
Arcana: Online

After dying from terminal illness, Kim Iseul transmigrated into his favorite game, [Arcana: Online] wherein the game, players can create their very own characters. A world where there are only wooden mechanics and no modern science yet, with monsters roaming the world, existing magic, and war politics taking over everything. This is also a game where the player’s characters were actually especially made for the upcoming battle, a great war will one day descend upon them where they’ll have to face the Outer Gods, and one thing is certain, in the game [Arcana: Online] not a single player has yet been able to reach the ending of the story. Kim Iseul who transmigrates as a non-existing character was determined to see the end of the story no matter what. This is just a small favor compare to what the game had given him.

IrisClaire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 2: Transmigration

I quickly scanned my surroundings, trying to make sense of the bizarre situation. Examining the status window in front of me, I noticed several other attributes alongside the missing mana.

I thought 'Why don't I have any mana?'

In [Arcana: Online], players must harness the power of mana to survive and excel in battles. Mana is a vital resource that circulates through the body, acting as a shield that protects players from conventional weapons. This invisible shield provides a layer of defense, making it crucial for survival in the game.

Now that I have no mana it will be difficult for me to survive…

Just as I sighed I heard the mechanical voice sounded in my head again


[Would player "Zero" like to check their skills?]

[Yes] [No]

Without hesitation I nodded and said "Yes". After so the familiar screen appeared before me

[Skill]: Appraisal

----Description: Allows user to see the status window of another person

[Skill]: Mana Depletion

----Description: Whatever weapon the user may hold will deplete the mana of the opponent

[Skill]: Eyes of Time

----Description: Allows user to see the movement of the opponent in slow motion

Reading this I was surprised, it's great to discover that I possess not just one, but three skills! Even though they may appear to be weaker compared to others, they hold significant value, especially for some like me who lacks mana

Beep! Beep!

The sound of loud horns suddenly sounded which startled me. Realizing something I hurriedly ran towards the window before opening it. What appeared in my view were wooden buildings and I looked up to see a majestic airship, floating gracefully through the sky with it's massive size and intricate design. The sound of engines was a low hum, blending with a distant rumble of the city below.

I leaned out of the window to get a better view, feeling the rush of wind against my face. The airship seemed to glide effortlessly, defying gravity as it continued on it's journey. It was a marvel of engineering, a testament to human ingenuity and innovation.

I couldn't help but imagine the adventures that awaited those on board. My heart yearned to one day be on board of that majestic airship.

As the airship gradually disappeared from my sight, I sighed. Slowly closing the window I turned away from the breath taking view. But the image of the airship remained etched in my mind, a constant reminder of the limitless possibilities that lay beyond confines of ordinary life and the other crafts built by genius inventors.

With that in thought I couldn't wait any further more and opened the closet, what appeared before my eyes was a three pair of black clothes with a single brown coat

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen my appearance yet. With that in thought I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror only to be stunned. My appearance was exactly the same as in the original world, obsidian black hair and eyes with pale white skin

After some touching and pinching my face, I wore the clothes and went out. Stepping out of the room I was inside a hallway with red carpets on the floor. I walked at the right side and soon found an elevator

Going in I examined the elevator, just like the others it was made out of wood and there are no glass or walls covering it, only a certain barrier that is half my size and an open roof are attached to it.

While the elevator kept going down I took this chance to talk to the system "Reveal [Coins]"


[Coins]: (Unlimited)

Seeing this I widened my eyes, is there such a good thing? Not much later I finally got off on the first floor and I tilted my head to look around

The apartment was silent and empty with no people in the hallway, only the receptionist on the counter could be seen. I walked past the counter and the receptionist didn't even raised her eyes to take a glimpse at me and just continued reading a book

Leaving the apartment, the air was filled with hissing sound of steam and the faint smell of coal. I couldn't help but stop and stare at the strange contraptions that surrounded me.

There were wooden vehicles of all shapes and sizes, each one more peculiar than the last. Some resembled large, beetles with multiple legs, while others looked like floating orbs with propellers. I watched in awe as they glided effortlessly through the air, their steam-powered engines propelling forward.

Though I would like to try and hop into one of those i still held it back and instead walked as I observed each and every building. Walking I bypassed insect-like wooden toys and one of those who resembled a butterfly stopped on my finger, I chuckled before I blew it away

In this world, the concept of harmless kittens or insects does not exist. Instead, the inhabitants are faced with constant presence of dangerous mutated creatures known as monsters.

