
Arcadia: Downfall of the Prides

Originally by Scaletankeratheart With no great enemy to fight the Greatest huntsmen turned their sights on the female population of Remnant. Centuries later, Jaune Arc Scion of House Arc is nearing adulthood on the cusp of creating his own pride of women. However, a stray soul now entwined with his own has altered fate forever. And like all changes the butterfly merely has to flap it's wings. A self insert inspired fix it story of the great story Arcadia: The golden age

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 48: A Day of Sunshine and Roses Part 3

-[_]-[_]- Vale, Saturday, Beans Knees Coffee Bar, Late Morning -[_]-[_]-

Amber nervously approached the coffee shop hoping that her nerves wouldn't ruin the brunch. Swallowing she also hoped her body wasn't reflecting the thorough fucking she had received. A part of her also really wanted answers about everything. Especially why her eyes glowed when she was angry or feeling extra submissive to Jaune.

Spotting the dark waves of Cinder's hair she walked over. "Cinder, pleasure to see you again. Thank you for inviting me to brunch."

"You're welcome, sit, sit. We're partners in our relationship with Jaune. And we deserve, and should know each other." Cinder said smiling. The woman had ordered teas and some finger foods for them both.

Amber sat down and looked around, "Is this awkward for you too?"

"A little, but don't you feel like we should get to know each other?" Golden amber eyes met brown.

"I do, but there's so many questions. What about Jaune is making him so hard to not think about?" The dark skinned woman asked.

"I'll need to ask, it's not something I can say without him knowing." The ravenette said taking her phone out and texting Jaune.

"Am I in danger?" The brunette asked mouth suddenly dry.

"We're all in danger, but this is just a level you didn't know could exist." Cinder said trying to make it clear things weren't going to be easy one way or the other.

"Tell me, better I know and be prepared than not and suffer the consequences no?" Amber replied feeling a strength she didn't know she had.

"He says yes, Amber, okay what I'm about to tell you can't be repeated to anyone but those who you know are in the know." The mother to be said looking deadly serious.

"I won't, I love him too much to put him or any of us in more danger." 

"Our souls are real, and we can use them. It's called Aura, and we have Blessings. Powers tied to our Aura and ourselves that are unique." amber eyes met brown again as she explained. "Similarities may happen but how it is expressed and changes with us isn't."

"Cinder, that's a lot to take in… and I'm not even…" Amber stopped as she spotted something glowing in the other woman's hands.

It was her spoon quickly turning orange hot as heat spread up the metal. The head of the spoon starting to dip forward. Her brain stopped as she continued to watch before Cinder simply pulled the metal apart as if it was putty. "Believe me now?"

"That… you … oh my gods." The dark skinned woman said, clutching her face as she started to breath shakily at the impossible thing happening in front of her. 

"Jaune can boost our abilities, ranging from healing to improvements in strength, sight, and others. But he also has something he's inherited from his family. It's sex based, which isn't part of the whole eye glowing thing if you're wondering." the ravenette continued drinking her tea. 

"Sex based? And what do you mean none of this is connected to the whole… is that related to him biting me?" the brunette asked, piecing together a few things. 

Cinder blinked before grinning, "I knew you were more than a stunning woman."

Amber blushed, "Thank you, so how does all this fit together? Aura, Jaune's sex powers, and the bite?"

"To start we have to go a long way backwards in time. Over a thousand years ago the world was cursed to block people from awakening Aura as easily. This put the families in a bind as the easiest method was via birth. And if it isn't guaranteed the next best option is?" Cinder left off so she could answer.

"More children… harems… oh gods." She looked down suddenly sick. Her mind went to several possibilities and none of them were good. Was she being used, the thought couldn't leave her head.

Cinder squinted feeling something like Amber was breaking their connection somehow. "Amber, he's not using us like that." She tried to explain softly.

"How can you know that?" The brunette snapped back eyes glowing brightly, her heart felt like it was breaking.

"Because he hasn't forced you or I to do anything we don't want to do." The ravenette replied, sitting up taller her own eyes starting to glow briefly. "In any way has he inferred, or asked, or hinted, or in any way shape or form said to drop your birth control?"

"No…. he's… why are my emotions so fucked?" The glowing nominally brown eyed woman asked as they faded back to their warm brown. Trying to figure out everything that's just been told to her, her head felt like a mess.

Cinder reached out and gently held her arm which helped Amber slowly pull herself together. "The family ability has an effect on any women in range of him. It can have lasting effects, which likely include symptoms like withdrawal from drugs. But Jaune doesn't want this to happen to you or anyone. The idea is to keep women so hopped up on endorphins and other chemicals that we go along with anything an Arc says."

"I… felt an ache not being near him after our time tables diverged too much. But this… how does he control it?" Brown eyes pleaded to amber ones.

"He can't," Cinder sighed, "There's no off switch. The best he can do is not seducing every woman that moves. And trying to keep people from falling into the web by accident."

