
Arcana Mysteries of the infinites

In the beginning there was a supreme being that created everything in this exist Ayan a boy who wants to have adventure let us follow him throughout his adventures

Kinglot · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 1:vol 2

The sky rumbles as there are lightning strikes in the air and you can hear sharp sounds resonate in the air and clashes of metal, I tried hitting zalario but I get blown away again, come at me again ayan you have to better than that , yeah yeah I know I say as I was getting tired and irritated getting blown back everytime I then try a different tactic, I launch at zalario many times the speed of sound I hit zalario but he blocks it so I flashed stepped behind him while my sword hit his sword and at that moment i through some dust to block his vision and then I flash step to his sword get my sword back in the same moment and try to stab zalario keyword try, he parried it and kicks me a few feet back and I fall on my butt and he quickly puts his sword to my neck and says do you yield, yes I yield zalario I say as he puts his sword away and I grumble about losing every time, ayan I have tips for you try to fix your posture like this, zalario walks up to me and fixes my sword stance a it is is it litttle, alright now try fighting me, alright then well get ready zalario, I should say the same to you ayan, then we both rushed towards hello eachother and clashed swords for the last time

2 years later.

I woke up and did my morning routine after that I went downstairs to eat breakfast, I'm so excited because today is the day I go to the grandiose magic academy I quickly ate my breakfast and put on my uniform, which consists of black pants and a long sleeved shirt with a small jacket with it with gold imprints on the uniform and jacket, I prepare myself for the 3 day trip to the grandiose magic academy by train and tell my parents goodbye,right be good ayan, yes be good and learn all you can mom said, alright I'll send you guys a letter when I get their, I will look forward to it and your progress, ok bye guys, alright go now or your going to be late, after going to the station I board the train, and before I know 3 days has passed so I went to the gates of the grandiose magic academy after using a map, wow it looks so beautiful I say in amazement I saw students coming to enter the front gate so I went along to the main desk in the hall, excuse mam this is my ticket, oh yeah right I handed her my slip and she gives me a badge, Welcome to the grandiose magic academy cutie,t-thanks I say as I blushed, the academy opening event is in the auditorium that way she pointed, oh thanks I say and go to the auditorium, the speech starts in 15 minutes the guard said so if you need anything just ask me, oh alright thanks I go and sit in my seat and wait for the speech to start. After 15 minutes the grand chairman comes up to the stage and starts the speech.

Hello you all and thank you for coming to the grandiose magic academy I am chairman divanonne arstler and I know some of you worked hard to attend here and some of you tried your best but in the end you still tried and that's what matters, Thank you all for coming, to this academy I now switch the speaker to egil ienos iririna, wait what my brother? Thank you chairman, well since you all know why you're here I'll get straight to the point this school is to help you all be efficient and accurate at your magic so you can become an actual mage and or a swordsman and I will make sure you all will succeed in becoming what you want to be as the student council president I will also make sure all of you are safe and no harm comes to you thank you for your time. Well since that's settled you all can have this day as a free day to get prepared for tomorrow, it was nice meeting you all be safe and goodbye. After the speech I was pondering how my brother became the president until I bumped into somebody, hey watch where you're going,o-oh sorry I didn't see you there, I looked up at who I bumped into and it was konon, oh hey it's you again 7th prince I can't wait to do more than just kiss you, that made me uncomfortable and he chuckled as he walked away, I sigh and go to my dormroom and I unlock the door with my key and when I looked inside it amazed me, the dormroom was beautiful it had its own kitchen bathroom 2 rooms and even a dining room it also had a living room and had a bookshelf, did they know I like to read I thought in my head but anyone would like to read so it was probably there for anybody, I go to my room and it's slightly smaller than my room in the castle but it's big nonetheless it also has baby blue and white colors around it and a marble floor with a bathroom in it as well, I took a deep breath and started unpacking all of my items and decorating my room and after doing that I went to my bookshelf and read a little bit until the bell for lunch ring and I went to the cafeteria to get some lunch after getting my lunch I went outside to try and find a tree to sit by until I found a green tree that's covered with shadows so I went down to sit by it and read my book after reading a few pages and eating my lunch witch I finished somebody interrupted me, hey you're ayan right? Yes I'm him do you need anything? Yeah the student body president needs you at his office right now, wait why! I don't know I'm just a helper for them they didn't specify the details, I sigh mentally in my head what did I do to put egil's attention on me.