
The Beginning

"Draw your last pathetic card William Nolk, so I can end your life."

"Quietly hand over the Restart Wheel and I'll give you a quick death! What a shame you were such a good pawn after all these years, you can only blame yourself and your damn luck!"

"If only you weren't chosen by the Wheel of Fortuna this would've never happened."

"Don't even try to escape, I locked up the surrounding area with my Gigalock. There is no way you will leave here today alive!"


William looked at his surroundings discovering waves on waves of people standing against him. it looked like the crowd flowed down the mountain like a coursing river. The mood of the people swirled in unseen currents beneath the dark surface of their faces. In a thousand strong men there wasn't a single smile or expression of doubt. The only sound was their feet on the aging ground and the howl of the wind rising above them.

His hair was disheveled and his entire body was covered in blood. He looked around to see all the familiar faces that he once considered comrades. Now all he feels are vultures waiting around to see when he slips and falter on his defense. It was a forgone conclusion that he would die here. William understood his situation clearly, but even in the face of death his expression did not change, it was calm and cold.

All of the Solaris Clan has come today to see the end of William. Those that surround him were not just the old masters of the clan but also the new young and rising Tarot Masters. Everyone surrounded William with different expressions, some were roaring, some were sneering; some eyes were gleaming with light, some looked at him like he was a demon.

William who has been silent this whole time slowly turned and opened his mouth.

"So tell me, after devoting myself to the clan for the last 146 years why have you came to hunt me down. I don't think I have done anything worthy to be punished.

"Clan Master, why are you doing this?" William asked the man standing across from him.


With his mouth still shut, the man let out an apology. The clan master was an old man with a fringe of grey-white hair around his balding scalp. He had a wizened face and a back slightly hunched. With each movement, there was the creak of old bones. He had the resigned look of one who knows that at his age, life has stopped giving and only takes away. His voice weak and fragile, seeming to stop at any time.

"Is this all you can say to me?"

At this moment, memories flashed across William's mind.


100 years ago

"I'm surprised you manage to reach Rank 4 Bronze Tarot master with your talent, as promised the clan will bestow upon you a monster suited for your current rank. Here take this Luck Wizard that the clan has been saving up for you."

50 years ago

"Don't worry my child no matter your talent and skills with your determination that I have seen there is nothing that you cant do."

25 years ago

"Come take this, this is the vial of water from the spring of luck that the clan has bestowed upon you. With this, your luck will now be higher than your talent and that will help you advance faster."

6 years ago

"You have finally reached Rank 6 Gold Tarot Master, this is your final gift from the clan. This is the Stone of Wonder, use it to connect with 'X The Wheel of Fortuna' and receive a blessing of luck from it."


"You used me" William finally understood the truth.

"You used me to get the blessing from 'X The Wheel of Fortuna' so I would acquire enough luck to receive the Restart Gate, and with the amount of luck acquired in me, you could sacrifice me to activate the Gate for yourself."

"You planned this for 100 years? All this so you can take the Gate? Why me, first of all, you had many different choices."

"It was because of you that his plan came into fruition. Do you know what year you were born on? Nevermind let me tell you so this would be faster, you were born on the luck year, 777." The old man sighed.

"And that still doesn't answer my question on why I was chosen to be sacrificed, there were countless babies that were born on the same year I was. Answer me Norman."

Norman the clan master looked at William for a while then opened his mouth,

"Because when you were a child you were already blessed by Fortuna, You the only one out of thousands of babies were chosen to carry the mark of the Fortuna. So that is why you were chosen to carry out this plan."

"Any last words before I end your life, William."

William looked at the clan master one more time then turned his gaze towards the rest of the clan. People he thought he knew looked like strangers now. With every second his strength leaving him, he decided to not hesitate anymore and activate the Gate.

"Summon, Restart Gate!" William shouted, his voice echoed throughout the Valley. His face, eerily grim like the calm before a storm.

"Everyone he's trying to activate the Gate stop him, we killed all of his Summoned Beings already he has nothing left!"


Voices of different tarot masters overlapped each other. Monsters of various sizes materialized out of the decks of the Tarot monsters. they came out like fireworks bursting through the night, fiery blooms amongst the stars. Mystical monsters with different attribute started prepping their attacks to go against William. Everyone had the same goal in mind which was to obliterate him out of existence.

"Gibby do you know why I gave you Gigalock?"

At this time out of nowhere, all everyone could feel was a cold. they shuddered instinctively and looked in fear of William.

"What do you mean, you gave me Gigalock because I helped you escape from the Sinful Faction!"

A middle-aged man with a heroic aura around him shouted back at William.

"Wrong I gave it to you because I found something better! Death Clauditis activate Undead Sanctuary!"

A ghost the size of a small building appeared out of nowhere. It had a Ghastly face rotten and torn at the corners, silver skin, and the smile of a predator. It had skinny, long arms that reached the side of its knees. However what was the scariest about the ghost was its eyes, it's eyes brimming with silver tears that shone as brightly as the void in the abyss. It seemed to stare straight towards the souls of everyone there and showed them the lingering air of death that touched upon their hearts.


Suddenly from the ground hands broke through the surface of the earth and grasped upon the monsters above. While pulling the monsters and summoners down, Zombies rose and uprooted themselves from the earth. The zombies then slowly turned towards their victims and took bites from the nearest thing from them.

"Impossible how do you have a card from 'XIII Death', that's a part of the Sinful Faction's! William have you fallen towards the depraved side!"

William looked at the flailing monsters and warriors in the back and smirked, he then turned to Gibby and Norman.

"Wasn't it you who told me to always have a last resort. Also, a friendly word of advice don't try to chase after me Undead Sanctuary doesn't only just conjure Zombies, but it also seals an area of 10 meters around me from any attack for 10 minutes."

'If the Restart Gate that I have obtained is effective with my theory, I shall show everyone how wrong they were to betray me!' With this thought, William couldn't help but let out a big laugh. 'Wasn't I pushed into this corner because I was weak too, well let's change that when I restart.'

William took slow but steady steps towards the Gate, every step more resolute than the last.

On the top of the Restart Gate, it read, 'The Beginning starts from here'

'This gamble will either be a new glorious beginning or a cold devastating end' the William sighed in his heart emotionally.

Slowly the shadow of William faded out, and the only thing remained of him was a bloody footprint on the floor.

Helloooooooooooo this is my first ever attempt at writing a novel, critiques are welcomed just don't kill me in the comment section, PLEASE. if you like the story please vote with your power stones. THANK YOU! \ (>.<) /

deevicreators' thoughts