
Arcana Mysteries of the infinites

In the beginning there was a supreme being that created everything in this exist Ayan a boy who wants to have adventure let us follow him throughout his adventures

Kinglot · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 3:vol 1

After going to bed last night I wanted to train my powers since my brothers were training i might as well do it to and since I'm not my old self I'll need help controlling my power so I call Diablo and zalario to help me train we go to the training grounds which is like a somewhat barren wasteland and it has targets on it so I get into my training outfit which is a all black outfit with a all black sleeveless torso that disconnects at the thighs and I'm wearing thigh high leggings and long gloves going up to my upper arm:similar to Elizabeth outfit when she first came in the tavern in seven deadly sins: after I'm done getting ready I start to use my powers I first start to work on my physical capabilities like strength or speed I start to see how fast I can run so I try to race against Diablo at hypersonic speeds creating sonic booms around the area we go at Mach 378 and start going up gradually in the training area that is 3000 miles long we go really fast but Diablo is still faster after a few minutes Diablo won the race smirking saying that I did good even tho I couldn't beat him Diablo saying I did good made me smile we also tested my strength I can't lift a lot i just use my powers to help me lift things I tested my power to lift things and I can move and pick up mountains tho I excel in speed agillity dexterity mobillity technique and flexibility and powers those are the stats i main in and I think I'm doing good tho but Diablo is way better, after that I tested my flight telekinesis and psychic powers and mental powers after training my powers I trained fighting and techniques with zalario we learned multiple fighting arts like fudoshi jinkuk and arts like judo muai tai and samurai and various other techniques he also taught me some sword skills and techniques including with the spear sword whip chains fist feet bows staffs shields and animal fighting and riding fighting techniques I learned a lot from them they also taught me techniques to control my emotions I sat in a meditation like posterior behind a water fall focusing on the calming things and my surroundings I sit there and sense water birds trees and insects from miles away and I can hear their heartbeat and their life force and also their blood flows it was a calming sense of self until Diablo said is that good enough master he says and I look up and see the water flowing up from the waterfall, woah I didnt didn't know I could do that I say in shock, as expected of master ayan diablo moans, I sigh really wish he wouldn't do that but still I didn't know I could pick up water without even trying does this mean my powers are increasing I say to Diablo excitedly, yes master but for you to pick up an entire waterfall there must've have been a boost of power:this severely throughs my true master Mika of the track of his plans so I have to make ayan weaker somehow this prince disgusts me and I wish to spend more time with master Mika instead: so Diablo what do u think interrupting his thoughts , what do are you talking about master ayan,the waterfall do u think I'm ready for the great magic academy,based of what he did I would say he needs a bit more time to train and perfect his powers and he should be good, yes master ayan your almost ready for the great magic academy, almost Diablo but u said that was good, I did say it was good but not good enough for the great magic academy u have to be on the level of your brothers and with our help we will get u there, yes and u also have to learn techniques to perfect your powers zalario interrupts but be not mistaken me we will make sure u go to the great magic academy, I sigh getting ready to prepare for the training torment I'm about to go through. After training with Diablo and zalario for a while I went back home to read a book about magic to further enhance my knowledge about it I read through some pages of the book and seen all about dark and evil magic it seemed that magic was bad and it read that it's rare to get evil magic but that book didn't interest me what did tho was the book about the hero and the great demon lord the book says that a normal demon who was in the great holy war was in battle with the humans for power the previous demon lord was somehow poisoned and the demon wanting revenge wanted to avenge his father so he trained and became a great demon lord becoming one of the strongest demon lords of history he fought against the humans pushing them back until the 6th and greatest hero named True Hero kanon sealed the Great Demon Lord kilshahev for his evil deeds with the power of hope hero kanon pushed the malicious demon back from the human world and back into the underworld from where they came and using his power gave hope to humanity giving us the power to further advance ourselves to the point we are now but there is still the evil demon race that is sealed in a barrier away from us by Kanon. That book was really good but it seems like it's already nighttime outside so I went and told Diablo and zalario to have a good night and went to my chambers I warmed up a bath for me so I can clean myself if todays training and hard work and using my favorite soap to clean myself I dry off and go and put on my night pajamas and go lay off in the bed lulling myself to sleep about the book I just read.