I eventually stopped walking and stood in front of a certain store. It was a store where wooden crafts are sold and I entered willingly. As I stepped inside the store, I was immediately greeted by the earthy scent of freshly cut wood. The interior was filled with an array of beautifully crafted wooden pieces, ranging from intricately carved sculptures to practical items like bowls, utensils, and weapons.

The soft lighting accentuated the natural beauty of the wood, casting warm shadows that danced across the shelves. Each item seemed to hold it's own story, a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the artisans who created them.

As I looked around I walked towards the counter and spoke to the store owner who was a man in his late thirties

"What are you looking for young lad?" The store owner asked

Rubbing my chin I searched for a specific craft before I pointed at a wooden gun and bomb. The store owner was slightly surprised before he scoffed and said "40 coins"

The store owner does not believe that I had such amount of money and raised his chin arrogantly but I ignored him thinking that it was childish, he's probably acting like this because he sensed that I had no mana

Like I said before mana is a very crucial thing in the Theos world and those who do not have it will be despised and scrutinized by people. I smiled and placed my hands in my pocket. I then thought 'Withdraw 40 coins'


[Player "Zero" has withdrawn '40 coins']

With the sound of the system I felt a small sack appear in my hands and I took it out before placing it on the counter. The store owner was shocked and frowned as he stared between me and the coins before turning around with grimace. Taking the wooden gun and bomb from the shelves he placed it on the counter and pushed it towards me in a rude way before taking the sack. I did not care about his attitude and thanked him before leaving the store


Later I got back to my apartment. Sitting down at my bed I carefully examined the wooden gun, running my fingers along the smooth surface. It had been handcrafted with intricate details, giving it a realistic appearance. The rectangular shape fit in my palm, and I could feel the weight of it in my hand. This gave me an uncomfortable feeling which already gave me ideas for the crafts that I will be creating

Curiousity piqued, I turned my attention to the square-shaped hole on the gun which is the exit of the bullets for when it is triggered.

With a sense of caution, I opened the wooden gun to explore it's inner workings. As I carefully disassembled it, the various parts and bullets were revealed. Each piece seemed to have a specific place and purpose, and I marveled at the craftsmanship involved in creating such a complex mechanism.

The bullets caught my eye next. They were unlike any I had seen before. Small, black orbs that gleamed with metallic sheen. Their weight suggested they were made of pure metal, adding authenticity of the wooden gun. I wondered what kind of power they possessed when used in a real battlefield.

After some more examination I moved on to the wooden bomb, I carefully inspected the wooden bomb, nothing it's simple oblong-shape. It appeared to be crudely made, with rough edges and a basic design but that's what made it interesting, such a simple designed craft could kill people. The lid seemed to be the key component, as it would trigger the bomb when circled.

This time I took extreme measurements and cautiously disassembled the bomb starting with opening the bottom part by cutting it while making sure I wouldn't cut anything else. Sweat dripped down my forehead, I know my actions are reckless but I didn't bother to be moved by it

Minutes passed and I heaved a sigh of relief as I was able to finally disassemble it. The exterior looked simple yet the interior design was complicated. It was filled with a lot of wires and wooden pieces that makes the bomb active

I studied both crafts for the whole day before I finally went to bed.


The next day I woke up early, I looked at the clock, 5:01am

I took my breakfast and bathe before I sat down on a chair and stared at the disassembled gun and bomb in front of me

Opening the drawer on the table I took out a pair of glasses and wore it. Stretching my arms I smiled contentedly and said to myself "Time to do some experiment"


Hours later passed, it was 2:12pm

Leaning back on the chair my body ached and I couldn't help complaining "Aigoo, that hurts"

I stared at the ceiling for a long time before my lips curled up into an arc shape and I muttered "It's perfect"

Looking at my newly made type of model gun I was greatly satisfied and I counted the bullets I made before putting them back inside the gun, 5 bullets. Scratching my chin I knew this was not enough but I'm tired for the day and so hid the gun underneath my bed and rested.


A week later passed and I prepared my stuff I would take to travel. Can foods, water, a dagger, and the guns and bullets. I stuffed them all inside the wooden bag I created.

The wooden bag I made was an oblong shape hang bag with an opening like a sliding door while the interior had one barrier that separates two rooms. It is simple and all but it is enough for me. After preparing everything I wear my usual clothes and hanged my coat over my shoulder before I left.


Beep! Beep!

There it is, finally it is right before my eyes…

I can finally board an airship.