
Arcadia: Downfall of the Prides

Originally by Scaletankeratheart With no great enemy to fight the Greatest huntsmen turned their sights on the female population of Remnant. Centuries later, Jaune Arc Scion of House Arc is nearing adulthood on the cusp of creating his own pride of women. However, a stray soul now entwined with his own has altered fate forever. And like all changes the butterfly merely has to flap it's wings. A self insert inspired fix it story of the great story Arcadia: The golden age

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 13: The women in Red

"You know when I read that this place was hard to find I assumed it was because Truth couldn't landnav to save his skin." Jaune said looking at the map he had printed out. "But this place is a maze in a maze." The complex was in the south of the city and through Magenta University. Which was why it was free, and also put him one step closer to completing the first major conquest he needed to do.

Namely seduce and break Cinder so she would not be a threat to the pack and instead an ally. Getting laid was a good secondary outcome. Parking he walked towards the building that had taken far too long to get to, he swallowed down some nerves. Just the day before he had met a God revealed his entire past and potentially set things in motion he could never understand. Why let seduction worry him?

'Nervous?' Truth asked.

"Yah, very much so. This might go our way, or the complete opposite." Jaune said being honest and reading his print off. 

Evernight Castle, Building 4, Room 101

 You have a 5 o'clock appointment with Cinder Fall.

Entering he arrived at the room and knocked politely.

"Mr. Arc?" A soft, sultry voice called out.

Jaune entered the room and took in Cinder, She was as beautiful as he had expected. 

Ash black hair would have fallen just past her shoulders had she not tucked it forward so that it hung over her left breast. Her hourglass figure was accentuated by a skin tight red dress that hugged every curve and felt sensual yet presentable, revealing yet concealed, as the fabric was just thick enough to mask some of the goodies underneath. Her dress was strapless and showed off the smooth, creamy skin of her shoulders and neck, giving her an exposed, defenseless quality, though the look in her eyes was anything but. Amber orbs with flecks of gold were framed by a proud, pretty face and her luscious pink lips were turned up in the slightest smile.

She stood to greet him. He could tell by her posture that she was wearing heels- with them she was a bit taller than the average man, having a solid inch on Ren, though Jaune still towered over her effortlessly. Without them, she was probably 5' 6 or 5' 7, still on the taller side for a woman, but not likely to intimidate anyone. He would admit any day the heels certainly made her body look that much more delicious.

Jaune gripped her soft, dainty hand with a strong, callused grip.

"Ms. Fall." He said politely. He shook her hand, his mind preparing to lay down the mental chess board the two were about to play "Are you… sure you're a psychiatrist?" He asked carefully. He had met Summer Rose, he knew older women existed who somehow looked like teens, but still... " You look a little young for the job."

She didn't let go of his hand, smirking all the while. "It's rude to ask a woman her age." She teased. "But officially, no." She admitted. "I'm a junior majoring in psychology at Magenta. I'd like to get licensed after graduate school, which is what this is about, actually. I'm taking a course where we practice giving consultations to volunteers."

" I'm unsure how an inexperienced and in school psychologist could help." He went first, moving a piece up to the front. He turned faking that he was leaving.

She grabbed his shoulder. "No, please, don't go." She asked, pouting slightly. " I need to pass this class." She confessed. She was following the script, blinking her pretty eyes at him. "You scheduled the last appointment- if you walk out I won't have anything to turn in. I'm very good at what I do. If you just give me the evening I'm sure I can make it worth your while."

"Alright then, why don't we sit down and talk. Ask a few questions back and forth. That way you can turn in something to your professor even if I decide it's not right for me." She was being reactive but the true opening moves were about to begin.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Do you mind if I stand?" she asked, trying to show off her body to him. 

"Very well, the couch or a chair?"

She smiled disarmingly. "That is the old fashioned way." She said warmly, walking out past her cover before lounging against her desk, which was supposed to make her seem relaxed but showed off her luscious legs and pushed her chest out wonderfully. "The most important thing is that you make yourself comfortable."

Jaune was staring into her eyes letting her know the game was on. Sitting down he relaxed showing no aggressive stances but still open and not shut off to her. Geoff might've never taken the class but he could understand body language. But part of him did wish he had something to do with his hands. The nerves were still high and he just wanted to flip something around to occupy that part of his mind.

