
Arcane Algorithm

In a world where magic is as real as the air we breathe, a former programmer named Carl, a young reincarnated soul, stands out not for the purity of his power, but for his peculiarity. With a colorless magical core, a symbol of weakness in the eyes of the ignorant, Carl is the embodiment of a raw diamond. He finds his way to the Arcane Academy, a cradle of wizards and mysteries, where truths are as enigmatic as the spells taught. "Help? Sure! What do I get out of it? Nothing? Well then, goodbye," Carl said to a student. "WHAT? You want me to kneel? With a fart of mine, the heavens and the earth shall tremble! Get out of my sight!" Carl shouted at an emperor. "Do we need to travel a great distance to gather many resources for the territory? No problem, I'll conjure an airplane," Carl exclaimed to his friend.

CreativeCJ · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Six Different Battles at Once

"Today you will learn how to sense the mana present in the air, corresponding to your own element," announced Professor Gaius, his voice resonating with authority and wisdom. His deep, penetrating brown eyes swept the room, pausing momentarily on each young student, as if seeking to unravel their innermost thoughts. "Those who manage to sense the mana," he continued, his voice mixing expectation and challenge, "will receive the refinement technique." The atmosphere in the room became tangible, charged with the anticipation of the students, each one eager to reach this milestone.

Damian couldn't stop fidgeting his foot, a physical manifestation of the whirlwind of nervousness and excitement consuming him. Beside him, Carl remained impassive, a statue of calm and control, without even the slightest alteration in his serene expression. Gaius, noticing the variety of reactions among his students, took a deep breath, seeking to infuse serenity into his next words. "For those who still don't know," he began, his voice taking on a softer and more didactic tone, "mana is present in the air, everywhere. But we, mages, cannot directly use the ambient mana." He paused dramatically, his eyes sweeping the class. "Can anyone tell me why?" he challenged, raising his eyebrows interrogatively, stimulating curiosity and critical thinking in his students. The room plunged into thoughtful silence, each student diving into their own theories and knowledge in search of the answer.

A young woman in the front row, with glasses reflecting the sunlight entering through the window, timidly raised her hand. Her face was a portrait of inquisitive intelligence, with brown hair meticulously tied in a ponytail. When Professor Gaius encouraged her to answer, she hesitated, feeling the curious gazes of her classmates turning towards her. "W-well, professor," she began, her voice trembling slightly before gaining confidence. "Ambient mana is a mix of elements, and we, mages, are tuned to a single element. If we try to use the air's mana without refining, we'll be dealing with multiple elements, which can be chaotic and dangerous." As she spoke, her eyes shone with a mix of pride and nervousness, revealing her hidden passion for the complexity of magic.

"Exactly, very good!" Professor Gaius's response echoed through the room, his deep and powerful voice creating a striking contrast with the student's timidity. "Mages who master multiple elements are rare, and, although they possess vast potential, face unique challenges in the art of refinement and control," he continued, walking slowly around the room, his hands clasped behind his back. "The most powerful mage in history who managed to master two elements, never reached the peak of his power due to the complexity of harmonizing these divergent forces. He died before reaching the fifth circle of magic." The room, now immersed in reflective silence, vibrated with the energy of the professor's words, each student absorbed in their own thoughts.

"Moving away from history, let's get to practice," announced Professor Gaius, his voice now vibrant with enthusiasm. "Look around. Can you see it?" He threw the question enigmatically, his eyes twinkling with an unfathomable mystery. The students looked around, confused, their gazes crossing the softly sunlit room. "You can't, can you?" Gaius continued, a sly smile touching his lips. "It's here, all around the room, everywhere. You just need to learn how to see it. Mana is like a silent melody, waiting for trained ears to perceive it." He gestured broadly with his hands, as if trying to grasp something invisible in the air.

After a dramatic pause, Gaius continued, "Everyone here knows their respective elements, right? Now, try to see the corresponding elemental mana in the air, feel it." He raised his hand high, assuming a theatrical, almost mystical posture. "Focus," he encouraged, pointing to his own head. "It's all here, in your mind. Think of a flow, is your element water? Imagine the continuous and soothing flow of a river. Is your element air? Visualize strong winds, swirling and dancing around you. Let yourself be carried away by the essence of your element. Feel the energy, the vibration, the life." Professor Gaius's words seemed to weave a magic of their own, enveloping the room in an atmosphere of expectation and wonder, as the students closed their eyes, each immersed in their own inner journey.

"I have a question," Damian's voice erupted, breaking the contemplative silence that had settled in the room. Surprised, Carl slightly turned to observe him, whose eyes shone with a mix of curiosity and determination. "I know that feeling and manipulating one's own mana flow is already a Herculean challenge," Damian continued, his voice now firm, reflecting the seriousness of his question. "Does this mean that mages with more than one element are inherently weaker, professor?" The question, laden with an unspoken personal importance, hung in the air. Carl noticed the undertone of Damian's inquiry; he was clearly thinking of him, aware of his transparent core, and his affinity with all elements.

"Yes, young man," replied Professor Gaius, the gravity of his voice filling the room. "Imagine with me," he began, his brown eyes scanning the room, capturing the attention of each student. "If the journey to master a single element is already filled with unimaginable challenges, think what it means to battle not just your own fight, but also that of another person." The professor's words reverberated with wisdom rooted in years of experience. "In the case of cores with affinity for all elements, six different battles are faced, simultaneously." Damian swallowed hard, the magnitude of the professor's statement hitting him like a wave. His face reflected a mix of admiration and apprehension, understanding the immensity of the path his friend would have to tread.

Damian cast an apprehensive glance at Carl, hoping to find some sign of unease, but to his surprise, saw a completely unperturbed Carl, even in the face of this bombshell revelation. "Relax," Carl whispered, without turning his head to face Damian, his voice serene contrasting with the palpable tension in the room. This discreet exchange went unnoticed by the others, as Professor Gaius continued with increasing intensity in his voice. "From the moment you feel the mana, you will start to see it!"

"I don't know why, but I'm excited about the next chapter."

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