"Are any of my feelings for him natural?" The elder woman asked shakenly, wiping away some of the tears that started to appear. She didn't know it but she was a year older than Cinder.

"Yes, he generates lust, anything approaching love is all you. And me, and everyone else involved. He's trying hard to make sure we're actually in love with him before he does anything serious." The younger woman said, sighing. "He's easy to love. I can't believe how quickly I fell for him and just how much he cares."

"I can, I think I was in love with him long before we got together. That hidden bubbly personality, and desire to do the right thing underneath that gruff scowl he used to have. But to bring this back around, the biting?" Amber replied, returning to the point as she felt compelled to know now that she's come this far.

"There's more going on but that's his story to tell. But all I can say now is that the gods exist, the two Brothers for sure. And the bites seem to be tied into a gift they gave him. I don't know the implications for sure. But at least I know for sure I am immune to outside influence when it comes to his family's blessing." Cinder explained.

Amber swallowed her tea to help calm her nerves, before blinking as the last piece fell into place. "His father has this too!"

"Yes, and a lot of power. Which is why we're being as cautious as we are. The less he knows the better. Unlike Jaune he doesn't care about your input or that you are already in a relationship, only that you're just a hole for his pleasure." The amber eyed woman said in hateful disgust, finishing her tea.

"This is a lot to take in. Do you know when he'll be free next? I want to talk to him about all this." the Senior asked, really wanting more information and knowing she needed the source.

"I believe he's free next on Tuesday." The Junior said checking her calendar.

"So does this make you his secretary?" Amber asked in a very joking manner.

"Maybe, I enjoy planning and being that for Jaune feels right." With an amused smile, as she really has done things that would make her his secretary. 

"I just keep imagining you in a pencil skirt and glasses saying 'Yes Mr Arc' and loving when he hikes it up to bend you over the desk." The dark skinned woman said blushing at the fantasy.

"And would you be there too?" Amber almost gold eyes bore into hers almost wantonly. Which made the dark skinned woman shiver a bit in arousal. 

"Yes, I had a threesome with him and Willow earlier today and… gods it was perfect." Amber sighed in joy, her body still sore but pleasantly so.

"Now I'm jealous, I've been wanting one with him and Glynda." Cinder said, pouting at the fact that Jaune has already had a threesome and she wasn't invited.

"Just ask them, I'm sure she'll love being in charge with him. Or do you imagine being in control?" Amber asked with a coy look on her face.

"No comment." Her pale cheeks blushing.

"You switch." Brown eyes softened. "I really appreciate you wanting to do this. It's nice, and we totally need to get more of us doing these. Maybe not coffee dates but spending time growing with each other."

"I agree, which is why I'm going tomorrow to a simple date with Ruby. Need to bridge some issues there first." Cinder said, sighing again. 

"I wasn't expecting her to be in charge per say when we all met at the gym. But she seems capable." Amber shrugged. 

"She does, hopefully she knows more about some things Jaune's been drip feeding us." Amber eyes rolled in annoyance.

"I mean would you believe everything if he just dumped it on us?" Brown eyes searched under arched brows.

"Fair point, thanks for coming. I know today doesn't make things perfect but it's a nice start."

"It was, and I can't wait for the next one." The dark skinned woman said, leaning over to kiss Cinder's cheek. "Maybe next time we could do something to make Jaune ravish us all the harder?"

Cinder felt a jolt go through her and a sudden desire to submit to Amber. Pushing it down she replied, "Maybe, and maybe that time I'll show you a good time." Which made them both laugh. Separating both held their heads a little higher and steadier. Life might be giving them some trouble but they would persevere, especially with Jaune by their sides.

-[_]-[_]- Vale, Saturday, Rose Xiao-Long household, Morning -[_]-[_]-

"Ouch! What's your damage Heather?" Ruby said, rubbing her behind as she stood up. Yang had pushed her into her room and she'd fallen as a result.

"Don't make me regret showing you that movie. Open up your wardrobe, we need to see what swimsuits you have that aren't one piece." Yang said opening drawers. She pulled out a black and red one piece and tossed it to the side."Don't you have any normal swimsuits? Like bikinis?"

"I do, yes!" Ruby said, blushing , fishing it out from her sock drawer of all places. It was a simple two piece swimsuit in red with black lace like additions.

"Why was that in your sock drawer? What else do you have in there?" The blonde asked suddenly, very curious.

"Nothing! Well nothing like you think. I put my more… arousing undergarments under my socks. Because who's going to check the sock drawer?" the crimsonette said, sighing before closing it.

"I mean, it's pretty common to hide substitutes in socks." Yang said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Substi…." Ruby blushed hard once it clicked for her. "Yang! I don't have those!"

"Goodie two shoes," the elder sister said laughing. "You get cleaned up and dressed with these instead of panties or your bra. And then I'll swap in and that way we can leave whenever." 

