
Arcana Marie

Suddenly waking up on a foreign place, willful Marie Nobles discovered that she came back into the past... A past that didn't seem to exist in her world's time.

Oh_ItsTheLady · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

It was that night.

Nothing special happened the whole day. My daily routine was how it had always been as well.

I woke up at 7 am to prepare for my 8am classes.

Had lunch at 12 pm, finished school at 4pm, got on the dorm by 4:30pm, had dinner by 7pm. Slept at 9 pm.

That's why I never did expect...

That was the last day I had lived as Marie Nobles.


Something feels ticklish.

*chirp* *chirp*


So noisy.

My usual mornings aren't like this. I'm used to silent mornings, with only my alarm as the noise.

I gently opened my eyes, then closed it again after a millisecond.


What the...? I always turn my lights off.

Come to think of it, why is it hot as well?

Did somebody turned off the fan?


Smells like outdoor and fresh air.

Wait... what..?

I quickly awakened, my body moving on its own due to shock, all my senses are on alert, realizing the strange happening around me.


So this is why everything feels weird... this is not my room.

Of course, I didn't have a field of grass as a room!!

The wind blowing freely around me, the sound of clashing leaves, the scent of fresh air.

Where is this...?

More importantly....Why am I here?!?


Okay, let's evaluate the things carefully.

Last night, the last thing I remember is that I slept with my favorite pillow in my room. I turned of the lights, laid down on my comfy bed, turned off the lampshade and closed my eyes.

I don't remember going out...?

Wait, wait.... I could've sleepwalked as well... I think that happens... but not to me. I have never done that before. Moreover, I don't know this place, and its existence. There's no nearby field on Serenity Dormitory.


No way. My family isn't that well off. I don't sense any danger as well...

A dream...?

Quite possible. In fact, the only logical explanation right now.

But how vivid is this dream. It feels too real. The morning sun warming my skin, the noise made by plenty of birds, the feel of the wind caressing me, the aroma of unmistaken nature...

Is this a dream?


So let's see if I'm anywhere near confused.

I still remember my name, Marie Rouge Nobles.

I am a sixteen year-old high school student in Crescent Academy, and was born on Quezon City, Philippines on the 29th Day of March 2072.

My family includes my big brother Lorenth, my little sisters Maria and Marine, my mother Marinella, and my father Lonzo. I can still also remember my best friends Aries and MJ.

Okay, so far so good. I still know these things.

Well, I can't possibly figure things out just by standing here in the middle of the field. Let's find out where we are, shall we?

I took a step and realized I'm barefoot.

It looks like it will be a difficult walk.



As I walked along the field, I noticed that its right next to a forest... a forest of blue trees it seems?

I know that pink blooms are Sakura... however, I never heard of blue ones. Even its trunk are blue... probably one of the things I haven't studied in school yet.

The sight was quite magnificent and scary. The leaves of the trees are all cerulean blue but its trunks and branches are of dark blue, making the forest look gloomy from my view... as if no light passes through it.

Okay, that's creepy. however, looking around, my choice is either an endless field or a creepy forest.

I'd love to choose the field, however, I'm not the one to sit around and wait for miracles to happen.

Gulp. Here it goes. Don't die, Marie.

I paced closer to the blue trees-forest. I know about survival skills. I've read about this. I also did camping. I can do this.

I walked inside the blue trees-forest, not knowing what I'll see.


Inside was... as expected, dark. I don't sense any predators or insects as well... must be a maintained forest.

All I can hear are the birds around, maybe nearing hundreds in number. The tiny gaps above left by the leaves leaving small specks of light on my vision.

This forest doesn't feel like one. Strange, it feels so calming in here. Serene and peaceful... yes, it feels like being one with nature.

It seemed as if I got too caught with surveying the surroundings, my foot took me to a place that I didn't expect to be existing in the middle of a tree-abundant forest...

A lake.

And sounds of water ripples can be hear from my location, about few meters from the lake...

and then I saw her.


She is... beautiful. No other word for it. The image of perfection. When the word beautiful was made, this woman might be the one in their thoughts.

Gray eyes which I can barely see on this darkness... reflected with the lakewater and the sunlight directly pointing on her complexion. Long eyelashes, must be the envy of all women... Short, snow-white hair which matched her pale looking skin...

And those perfectly-shaped lips that must've been scribed by a master sculptor...

Is she an apparition?

She looks too perfect to be human.

"Who is there?"

Oh no... Oh my God... She must've thought I'm a pervert for sneaking on her bath!

"Who dares to disturb my sacred ablution?"

That voice... A man...?!?


"Dare I ask you again? Who are you?"

I flinched. This beautiful woman who I have so thoroughly adored for a few minutes is actually a man!

And she... I mean, he's having his... scared abluti... what...?

"I am sorry, Mister. I am currently lost and could not find my way out of the fields. I thought this forest is the way out, but it looks like I got lost further instead."

"Hmm child... you speak unnaturally," he said. I'm sensing wariness in his voice.


He stood up from his bathing. I realized that he wasn't naked (Thank God!). His white clothing just looked transparent awhile ago, that's why I thought he was a "she," skinny dipping in the middle of the lake with only a see-through robe on.

He picked up some kind of red piece of sash on a log located nearby the swamp of the lake.

He unfolded the cloth, draped in upon his shoulders... A stole? The one worn by priests?

He unhurriedly walked towards me, his white robe still drenched, water drops falling from the hem.

"A-apologies, Mr. Priest. I think I may have disturbed your bathing. Therefore, I should go now, and not disturb you any further."

I turned my back, was about to take the first step away, but a strong grip held my wrist, making me stay in place.

"Child, please. There is no need to be wary. I have just merely asked about you and your purpose. Do not be afraid of me."

"O-oh. Of course, sorry, Father. I am not familiar in this place and to you as well. I really can't help not being weird... haha. Sorry."

That perfect face showed a wrinkle on his forehead.

"You really speak unnatural. I have never heard such way of conversing before."

He smiled briefly then.

Unexpected. Really. He already looked perfect in his emotionless face. But when he smiled, it became angelic. Just like a surreal view. It looked... divine.

"Do not call me father, I am not your father as far as I know. Refer to me as Igna. My given name is Ignatius von Sutcliffe. May I know your name?"

He said, still keeping that gentle smile.

"I am... "


"Maria Novell."

I know he's a priest and all, but I can't just fully say my name in front of a stranger, can't I?

"My name is Maria Novell, Igna. I feel bad for not calling you Father Igna because you know, you're a priest and all...?"

His smile widened.

"I recall no tradition that a priest must be referred to as "Father" though? Could you be an immigrant? If so, what a peculiar tradition you have!"

I smiled shakily. Oh goodness, he talks so weird. His English is too complicated, his grammars are too long. Where in the world am I??

"Oh, forgive my manners, child... I mean, Maria. Let us not converse here in the dark, I'll take you out of this forest and then we can talk." He held a hand for me, gesturing for me to take it.

I was reluctant. I couldn't just go with a stranger... I was taught well about the basics of life.

It seemed the reluctance showed on my face. Without waiting for me to take his hand, he took mine instead.

His hand is large. Almost covering my whole pulse area.

"Maria, do not fear, my dear. Fear is what will prevent you from reaching your supposed destination. Hold my hand, I will show you the way out."

His way of saying it was just too kind, too sincere. And mix it with that gentle angelic smiling face... I am a goner.

I nod slowly and let him lead the way.

----- End of Chapter 1----