"So, how did you end up with the last slot?" Jaune asked casually.

Cinder laughed. "Funny, story actually." She said, " These meetings were supposed to wrap up on Monday-"

'Which means if we get violent no one is gonna hear.' he said, really wishing he had a weapon beyond his fists. 

'Does your cock count?' Umbra asked

'Potentially in this case.' Jaune replied hoping that his seduction plans worked.

"-but someone in my section went on an all night bender, and he had to miss his slot last week. It looked like he was going to flunk- but then, right when we should've been closing up shop, an application came in. The front desk screwed up and didn't close the portal, and since we needed another person you got in. When I saw your name…" she drawled. "...I convinced my classmate to switch with me."

Jaune's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why would you do that?" 

"How could I pass you up?" She said. "It isn't every day you get the chance to speak with a dead man."

"And why would you assume I was dead?" he asked, smirking.

"Because a number of years ago the number of Arc children went from eight to seven. I assumed that you simply died. But then your name came through and I had to talk to you. I am glad you are alive."

Jaune chuckled, "You have my asshole of a father to thank for that one." his smirk continued. "Threw me out of the house at fifteen with only what I could carry. No money, no life lines, nothing."

"And why would he do that?" She asked clearly, getting more information than she had intended.

"Never told me, just sat me down and said one hour get what you can and split. Beyond that he let me keep the name."

"I'm sure you understand how I recognized your name though." She said, "Fighting is so much more compelling than all that nonsense with a ball. There's so much more at stake, so much more… power, on display, wouldn't you agree?"

Jaune said nothing. His nerves had calmed his breathing evened out ready to pounce at her.

Cinder realized it was incumbent on her to continue. "And in all of combat sports there's never been anyone quite like Mason Arc. 100-0, World Champion for 12 years straight, never knocked out, never knocked down. The man single handedly ruined the sport for over a decade. You'd think the world would be chomping at the bit to understand how that was even possible, but of all your father's skills it was his control over the paparazzi that amazed me the most." She gestured futilely. "There isn't a single stray picture of him or his wife, not a single thing in the press about them that hasn't been authorized. Most A-listers can't even walk down the street without someone snapping a shot, or stalking their children. For all his talk of family, even the trashiest tabloids have only ever printed the number of kids… not even their first names. seven daughters and one son. So all but the most hardcore fans would be forgiven if they had missed the boy being dropped from the back pages two years back."

"So you want a way into my fathers world than? As I said he cut me off. Only a total fanatic would go through all this to try and worm your way into his life."

"In a manner of speaking." She quipped. "I had assumed the boy must have died, and the family wanted to avoid a media circus. Until Monday night when your name popped in our inbox." She leaned forward curiously. " And you've explained so many things."

"I'm glad I could resolve your long standing theories. Any others I can help with?"

"A few, you're taking this better than I thought you would. I expected you to respond with force that I was exposing you in a possible lie."

"Violence can get you places but currently, I don't see the need. You're unarmed and despite how you look I doubt you could beat me in much physically. So you had to know the chances where it would end badly if I reacted with force."

"Everything in life is a risk Mr Arc, It just takes the right motivation to cause reactions. Such as the fact you can't look away from my body." she said, smirking again.

"Yes, that is the largest concern going on right now. My libido, it's been making things difficult at school and concentrating and not being distracted by my classmates or teachers."

"And masturbating isn't helping?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It would if it would stay down for more than a hour at a time. I constantly think of sex and breeding. Every girl that's hot enough haunts my dreams. Every look they give makes me want to bend them over and show the world they are mine ."

"Seems you're a bit territorial as well. Are all women yours?"

"If I want them to be, they will be."

Cinder smiled. "You're 17, Jaune." She said patronizingly. "That's hardly unusual."

"Do you have any idea how many times I've thought about fucking you since I've met you?" Jaune growled. Cinder's eyes widened. "About ripping that skimpy dress to shreds, pinning you down and seeing just how loudly I can make you scream?