"Could we try to get Jaune to come?" The younger woman asked, embarrassed at the idea of being out in public without Jaune around. It was noticeable to which Yang caught something else was going on.

"What happened?" She asked softly.

"Nothing bad, just the last time we… our group Team RNJR as Jaune would call us went out in something like this and we got accosted a bit. Jaune scared them off but … being without him makes me feel… a little scared." Ruby said, sitting down to which Yang hugged her hard.

"Oh Ruby, why didn't you say something before? Do you want to talk to mom or dad about this?" The blonde asked gently, rubbing her sister's back.

"No, we'll talk to him and hopefully he's okay with coming." the younger sister said feeling better. "I mean if he can't. We do have some advantages compared to others."

"We do… Do you want to talk about everything? What happened to mom or you?" Yang asked the knowledge eating at her. 

"I know we need to eventually. But I just can't imagine… how or what happened to us to were that seemed the right way out?" Ruby said, sighing and sitting down. 

"It felt like and Jaune even said it was after so much you hadn't let others help with. Ruby, please don't hold onto everything. I'm here for you and so is everyone." The blonde sister said, wrapping her arms around the Silver Eyed woman. 

"I know Yang I… Yang, in the story doesn't Alyx run into someone who was trapped out of time?" Ruby said as a stray thought came to her as she remembered when Jaune went on a rant of all the terrible things that happened and had said that he was trapped in an alternate dimension for twenty years waiting for her and her team.

"Yes, and Jaune…. Jaune's the Rusted Knight!" The blonde said as the pieces clicked in as well when she remembered what he had said back then. 

"He… oh by the brothers, no wonder he didn't want to talk about it. He… ugh, I just want to hug him and let him get that out of his mind. Twenty years in a land were the rules change daily and without any friends." The crimsonette said understanding much better everything that had happened to Jaune. 

"We should talk to him about that. He can't bottle it up, he's done that already with one thing and look what it's done!" The elder sister said her Blessing flaring as anger roiled under the surface. 

"Would he want to right now?" Ruby said knowing the answer.

"He needs to, gods, how much pain and suffering does he still have hidden away?" Yang whispered.

"Let's work on it, slowly peeling back the layers so he can work through it at a pace he sets too." The younger sister said standing up. Her analytical mind coming up with plans and research needs. 

"True, maybe I will do some training with him. Help in a way I can that's different. So he feels it won't possible happen here too." The elder sister said training schedules forming in her mind as she was a better fighter than not.

"Sounds like a plan Yang, come on we got other things to do today, let's not waste it feeling sorry for actions we couldn't stop or take." The crimsonette said feeling a little more stable in how she's handling things. 

"Alright sis, let's get ready for our Yangventure." Yang said, smiling at her pun.

"Yang, that wasn't even good!" Ruby said heading to the bathroom to clean up.

The blonde just laughed going to grab her own bikini. It was a bright yellow and covered enough to be legal but left little to the imagination.

Downstairs Jaune was cleaning up with Summer's help. "I've got it." She said.

" At least let me help more than not." He frowned, wanting to help.

"This gives us a chance to talk without prying ears. You and Ruby… are you two already?" the mother asked.

"No!" Jaune said before realizing he had been loud. "We're going to wait till her sixteenth birthday. It feels right to wait a bit."

"I think you or her might have said that. I just wanted to check. Jaune…I know you see me as your mom but would there ever be a situation where you and I… yah know."

The blonde looked at her frozen as he worked on his answer. "A very slim one, one I don't want to pass ever Summer."

"I figured… I just can't shake the idea of us being together. I think you healing me might have gotten me to the ignition point but not set me off. And I don't want to be like that, I love you but… I can't stop thinking about it." Summer said, sighing.

"It will go away on its own. In passing doesn't mean it has to be. And Tai having his Aura, will likely help purge it out over time." He replied hoping it was quicker than not.

"I hope so, I did sort of wear him out quite a bit last night, maybe him having Aura now will even things out." Summer said sheepishly, feeling that things would turn out better.

Jaune smiled before hearing his scroll chime. Picking it up he saw a text from Cinder. Replying he gave his permission for her to tell Amber what she felt was appropriate.

"I'm back!" Ruby called out her hair still damp.

"Welcome back," The blonde said, going to her and hugging her. "Ready to play some games?"

"Yes! I'm so going to kick your ass!" The crimsonette said, almost vibrating as they sat down to play.

The two started going back and forth as they got used to the controls again. Jaune quickly took a lead and kept it as his win streak got larger. Ruby grumbled in irritation as her avatar burst into pixelated blood and guts.


Blood and brain matter splattered onto the screen, trickling away until a splotch of messy letters was all that was left.


Jaune smirked at her. "And that makes 9." He said cockily. "Wanna make it 10?"

