

Even Vale was not thinking of fighting against this creature. It is too risky since he barely knows anything about it!

He wasn't sure whether the Spell Dispersion even works on this thing! What if it doesn't use a spell? He would only have to rely on his Ghost Hands.

Although he's confident in this spell, he wouldn't dare say that it's enough to deal with this two-meter-tall creature. 

Seeing that no one wanted to volunteer, Professor Lucius didn't display a disappointed look. He understands how they feel so he swiftly added a benefit for them.

"Very well, I will reward you with 1 Contribution Point if you managed to defeat the creature. If you showed excellent performance, I will give an additional point. You may not be able to benefit from the Contribution Points system right now but you'll thank me for it in the next few years when you needed them."