies

"I take it everyone here is around 14-15 years of age?"

Everyone present in the hall only nodded at the old man in reply. 

Even though I was 16 I didn't object, cuz you know, I am an introvert and all.

Although people unlock their mana cores at 14, not many dive into the 'game' instantly.

There are many reasons,

Usually, they train in the real world before diving into this world. Also, some of them are just scared to enter this world.

According to statistics, even after getting access to the system, most people do not join the world of AAA until they turn 15.

It's like taking a break for a year or two before getting into college.

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you all, even though this world is called a 'game', it's very real.

You see Arcane Arts Arena is a pocket dimension created by Gods for the beings of this universe to train themselves.

When you click 'login' or 'join' on your system, you are actually teleporting your physical body to this pocket dimension.

Meaning it's not Virtual Reality or something like that. Even though we've been given every RPG feature, AAA was not a game.

People who have treated this world like a game in the past paid the price of their misunderstanding with their lives.

You are here in your physical body and the item you had on you before coming here, will be teleported along with you. 

That also means that the items you find here can be brought back to the real world.

"Very good," nodding satisfactorily, the old man spoke. "Now let me tell you all some rules and information regarding the game."

I had my doubts initially, but that last sentence cleared everything up. 

I took a glance around me and nodded, 'Yes, everyone is a newbie just like me,' I remarked in my mind.

"First let me tell you, you all are the 6th generation of newbies from the Human Federation!"

Cheers and claps filled the whole hall as soon as the old man said that.

"Long live the Human Federation!"

"For the glory of humanity!"

"Humanity will rise above all!"

If you had not guessed it already, then let me clarify. Humans aren't the only ones who have the access to AAA.

When the Gods created this pocket dimension, they gave its access to every life form in this universe.

Any being with even a minuscule of mana and intelligence in this universe will be given the system and can log into AAA to train here.

Needless to say, that meant conflict. 

Intelligent races of different origins, belonging to different parts of the universe all put together in one world. No shit there will be conflict.

Thank you, Gods.

When different races belonging to different parts of the universe entered this world, they started forming factions.

Over the course of 500 long years, many factions formulated and many diminished. 

However, the two factions that stood still and passed the test of time were [The Human Federation] and [The Servi Empire].

Servis are an extraterrestrial intelligent humanoid civilization and they are currently on bad terms with humans.

Why? I don't know. I'm not a history geek.

"Yes! That's the spirit I like to see in the next generation of heroes of humanity!" The old man exclaimed with a smile.

"However, don't forget that our enemies in the long term aren't Serivs or any other alien race, our enemies are demons!" He added before taking a dramatic pause.

"And we will be needing your help to crush our enemies! We will be needing your help to end this war once and for all!" The old man raised his hands in a theatrical pose.

"Yes! We are with you Helios!"

"We will end this!"

"For the glory of humanity!"

I could only let out a deeply disappointed sigh at the old man's performance. Is this what the 'ranked players' are like? I thought.

'Ranked Player' is the title given to the person who is in the top 2500. The top 2500 strongest people that humanity has to offer.

"However, before you become heroes, I need you to become soldiers," the old man added. 

"You all will be joining the Global Military Academy soon, and to do that you have to ascend. So I need you all to ascend as soon as possible."

The crowd once again cheered in response. Seeing that, the old man slightly nodded.

"Now there are three rules in this world," The old man lifted his right hand and raised his three fingers.

"Number one, don't kill people. That should be the obvious one."

'Of course. It's not like there are maniacs who kill other people in this world right? 


"Number two, don't challenge a dungeon of a higher level than yours."

'No shit Sherlock'

"Number three, once ascended, don't descend. Humanity needs soldiers, not parasites that leech off of our society."

'You can descend?' I questioned in my mind.

"Now as for how to ascend? Before answering this question, I'll tell you what ascending means," the old man said and took another short pause.

His pauses were getting on my nerves by now but what can an introverted guy like me do?

Life is too cruel for introverts.

"There are two planes in this pocket dimension created by the Gods. The first plane is the Mortal plane. 

"In this plane even if you die, you'll be teleported back to the real world alive. But the drop skills and drop items here are at most [Silver Grade]. 

"After getting to [Level 5] you'll be ascended to the second plane. The Immortal plane.

"In the Immortal plane, you can die for real. But in return, you'll be able to get up to [Mythical Rank] dropped items and skills."

As soon as the old man notified us about the Immortal plane, the cheering that was filling the hall earlier died down instantly.

"You will also not be able to enroll in the Military Academy if you can't ascend, and that means you will have no future."

That's true. There are not many viable future options if one can't enroll in the Military Academy.

That's a given though. 

It's the time of war, a war unlike what we ever had before. Anyone who can't fight is by default deemed trash to society.

"With that said, I wish you all the best of luck on your journey in this new world! Cuz the Gods know, you all will be needing the luck to survive here!"

I can swear I almost saw the old man slyly smiling as he said that last sentence.

Soon after he wished us luck, the door at the back of the hall slammed open, making everyone jerk their head in that direction.

"Now then, go off and enjoy your time here! Become the heroes that you all are meant to be!"