"You bet," Ruby replied, focusing on the screen as an idea came to her. Pulling on her Aura she focused it on her eyes and the world seemed to slow down. She started to play better as she got more and more accurate with her blocks and I frames. 

The game continued as she started to claw back victories. She wondered if this was how her show counterpart moved more efficiently. Seeing the world at a higher frame rate and noticing the troubles before others. Smiling and sticking out her tongue as they played. 

Soon both of them were hard at work using every tool they had to fight the health bars barely moving as it became counter versus counter. It was even till someone arrived.

"So Jaune, having fun?" Yang asked, setting her body just so against him so he could feel her curves. He groaned and stopped paying as much attention which let Ruby get the win in. 

"Yes! I'm in the lead!" Ruby excitedly said. 

" Yang!" Jaune called out, "You're cheating!"

"Am I?" Yang said, fluttering her eyes before sitting down. 

"You're turn Yang. I'm winning, don't break the streak." the crimsonette said handing over the controller.

The blonde woman nodded, focusing hard as Ruby whispered into her ear. Lilac eyes went wide before a wide grin formed. The battle was on as it was clear the new player was just as good as the old one. The fight was even with lucky hits getting through. 

Jaune clenched his jaw and worked hard on the controller as the two blondes struggled to win. High block, low block into counter beat by a high kick. Both of them were sweating hard as the button clicking got louder. Suddenly Yang started to win as she entered the zone.

Jaune could only stare at the screen as Yang perfectly timed each hit to knock him back into the air, chipping away until he was almost out of the game until-


She ax-kicked him into the ground and shattered his character's spine.

'Poor Zhu.'


"YES!" Yang said, shooting off the sofa with a triumphant cry. "GET YOUR ASS WHOOPED!"

"Wow, didn't see that coming." he said, letting the controller go to wipe his hands.

"Speaking of, do you know why Pyrrha looks like she's floating? She couldn't seem happier yesterday." The blonde woman asked cleaning her hands as well. She had noticed how her red haired friend seemed to be on cloud nine for most of the day. 

"She confessed to me, and I accepted. There's more going on but it's her story." Jaune said, turning to them. 

"Finally!" The elder sister said leaning back. "She's been pining after you for at least a year."

"In hindsight, I probably should have seen it. But things always got in the way." he said to which the others agreed. 

"So what were you two like in the show?" Yang asked curious if the crush was universal or not.

"She had a crush on me and… died shortly after kissing me for the first time. She'd held back till the last second due to everything put on her shoulders. And it tore up Jaune, something fierce." Jaune said feeling sorry for the other version of himself. 

"So that's why or a reason you're more protective. You've seen her die." The blonde woman whispered. 

"Yah, I'm not going to let it happen again. She deserves more, so much more than she got." Jaune said leaning back looking very tired for the moment. 

The two sisters looked at each other and they would strive to let the two bond. If at least to balance the cosmic scales so to speak. It might reduce their time some but a sacrifice they would make.

"So how are you going to introduce her to everyone? Especially Willow, because that's going to be hard for her. Given who one of her friend's is." Ruby said wondering how that subject was going to be explained in general to Weiss. 

"I don't know, neither does Geoff. We're sorta dreading that conversation. I can't imagine how betrayed she's going to feel about it." Jaune grumbled,. not looking forward to that reveal and the blow up that will come after it.

"Not trying to change it too badly but would you like to come with us to the car wash?" The crimsonette asked.

"Uh… I could. I don't actually have any plans. It sounds pretty good, might meet some new people." He replied, actually starting to like the idea.

"Good because I'm ready to play more Jaune. And you better get used to losing!" Yang said which got everyone to smile.

"Oh you are on!" Jaune grinned, it was feeling like it did when they were younger. Before Blessings and before puberty started them down a path that none of the three could have seen. 

Ruby was playing against Jaune when Yang closed her eyes. Her head against his broad shoulders and sank into sleep. She hadn't felt tired but something about being near him felt right. And resting was so easy in the right company.

Yang groaned as she chased the mop of blonde hair ahead of her. The boy hopped over a branch and continued to run. The elder blonde picked up speed as they entered another part of the forest. Luckily this included the normal walking and running trail.

"Yīnlóng ! When I get you, you're in for such a nuggie!" Yang yelled very tired of her brother's mischief. Her own had been bad but he was on a very new level.

"Gotta catch me first sis!" He yelled back showing off his bright silver eyes.

"Mom and Dad are going to ground you when I'm done with you!" She replied. The young boy had chopped off several inches of her hair when no one noticed and laughed as he ran away holding the clump of hair high.

"Can't cat…" Yīnlóng tried to say before he ran into a wall. Said wall was Jaune who was helping Yang corral him. His arms wrapped around his brother in law and held him from escaping.

"You're in big trouble." The elder blonde's face was hard set as Yang caught up to them. 

"Thanks honey," Yang said, kissing his cheek. "I owe you one for this." 