Cinder seemed genuinely taken aback by the force in his voice. "Mr. Arc-" She chided. "-if you think you can intimidate me-"

"At least once every twenty seconds." Jaune interrupted. "I can see it. I can hear it. I can taste it. And you're not special."

Cinder cocked her head and rested her cheek on her palm. "I'll admit, I've never had a guy use that line on me before."

"It isn't a joke." Jaune said gravely. "You want me to tell you what you already know, what all those limp wristed weaklings have been singing ever since they laid eyes on you? Fine. You're hot, Cinder. You're damned hot. You're a fucking ten out of ten, but there are others just like you I have to see every single day, and I can't hold it in much longer."

Cinder seemed to regain her poise at that. "Have there been any ... incidents?"

Jaune hung his head low. "Yes."

Cinder's voice dropped down to a whisper. "...Have you raped anyone?"

"No," he said looking up, "But without a way to vent it feels like an inevitability. But I don't want…"

"Twenty seconds ago you were talking about pinning me to a desk." Cinder said shortly. "If it's bad enough that you need professional help, then forgive me for worrying about the possibility."

"I know, I've come close with one person before and I couldn't say when things stopped if we had stayed like that for a few seconds longer I would've accepted the 'no."

"How far did it go?"

"We went all the way through third base. I got her off orally twice and once by my fingers. After that she got me off and we were about to go all the way when we got caught."

"Coitus interruptus, Never fun."

"You're telling me, I'm just glad I got off. Otherwise I think getting blue balled would've been the step too far."

"Was it enthusiastic consent?"

"What I did, yes, I gave her multiple times before that to reject things and stop it all."

"Well, keep it that way and you're golden." She said, "I don't think you needed me to tell you that."

"If they're too overwhelmed to say no, does it really count as a yes?" He looked at her. "Part of it felt like her mind had been erased and only lust remained."

Cinder stared deep into his soul. Then she burst out laughing.

"Great way to keep a patient doc. Laugh at their misfortune." he stood and walked to the door

The woman waved him back in. "No, wait, wait." she said. "I just can't believe you said that with a straight face." She chuckled. "You mean to tell me you're so attractive, so sexually magnetic, that it's basically cheating because no woman in her right mind would ever say no?"

Jaune gave her a look that had her squirming in her seat, heat pooling in her loins. She could feel the pressure of his aura surrounding her, enveloping her…

"Okay." She said, blushing harder, the force not leaving. "Please!" she was begging her body moving as if his hands were upon her. 

"Why should I?" he asked smiling predatorially. "Seems like you needed to be reminded just what effect you can have on someone else." The force dissipated but was now much more obviously in effect than before. Cinder was panting lightly.

"Irresistible sex god. Let's say I… believe that now. Just for the sake of argument. I don't see why that's a problem."

"Because I'm horny all the time and if I lose control there isn't anyone in the world that can stop me?" he said, staring letting her know she was on the menu.


"Despite having a breeding kink, I'm not in a position to create a thousand offspring. And run the risk of a STD. And my desires include those already taken." he said leaning forward again.

"...Do the words birth control mean anything to you?" She asked dryly. "How about girlfriend ?"

"Did I mention I'm also Poly?"

Cinder smirked. "Well, you're at zero now. One might not be a bad place to start." She paused thoughtfully. "What does this have to do with your family?" She asked.

"Because it's obviously a genetic Blessing. " he said, throwing out a treat for her to snap up.

Cinder's eyes snapped to him at his words. "A blessing you say?" 

"Yes, my father obviously had it, one of eight. I doubt my mom spent much time not getting railed by the old man. He most likely has a few bastards running around."

"Possible, but why call it a Blessing?"

"Because it is what people call things like this is it not?" He said ready to push his position. "People like us, ones with powers beyond the normal man."

"Why would you count me in that group Mr Arc? If one were to exist beyond you."

"Because I can see into your mind as well." He said throwing the same bait he threw at Raven.

Cinder froze before jumping at him. He caught her flaming hands easily, his aura protecting him. He pushed her up and off so he could stand. She struggled trying to kick at his gonads. Smiling her held her up high and said.

"You can kill the fireworks, I'm not here to kill you." She continued to struggle.

"Like I would believe that." she snapped at him.

