
Arcadia| Dungeon's and Dragons

XGamer_Time · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Episode 1| A Little Bakery

A boy is seen in a bakery, taking notes on certain items and silently sitting back down on the chair, before he sets everything on the table again and proceeds to serve others. After setting everything on the table again, he goes and gathers his things. He is wearing a black vest with the name 'William' on the back "Man, I cannot wait to eat." A customer in all white walks into the store.

"Hmm.. It seems an adventurer entered my store..." 'William Thinks' The adventurer begins to wander around the store, picking up bread and pastries, "Hey uhh, do you have any purple cookies?" The adventurer said, "Well you're in luck, we just got the shipment of cookies, it's in the back, let me get them." 'Says William' William then walkins into the back, wondering where the 'Millennial Cookies' are.

"Ah i got it, here you go ma'am anything else?" 'The girl pauses' "No i think that will be it" 'The girl reaches for her bag but stops.' "Uhh… Out of question, can I pay you back? Once I get money from my uh.. Quest?" 'William stares at the girl' "You're telling me you have no pocket silver?" 'William then thinks..' "Tell you what, i'll let you keep it for free but you gotta recommend this place to other adventurers!"

The girl's face lights up with a bright smile. "Ahh.. um okay!" as she thanks William for his generosity while bowing she leaves and promises to spread the word about his shop to all her fellow adventurers. William can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he has gained a new customer and potentially many more through words.

As he begins thinking to himself the shop opens again, but this time a mysterious atmosphere is in the room. As William looks up he says, "Sorry but the store is-" he sees a figure shrouded in a dark cloak approaching the counter. The person's face is hidden in the shadow, and William can't quite make out who it is. -To Be Continued-