"You're welcome. Come on kiddo Summer and Tai are waiting for you." the elder blonde male said, throwing the younger blonde over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, seeing the pair in the distance. Yang saw something different but couldn't place what it was. She had seen them only a few minutes ago, what had changed?

"Ah come on big bro! Just let me go, it was just a prank!" The younger man said, trying to wiggle out. 

"You keep doing that and I'll tell Ash about your little crush on her." Jaune said, pulling out his ace card.

"You wouldn't!" Yīnlóng said, eyes widening and his voice cracking at the threat. 

"Try me." Was the reply he got.

Yang smiled seeing her lover handling her brother so easily. It was no surprise considering her own children with the man. But seeing it still sent a pleasant shiver down her body. She noticed a strange autumn leaf falling just near the edge of her vision. It was a host of colors that aren't normal for them and it made her more relaxed for some reason.

"No way! Yang! Are you seeing this bull pucky!" Ruby yelled clearly in anger. Which snapped Yang out of the nap. 

Looking around she noticed the thin line of drool she had left on Jaune's shirt. Turning she saw Ruby getting beat badly in the game as she tried to recover. Jaune was hammering at the controller to keep in control of the fight.

"You're not winning this one!" Jaune replied, his face hard as his concentration wasn't letting up.

"It's not over yet." The crimsonette replied, mashing harder as she started to eek out a comeback.

The blonde sister blinked trying to figure out what happened. The details were clear as she gently touched Jaune's side trying to center herself. He briefly looked before turning again, pausing the game.

"Yang what's wrong?" He asked checking her over.

"Ruby? What did those dreams of the future feel like?" She asked softly, turning to her sister.

"You had one? Why? And what was it about?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"I was chasing our little brother." She said smiling, "We had a little brother!"

"Oh my gods!" The younger sister said, vibrating up and down. 

Summer was hearing this and looked around the corner. Her mind ablaze with possibilities and hopes that the conversation she had with Jaune were accurate. That this possible child was Tai's and hers and not Jaune's.

"He had Mom's eyes but Dad's everything else. Looked like someone took a young dad and put Mom's eyes in him." Yang said, smiling. The mother sighed in relief and went back to making cookies for everyone. 

"I wonder…. Could you having been leaning on me before drifting off connect you enough to whatever is helping us all with the memories." Jaune said, rubbing Yang's back as she smiled. 

"Maybe? I…" she huffed. "I don't know. I'm happy I got one but. Could we just keep playing?" Her voice has gone low. Something was bothering her. It was obvious but so was the desire from her to not talk about it. 

"Sure, want to swap in for a bit against Ruby?" The blonde man asked, trying to let her relax and get whatever was on her mind off of it.

"Okay," Yang replied, taking the controller.

Ruby was playing easier letting her sister get back into the mood from playing. It was helping but she wanted more information.

"So do you have any questions for us Yang about anything?" Ruby asked, trying to help.

"Maybe, I just… I don't know, I felt like I was missing something looking back on it. Or a part of it wasn't clear." The blonde replied.

"Ah… you feel like you're in chapter ten but still need info from chapter one through nine." The younger sister said as it clicked.

"Exactly!" The elder sister said, turning. "I missed something or a thing that happens and it's coming up and I want to know what it is."

"I get that, I feel that so much. But it's nice getting glimpses. I know I will eventually get a son." Ruby said grinning.

"What's his name?" Jaune asked as this was news to him. 

"Bourdon or Bourbon I… the spelling I think was… I'm not sure. He looked just like me minus some of you, Jaune." The crimsonette said smiling.

"I… can't wait to meet him." The blonde said, moving to hug her.

"Not too soon." Ruby replied, hugging him back.

"No, not soon, In our own time." he replied softly, gently kissing her.

"Yes," she said softly, "our time."

"Jaune, who's Ash?" Yang asked not wanting to ruin the moment but the question was burning in a way.

"Ash is Cinder's and my daughter's name. Why?" the man replied wondering how she knew that.

"Oh good, our brother has a crush on her apparently." The sister said before laughing. "We're going to tease him like no tomorrow!"

"I'm sure!" Ruby said laughing too. "Better keep an eye on him lest Jaune go all big mean daddy."

"I won't do that!" Jaune said blushing.

"You will," Yang said, pitching her voice. "But daddy I love him."

Ruby started to imitate Jaune, "But he's a boy daughter of mine."


Jaune couldn't hold it together and started to laugh too. He could see it too, especially if she did end up having him wrapped around her finger. Sighing he leaned back glad to have this moment with them. If things were going to get worse later, he wanted them to have as many good memories as he could give them.

They continued to swap around who played and relaxed. They swapped games and the shooter was different, relying more on reaction time than identifying key frames. It was different and Jaune swapped with Geoff who knew weapons better and was keeping it near even with Ruby. Finishing the match he swapped with Yang. 