"Would you believe i'm here to fuck you so hard you break mentally so I can protect my fledling pack and harem. Gaining an ally with access to the underground world I have no entry in."

She stopped looking at him. "You want an ally and come out swinging like that!"

"It was this or pussyfoot around. At least this way we both get some action."

"Why would I consider doing that?" 

"Because If things go right my father's ill gotten wealth could be yours. I'm trying to plan for a war with him and several others. Who do you think will swoop into those power vacuums when it's over? Me? I'm more concerned with keeping my group safe and breeding my women. The grand chessboard isn't what I'm made out for."

"And you'd give up so much for access to the groups I know?"

"If our negotiation would go down that road, yes. We both know we're killing ourselves to take what power is available. Why not work together and destroy everyone else."

Cinder looked at him considering the option, "Maybe."

"I can sweeten the deal, If we fuck and I break i'll be your loyal minion. My skills could get me into anywhere at any time as long as I have a female vector to work through."

"And If I break?" she asked curious about it now. Her arousal leaked through her clothes a unique spice scent that fit her character.

"You'll be my pet, fucked consistently and thoroughly for the rest of your life and we'll have a few kids while we build up an empire from the ruins of the old."

"That certainly sounds appealing, but how would we tell who wins?"

"Given our abilities, the one who can't move at the end is obviously the loser." he said, setting her down.

"So deal?"

"Deal, prepare to lose." Cinder said with a glare

Jaune smiled like a wolf. "Only if you do." he said, moving close and pulling her into a kiss.

Her mouth tasted of cinnamon as her tongue tried to push him out. Their hand's weren't idle as he grabbed his shirt to pull off breaking the kiss for a moment as they backed up towards the desk. "No condom works on my size. So you might want to take a morning after if you can get a thought when we're done."

"Or I'll make you eat it from me when you're pathetic dick is all used up." she said, taking her shoes off.

"We'll see," Jaune said, throwing his shirt against the chair and going back to her his hands pulling at her ass. Their tongues dueled as she got a taste of him, mint with a bit of chocolate. Her dress lifted as his fingers touched her soft cheeks. "If you don't want this ripped I suggest you lose it."

"Only if you drop your pants too."

"Deal," the blonde said, backing off to take his shoes and pants off. Stepping out he watched her sensually pull the dress off her body revealing her black lingerie.

"You where expecting something to happen." he said before kissing her again.

"Perhaps, perhaps I wanted to seduce you to bend you to my will."

"Not gonna happen. You'll be writing Cinder Arc in your notes for months after tonight." Jaune said enjoying the back and forth. He was getting the feeling Cinder wanted this kind of talk as foreplay. "Perhaps if you're good enough I'll let you be the leader of my harem till I can bag the true Alpha."

"Or I can make you want me to be the Alpha," she said as her thinking slipped slightly down from her position earlier. 

"What happened to being my leader? Already accepting being under me?" he said, pushing his Blessing as far as he could get it. Not that he or the others would realize that Jaune before Geoff arrived had been suppressing it mentally and without him in the controls it was at normal output. Now he had it double the normal intensity.

Cinder panted feeling his aura start to consume her. "Cheater!" she said her hips wiggling in her damp panties.

"All is fair in love and war Cinder," Jaune said, pushing his hand down her panties and onto her womanhood. 

She was soaked and clean shaven which did disappoint. But he slowly worked the finger to her folds rubbing just off them before slowly moving closer to them.

"Stop teasing damn it! I'm already soaked. Just finger me or whatever you want to do and get it over with."

"Growing impatient I see, naughty girls don't get touched. They get spanked." He said pulling the hand out and slapping her large shapely rear. 

She moaned and again as he continued. It was at this point she looked down and saw just how much his boxers were being pressed by his cock. "Fuck?" she whispered, not mentally prepared to take that monster.

"I see you finally noticed my equipment. Want a better look?" he asked

"Yes!" she said throatilly. 

Jaune stepped back and pushed down the cloth to reveal just how thick he was. And kept pushing showing her just how long he was. It sprung out for her to see. Jaune didn't think he'd ever get tired of a woman's reaction the first time he whipped it out. Disbelief, desire, fear. Cock shock.

