
Arcadia— Heroes Of Relics

Updates every 10:00PM UTC+7 Centuries ago, a mysterious meteor descended upon the Earth. Instead of wiping all life forms on the planet, it terraformed the Earth, transforming both living and non-living things alike. This event was called the Great Meteor Fall. Monsters and Beasts appeared and proliferated on the land, causing a shift to the ordinary lifestyle people once knew. Humans also underwent changes thanks to the meteor. Some were granted supernatural powers, and some were granted strength. With these changes, mankind concluded that life will never be the same. The rise of adventurers and guilds was only a few things brought about by the change. Those who wielded great power became prominent figures. But this was just the beginning. The ground zero of the meteor, where it descended, became the territory of a powerful entity known as the Dark One. No one knew where he came from, but rumors said he was inside the meteor when it landed. The energy levels in ground zero were so potent that an average human wouldn't be able to survive it. As such, only high-ranking adventurers could enter it with great difficulty and survive. However, no one came close to the fortress of the dark One, built on top of the meteor itself. As years passed, the monsters and beasts became more powerful, and the adventurers struggled to keep up. But there was no real threat. The Dark One didn't seem to care for Earth's inhabitants, or maybe he was in deep slumber, awaiting his awakening before he invaded Earth. It was foretold, however, that the Dark One was close to awakening, and the powerful monsters and beasts were a clear sign of it. Backed into a corner, the countries were forced to rely on forbidden technology to combat the upcoming invasion. Messing with the space-time continuum, mankind was able to summon influential and powerful people from the past. They became known as Heroes of Relics. These heroes partied up and became Earth's last line of defense against the oncoming invasion. Albrecht Stein was part of the Heroes of Relics. However, he was kicked out of the party since they no longer needed a porter. His only particular skill was spatial storage space, and he was just an additional headcount, so they kicked him out. Just like the other Heroes, he was transported to the future with the sole purpose of defeating the Dark One. But now that his purpose was gone, he decided to live a quiet life in the countryside. That is until the final countdown was issued, and the world's destruction drew near.

DaisukiDayoSenpai · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Double Invitation Before Sunset

"In one slash, you say? The Tri-Horn Minotaur known for terrorizing neighboring cities... he defeated it in one slash?" Julia leaned closer to her daughter, her curiosity piqued. She could've sworn that Albrecht wore a Bronze Tag, which was a clear sign that he was a beginner adventurer.

An adventurer is ranked based on their achievements and overall strength. The lowest rank would be Bronze, followed by Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Platinum. Only those above Diamond and Platinum could attempt to conquer the layers of Ground Zero, that's why being part of the Heroes of Relics automatically makes one a Platinum-ranked adventurer.

A certain air of mystery surrounded the unconscious Albrecht as he slept on one of the gurneys of the clinic. She couldn't believe that the innocent-looking young man she helped was actually a big shot.

"That's what I'm worried about. I've seen his power, as well as his immense amount of Zecian Aura. And yet, I've confirmed that he really has a Bronze Tag." Yulia continued, worriedly glancing at Albrecht from time to time as he stirred in his sleep. "As the guild master of the Caharsa Guild, I rechecked the records, and he really was Bronze Rank."

"I guess we just have to talk to him when he wakes up. For now, please look after him. I'll head back home and prepare dinner for four."

As Julia got up and adjusted the long skirt she wore, the door to the clinic whipped open, and a rugged man with blond hair and cerulean eyes barged into the clinic.

His breathing was ragged, and he rushed to the receptionist, demanding that he see his wife and daughter. "What happened to them? Are they all right?" He let out in an agitated manner.

"Dear, why are you here?" Julie asked as her husband rushed towards her and gave her a hug.

"Hahh~ you're all right! And our daughter?" He asked, leaning in and seeing that her daughter was just tending to a new face. He heaved a sigh of relief. But before he could regather his thoughts, he double-backed and intently stared at the unconscious young man.

"Isn't that... Albrecht Stein? He's a member of the Heroes of Relics, why is he here?"

— — —

[A noob indeed]

[Using your skills, you'd have been able to heal yourself without the need of a healer]

'Then show me how to use all these skills? And also, who are you? I just decided to call you System. But who really are you?' Albrecht thought to himself.

[You will know in due time. For now, focus on that injury of yours and heal up. You've got a world to save]

Upon hearing the voice in his head, Albrecht stirred. His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he noticed was Julia and Yulie, sitting by his bedside.

Yulie glanced at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" Julia asked.

Albrecht groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head in confusion. "Did I pass out?" He asked as if it wasn't obvious.

"You passed out while one of the healers tended to your back," Yulie explained. "How are you feeling?"

Albrecht sat up straight, taking in his surroundings. By the window, he caught a glimpse of the city. It resembled more a quaint village, with small thatched roofed huts, brick bungalows, and a central square. A few villagers were going about their daily chores and errands, eyeing Albrecht curiously from the open window as they passed by.

"I'm all right. Thank you so much for going out of your way to rescue me." Albrecht slightly bowed his head at Yulie. He also didn't forget to thank her mom a second time for treating him with the fare going to the city.

"We should be the ones thanking you, Albrecht was it? If it weren't for you, most of the passengers would've died during that encounter. You saved all of their lives, you saved my life." Julia continued, also bowing her head with Albrecht as she sincerely expressed her gratitude.

"In any case, my dad told me. You're part of the Heroes of Relics, right? I heard they're going to attempt to conquer the second outer layer of Ground Zero. Aren't you going with them?"

A forced smile appeared on Albrecht's face. Mustering his courage, he explained how he was kicked out of the party since he was just a simple porter.

"But you're really strong, I saw you take down that Tri-Horn Minotaur with one slash." Yulie rebutted. "Even Platinum Rank Adventurers have a hard time dealing with Tri-Horn Minotaurs."

"Um, no... that was just um, that was just a lucky break." Albrecht reasoned out, but the mother-sister duo didn't believe him. Of course, how could they when the proof of his feat was right there?

After a couple of checkups and confirmation that Albrecht was all well and good. He was discharged from the clinic. There were still bandages all over his body though, and it made his movement a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Again, thank you so much for rushing to my aid. I'll be heading my own way now." Albrecht turned around after a farewell greeting. He didn't want to impose on Julia and Yulie anymore. And besides, he knew where the nearest inn was.

"What are you going to do now? Now that you're not part of the Heroes of Relics, are you going to sign up as an adventurer?" Yulie asked. Even though Albrecht wanted to be alone, Yulie caught up to him, walking beside him as she struck up another conversation.

"I don't know. For now, I'm going to get some dinner." Albrecht let out a yawn.

"What do you mean? You're not going to have dinner with us?"

"What do you mean?" Albrecht asked. This was the first time he heard about it.

As if on cue, the door to the clinic opened, and out came Julia who had overheard the conversation. "I forgot to tell you. Would you like to have dinner with us?"

Albrecht turned around. There was no way he would reject an invitation from his benefactor. But before he could say yes, however, a large pair of hands grabbed him by the shoulder, and a towering man looked at him with a rigid smile on his face.

"Albrecht, was it? Before the sun sets, we'd be heading over to defeat a couple of beasts. It would be nice if we could have another porter with us." It was none other than Riurgus Rosethorn.

Aren't they forgetting about something? Well, if they forgot (the 'ehrmm' kiss 'ehrmm') then it's probably not important.

Please do consider leaving power stones, comments, and a review. Enjoy reading ^-^

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