The sisters squared off and it started to get one sided. Ruby's eyes were locked on the screen as she wracked up an absurd K-D ratio - Yang had spawned on the other side and was holding her controller idly while she waited to respawn after Ruby had domed her from across the map. For the third time in a row. 

Double kill. Triple kill. Overkill .

"It's no use, Jaune." Yang said. "She just picked up the sniper rifle - she's basically dead to the world right now."

The blond waved her hand in front of Ruby's face - her older sister let out a grumble of irritation but otherwise didn't react, focus unbroken.

Killtackular! Killtrocity! KILLIMANJARO!

 "See?" Yang said, smirking.

"You know Ruby, I think I could help design Crescent Rose." Jaune said, knowing that would get her attention.

"Really?" She asked, eyes snapping to him.

"Yah, I was a draftsman and could use CAD software. But for now you might want to save your kill streak." He said pointing as Yang snuck up on Ruby's character and did an assassination ending the streak.

"Ahhh!!!" Ruby let out the rage of the smol and started working back towards her record. 

Jaune laughed as without the sniper rifle she actually had to work towards her streak instead of getting it hand over fist. Yang laughed, enjoying the game now. Suddenly she paused the game, finally feeling her phone vibrate. 

… She had 7 missed calls and 26 unread messages from Weiss.

We need to leave in an hour, don't forget.

I'm serious, Yang, we don't need a repeat of the Capulet Incident.

…If you're getting your beauty sleep, you'd better be ready to roll out of bed the SECOND I get there.

Yang, by the Gods, PLEASE CALL ME BACK.

It's going to be hard enough to do the carwash with who we have, we CAN'T do it without you!

Somehow I let Pyrrha talk me into letting HER drive, and I am TERRIFIED enough without having to worry you won't be there.


We're pulling into your driveway in 2 minutes and if you aren't ready, I swear to God-

 "Oh, shit…" Yang whispered, looking at the time.


"Well luckily we got reminded of that and don't need to change huh?" She said, rushing to the door.


"I'm coming! I know you're there damn it." Yang yelled, opening the door. 

Jaune turned as they were invited inside. Looking he was treated to the sight of Weiss, Blake and Pyrrha, dolled up in some of the flimsiest bikinis he had ever seen.

He groaned, having swapped back once the Knicks came. He hid himself as best he could but beautiful women were his weakness. 

Weiss looked up at him, looking as flawless as ever, and as irritated as he'd ever seen her. The angry flush of her cheeks looking no less lovely for it. The swell of her hips was adorned with a sheer white wrap that covered a high cut, snow white bottom that matched a skin tight push-up top, showing off her modest breasts and emphasizing the perk and lusciousness of her cleavage. What little cloth she wore flaunted her narrow waist and elegant hourglass figure, and tantalizingly blended in with her smooth, creamy skin, making her seem even more naked than she was.

It was the sluttiest thing he had ever seen her wear, but Blake made it look downright modest.

Blake was standing behind her shorter friend, totally relaxed in a black string bikini that looked like it would come undone with the slightest tug. The narrow triangle top barely covered a third of her ample chest, offering generous helpings of cleavage, underboob and sideboob as it swung over her nipples, hiding just enough to be considered decent. Her high waisted thong was worse - it showed off every inch of her silky smooth legs and snaked around her stomach, drawing the eye to her wide, full, childbearing hips and a gusset that barely covered her crotch.

If the front was anything to go by, the view from the back was to die for.

Not to be outdone was Pyrrha Nikos.

Her outfit was somewhat more modest, but showed off every reason why their classmates had voted her 'best body all around', from her toned legs and tight tummy to her full, buxom breasts that were pushed up in a tight red strapless top, covered from the bottom but with every bit of cleavage proudly displayed - for all the tightness of her body, Pyrrha's soft, milky globes were only a size or two smaller than Yang's, and absolutely second to none. Her crimson bottom had more fabric than Blake's but clung to the Invincible Girl's fantastic ass like a second skin.

Blake was apathetic, and Weiss was almost apoplectic. But Pyrrha grinned wider, tempted to reach out and kiss her new boyfriend. While Jaune himself looked back at her with a subtle grin wanting to do the same. 

"Hello!" she said with a wave hiding her involvement. 

"Hi, when is the car wash?" Jaune asked as Yang grabbed a bag with some needed items for her and Ruby. 

"In about a half hour. I can't believe you forgot Yang!" Weiss yelled up the stairs.

"Didn't forget! I'm dressed, I just didn't pack my bag beforehand." She called back down. "Give me four, maybe five minutes."

"Fine! Just hurry." The platinum blonde called back.

"Interesting outfits." The man forced out as he cleared his throat, glad he wasn't alone. He was turned on but arousal wasn't outright drowning in hormones.

"Thanks, we uh got a good deal on them and had to wear them." Pyrrha said, trying to do small talk. She was failing and everyone could see she was trying. Summer decided to take pity on the girl and cut in.