 "Fuck," She said panting lightly.

Cinder had been with a few men ('boys' she corrected, because she knew she'd never look at them as men again) but Jaune was in a completely different weight class.

His cock jutted out at her like a spear, bobbing eagerly. It was big and veiny… it had to be almost a foot long, and as thick as a soda can.

"And if you start behaving it'll start sinking into your wet folds and you can start orgasming." he said his teeth reminded her of a wolf.

"It won't fit!" she said in fear.

"It will, I'll go slow for your first time. First real time, I could tell you were re arranging previous boys to me in your mind. And remember, submitting means you get this whenever you want it and I'm free. No long waits, no RSVPs, just a call and a meetup time. And I'll be over as quickly as I can. Maybe with another girl or two. Or would you rather bring a girl to the mix. Show her just what she's been missing."

Cinder was shaking, so close to an orgasm she could taste it. "Please!" she asked all thoughts of resistance fading as the lust clouded her mind completely. "I need it."

"Need what?" he asked ready to move to the next stage of breaking her in. "What do you need Cinder?"

"To cum!" she asked just a touch away.

"And then what?" Jaune asked his fingers, ghosting over her side. "What can you give me for letting you cum?"

"I have an accomplice! Her name is Emerald, she isn't with anyone. You can fuck her too. I'd order her too just so you can have someone else in your harem. She'd break so easily." Cinder said her mind was desperate to cum. 

"Your terms are acceptable," he said, kissing her neck and setting her off.

Cinder screamed in orgasm, her legs kicking out as he grabbed her so she wouldn't fall. Her soaked panties got even wetter as she squirted through them. A large puddle forming on the ground. She twitched for several seconds afterwards coming down from the high. 

"That's one orgasm you owe me, let's see how many we can rack up?" He said picking her up and setting her on the desk. His hands pushed back into her pants just enough for him to scoop up her fluids. Bringing it back up he tasted them. 

Spicy and hints of other things but not like Velvet. 'Maybe she's on a safe day?' Truth asked having been watching the event play out with Umbra who was glad he was dominating her without even fucking her yet.

'Perhaps.' Jaune replied, ready to continue. "Looks like it's a safe day Cinder, no baby tonight."

"I can give you one. Just need to wait a few weeks at most!" She said her plans slipping further and further from her mind. "Just please fuck me!"

"Oh I will, and every orgasm you have before I do is how many women will be over you when we're finished building the pack."

"Yes! So many women, all pregnant and waiting for you to fuck them." she replied pushing her bra off then her panties. "Fuck me and get started please!"

"As you wish," Jaune said, getting between her legs and pushing in about a quarter of his cock.

She let out a noise as he pushed the air from her lungs. "So big!" She said shaking as that alone almost set her off. Cinder continued to pant as more and more of him pushed its way and rearranged her insides to accommodate his cock. She let out a moan as he finally slipped against her cervix. 

The raven haired beauty moaned she was full, totally full and claimed by Jaune. All he had to do was cum and she wouldn't want to leave. "Fuck me! Pleas fuck me!" she asked, looking up at him.

"As you wish," he said slowly, pulling out to slam back in and set her off in another orgasm. Her legs trying to wrap around him. 

He stayed still to let her stop and adjust herself. Holding onto his by her legs and arms he began to move slowly driving her up again.

"Yes! Yes!" she panted out pulling him down to kiss her again. He complied their tongue dancing as his right hand began to pull and squeeze her breast. Cinder moaned as he tweaked a nipple, before moving to the other breast. She groaned and orgasmed again, her body so sensitive.

Jaune smiled and began to thrust harder now trying to work himself up to an orgasm. She was already halfway broken and surely cumming inside of her would send her over that edge permanently. 

"More… more!" The woman begged as his hips slapped into hers. She didn't even need to touch her clit; his actions kept it under constant pressure driving her towards another eruption. Mind blank, all she could think was 'cum and be happy, submit and be happy, get pregnant and be happy.' All Cinder could do was agree happily and without resisting. 

Jaune sped up even more enjoying just how her walls felt as she orgasmed trying to draw his cum from his body. He continued nearing a peak after her tenth, "I'm close Cinder ready to be filled up so thoroughly you'll feel like a balloon?"

