

Vale hesitated for a moment before refusing the Fire Wave Spell Model.

First of all, he only had one Complete Spell Light remaining in his body. Well, there are also three incomplete Spell Lights, so he needs one more to get another complete Spell Light to make it two.

The other reason was that the Fire Wave wasn't really a strong offensive Fire Spell. It was mostly used for wide-range attacks. He probably would consider that if he plans to disguise himself as an Elementalist.

However, for now, he doesn't need it.

As for the Fire Arrow Spell. It was incomplete, so he didn't bother to get it either since he didn't know when he could take another incomplete Spell Model to make a whole.

"He looked handsome… Why is he hiding his face?" Lisa commented after Vale removed the mask he was wearing.

Vale looked at her for a moment before shifting his attention to the bandit's face.

'This is handsome? So this is your type?' He mused.