"Pyrrha!" She called cheerily. "It's been ages, how's your family?"

The redhead turned and smiled awkwardly, eyes darting between Jaune and her host. Reluctantly, she made her way over.

"Mother is well," Pyrrha answered, "She's been very busy, but things are well." her tone shifted enough that the mother knew something was wrong.

"That's good, anything else?" Summer asked digging a little deeper.

"There is, but I'm… I'm not ready to tell everyone yet." The redhead said, sighing. 

Blake was the first to notice the heavenly smell wafting into the room, but Ruby was the first to react.

"You made cookies?!"She cried with delight, rushing over to the oven.

Thirteen golden brown disks were spread across the tray, filled to the brim with chocolate chunks of different flavors and textures.

"Yep, I thought they would make a good treat. But I forgot you said the time you're doing the fundraiser and made them too late." The mother said getting them off to cool at least some.

"Please save me some mom?" Ruby asked.

"Will do sweetie, anyone want one?" Summer asked. 

Weiss saw Pyrrha nod and snapped. "We don't have time for this - we're supposed to be there at 2:30!"

Pyrrha smiled disarmingly. "I can make up time."

All the blood drained from Weiss's face. "Please don't."

Jaune arched an eyebrow.

"Yang's a thrill seeker, but Pyrrha drives like a character out of Mistrali Drift." Blake said evenly. 

Pyrrha rubbed her arms shyly - "My uncle may have taught me a few tricks, but-"

"-You do not get to act like this behavior is okay." Weiss said. "You dragged us all into a street race because some asshole on the road gave you 'the look'." Jaune's eyebrow twitched and he growled a little, having a good idea what 'the look' was. While missing the subtle look Blake gave him, having heard the growl. 

Summer was giving the redhead a disapproving glance - Pyrrha gave her best photogenic smile as she tried to look innocent.

"We were never in any danger-" she insisted.

"-It was terrifying." Blake murmured, pouring herself a tall glass of milk.

Pyrrha shrunk into herself until she met Jaune's eyes.

He gave her a conspiratorial smile. "Did you win?" He asked.

Pyrrha smiled brightly, a pure, genuine smile, with a competitive glint in her eye.

"I won."

Weiss let out a long suffering sigh and buried her face in her arms.

Ruby moved beside her, cookies and milk in hand.

"You need this more than I do." She said solemnly.

The Schnee heiress looked up. "With all due respect, begging off other people's sweets is below me."

"I'm offering Weiss, you're not begging plus these are wonderful so try one. Because isn't it insensitive or unladylike to refuse your host without good cause?" Ruby said playing on the heiress's ladylike training.

"You're right." She said without malice, as she graciously accepted Ruby's offering and took a bite.

She froze, then she let out a moan .

Jaune swallowed as he watched the sensation overwhelm her - it took all of the heiress's discipline not to shove the whole thing in her mouth.

"Pretty good, right?" Ruby asked, wiping crumbs off her face - the younger girl had no such restraint.

Weiss set her half eaten treat down daintily, before washing it down with a few sips of milk.

"…This is the single greatest thing I've ever tasted."

Pyrrha and Blake looked at each other and immediately moved in to see for themselves.

Pretty soon they were letting out their own orgasmic moans. While Jaune tried to keep himself together by using the same trick from the photoshoot, meditation with The Great Tree as his anchor. 

"How did you make this?" Weiss asked sharply, sneakily reaching for a second sample. Ruby shamelessly batted her hand away - she was willing to share one.

"Thank you!" Summer said happily, "Though Jaune's mother had a recipe I would kill for."

"I know it," Jaune said, which brought all the eyes onto him. "I will share it later, I swear!"

"You better because they are incredible." Ruby said wishing she had one of them.

The group chatted about nothing for a moment, and Jaune managed to get into a playful argument between Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha over whether or not pancakes or french toast was the better breakfast food

"The quality obviously matters," Weiss explained, unusually relaxed. " But with a good restaurant, french toast is always the better option. Pancakes are consistently mediocre and will never touch the euphoric highs or soggy, disgusting lows-"

"So you admit french toast is bad!"

"No, Jaune," Weiss said sharply. "I said bad french toast is bad. When you have a proper chef, it's exquisite."

"Does the cake butler make french toast too?" Jaune teased.

Weiss's cheeks were dusted pink. "Maybe on special occasions," Weiss said defensively. "It's not like I can have cake everyday."

No, with Weiss's slim figure, sweets were a rare indulgence - any fat would show fast on her petite body and she was diligent in keeping it in perfect form. A Schnee could do nothing less.

"That's why quality matters." Weiss continued. "Those rare occasions need to be perfect ."

Ruby turned to Pyrrha with a mischievous grin. "Don't you just love being able to carb load before a big race?" she asked.

Pyrrha nodded reluctantly and was rewarded with a fist bump and an irritated look.