He got a gurgle in response and he sped up to his maximum speed. His hips slapping her so hard the sound was beyond lewd. With a roar he finally achieved his own release and quickly filled her up. Pump after pump was pushing his thick seed into her womb in search of an egg. And tonight it would be a failure. But on another he would eventually win.

Jaune continued to fuck her for several more hours till he could tell she was done but still awake and conscious. He let her come down just enough for her brain to restart. He had come half a dozen times and he lost count for her. The room reeked of sex and the floor was a mess as well.

"Fuck!" she moaned coming back to herself. Mind still in the haze she could at least talk and be aware.

"So admit you lost?"

"For tonight. My stud. Fuck… how much did you cum?" 

"A lot even for me. At least we can agree you're good at wringing it out of me." 

"Fuck you!" She said but it sounded loving.

"We just did but If you want more?" He said knowing she was done.

"Please not tonight. I yield, I'm yours. You're my master." Her mind began to wonder.

Cinder's dreams flashed before her eyes, but they were warped, twisted. She was on top of the world, but she wasn't the one on the throne anymore. She was standing by his side, smiling as she watched her master hold court. He was giving the orders, she was taking them. She would drop to her knees and please him in front of the entire world if he said the word- he was the King, after all, even the Queen was his bitch. Jaune lounged back in his chair- purple was such a good color on him- while the most powerful men in the world groveled as he held their lives in his hands. They would beg, and he would ignore them, catching his Queen's eye with a gentle smile, and her heart would soar as she held her most precious treasure in her arms. Only she wasn't holding a scepter, or wielding a relic. She was nursing a child. His child. Their child.

The last ashes of her old self flickered in rebellion- Ash, she liked that name - telling her that she had to stop this now, that she'd never subject herself to something like that, something so… so…

Perfect ." She cooed. 

"Have a good thought?" He asked grabbing a water for them both. He also had grabbed some paper towels and was wiping her down just enough so she wouldn't stick to her clothes or car. 


"I'm a dom, It's kinda my job to make sure you're okay." he said holding the bottle for her to drink from. "The hot kinky sex is wonderful but this is how we show love as well."

"I don't want to be babied." she replied.

"I'm not, caring for another isn't showing weakness." Jaune said "It's showing the greatest strength of all. Putting someone above your own needs."

Cinder looked at him as if she was seeing just behind his mask for the moment.

"Would you do this for anyone you sleep with?"

"All of them if we did it like this. But to be fair most would end up like you in any circumstance of sex outside a quicky of a single round for me."

He looked at the clock. It was half past ten… their appointment had started at 5:00, and even though it had taken a while to get sexual that meant it had been a solid three or four hours of non-stop fucking. 'And if she isn't loyal after that I don't know what to do.' His stamina was beyond rival. 

"Give me your phone, I'll put my number in." Cinder reached for it handing it over without pause. Putting himself as 'Master' he sent a quick text to himself and put her as simply 'Cinder Fall Sub Matriarch.'

"Think you can get home okay?" 

"Yes, After a bit more rest my legs should work." 

"Good, give me a call if you want more. Or text will work. And I'll say something If i need to pick your brain about our powers. I still don't have it all figured out just yet. But i'm getting there," he said with a smile.

'A perfect smile,' Cinder said, smiling back without thinking. "Yes, if that's what you do by instinct. I don't even want to know how well you'll be when fully trained."

"Alive for one, less likely to get domed by a mad man."

"At least you can think about things other than sex."

"Nope, I'm still gonna be a sex nut. But now I have you to work through those issues with." he said gently kissing her. 

She tried to stand and stumbled to be caught by him. "Well that didn't work like we thought it would." he said, scoping her up bridal style. He grabbed his shirt and put it over her for decency. "I got your stuff."

She gave him directions to her home as he set her down gently in the van. Handing her her things he got in and pulled on a spare shirt. Driving she looked over at him and wondered just how he knew so much and so little about everything at the same time. He should've had her knowledge like a book. Or was it only based on what he could remember. She'd investigate later once her body could work again. For now, sleep felt really good.