Jaune zoned out and relaxed as the girls bantered, thoughts drifting to the silent Summer and Blake.


"क्या आप हमारे लोगों में से हैं?" 


A faint whisper caught his attention. Jaune's eyes darted across the table.

Blake was staring at him intently, with a triumphant grin slowly spreading across her face. No one else in the room had heard her.

Jaune tried to play it off as nothing.

Blake kept mouthing words, barely audible even to the two of them, in a language he didn't understand - was that Menagerian?


"इतने दिनों तक कैसे छिपे रहे?"


"आप कौन से पवित्र उपहार धारण करते हैं?"


Jaune didn't respond again. Still, she knew he could hear her.

The other girls continued on, oblivious.

Most Faunus, especially those from the mainland, didn't bother learning the old tongue - even Blake wasn't exactly fluent - but it had been worth a shot. The cat Faunus changed tactics.

Blake's amber eyes scanned his body curiously, raking over Jaune's muscled form. She covered the movement of her mouth by raising her glass to her lips.

"What's your type?" Blake breathed, when she found no obvious giveaways.

" Playing mind games isn't going to answer your question. Neither is being a curious cat, leave alone what you do not know." Jaune replied a little harshly, his eyes looking back at hers as they glowed briefly while barely moving his mouth. 

Blake jolted in shock, nearly breaking her glass and spilling its contents all over her upper body.

"Blake?!" Weiss cried. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Blake blushed madly, cat ears folding down, looking anywhere but Jaune as the white liquid streamed down her chest and neck.

The Arc's eyes locked right on her, fighting to keep a smirk off his face. The weight of his gaze was staggering.

"N-nothing." She lied, grabbing some paper towels and rushing her way out of the room. "I stubbed my toe."

Blake left the kitchen with a submissive sway in her step as she rushed to the bathroom to clean up.

Jaune chuckled softly as she left. He heard Yang come down the stairs and into the kitchen. The blonde had two bags ready for her and Ruby.

Her hair was done up to match Pyrrha and Weiss, and while Jaune loved how she looked with her hair down, Yang could rock a ponytail like nobody's business. 

A pair of sunglasses completed the look as she strutted confidently into the room. Jaune didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was eyeing her up like a piece of meat - with Yang dressed like that , no one expected him to.

Yang's eyes lit up as she saw an uneaten cookie on the table. "Dibs!" She said, walking right next to Jaune and reaching across the table. 

"Delicious," she moaned, licking the crumbs off her lips.

Jaune went over to the sink and got some paper towels to clean up what was left of Blake's mess - and to splash some cold water on his face. He could feel his strength waning in regards to her and the others. 

"So, are we ready to rumble or what?" Yang said brightly.

Weiss sighed. "While you were wasting time, Blake had to go to the bathroom, and now we're waiting on her ."

"I can make it." Pyrrha insisted.

"...That's what worries me." Weiss muttered.

Yang laughed. "Oh, come on Weiss, live a little. No matter how fast we go, no cop is going to give us a ticket when we look like this ."

"I mean if you're that scared I can drive any of you. I'm going too, and I wouldn't mind taking anyone who prefers me to." Jaune said which got their attention.

"You're coming with?" Pyrrha asked, her eyes almost shining in joy.

"Yep, I didn't have anything to do and it wouldn't be bad to help out." He said with a smile, which made the scarlet haired girl's heart flutter. The two sisters looked at each other subtly, seeing how head over heels she is, and decided to talk to her in private when they had the chance. 

"So, Jaune," she said nervously, with a faint blush herself. "We are doing another fundraiser, and next time there will be space for more than today. Would you be interested in-"

"-Yes." Jaune said automatically. Helping would give him some time to get to know others. And keep the girls safe.

"I'm in too." Ruby said defiantly. "Getting the hours out of the way would help plus didn't you say this is getting double time?"

"Yes and Sun and Neptune will be there as well," Weiss said. "It's a larger venue so we can bring a much bigger roster."

"Sounds like a plan, it's been a while since I hung out with them." Jaune said thinking it might be a good opportunity to make things a little less awkward with them considering the eventual change in who Weiss and Blake would be dating.

"I'm just glad we managed to get a few more spots." Weiss said glad Ragora's uncle owned the site and sweet talked into helping by said niece.

"Well if we're done here why don't we pack up and leave?" Blake said coming out of the bathroom. Eyes staring harshly into Jaune, who was looking the other way, but she could see that wolf-like grin on his face.

"Okay, finally let's go! Jaune takes Ruby and me. Pyrrha, I'm sorry but you drive too crazy." Weiss said as they finally got out to the cars. Summer waves as they drove off. Jaune let out a sigh as Ruby took shotgun position. 

He thought about the car wash and wondered just what could go wrong. Geoff slapped his face as he heard the thought. His luck was certain to make something bad happen. He just prayed it wasn't too bad.