
Prologue: Expulsion

Prologue: Expelled.


Jaune was sitting in his room days after his transcripts were revealed to the whole school by Cardin Winchester and it was due to this action caused the entire school to turn against him, his team and sister team abandoned him to the wolves and frankly it turned back to what Jaune hated the most. Loneliness even back during his time with the Arc Compound where the Arc Clan spent 5 Generations at, Jaune was lonely with only his intelligence to be called his own though in hindsight the arcs were valued for there brawn and line of huntsmen and Huntresses.

However Jaune was a Mental Prodigy who had awakened his aura far earlier then most and by awaken at a very young age, Jaune infact was born with awakened aura though when Jaunes father figured this out assumed Jaune would be one of the greatest warriors to even be born into the arc clan but those dreams were dashed as when the blonde had displayed more tact with his own mind rather then the sword.

Jaune built his own robot using parts from an old scooter as well as learned the soil composition from the land the arcs were living on just when he was only 4 years old, when Jaune was old enough for school, he graduated Highschool at the age of 12 then went to college 2 years later and graduated with 5 Majors and 2 Minors.

Jaune looks down at the 6 Graduate Certificates he had received 2 years years ago, one is a master in Chemistry which the two fields are Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, another master certificate of achievement is Technological Hopology also known as the Study of Weapons, Armor, Vehicles ETC. another masters belongs to Robotics, Jaune absolutely loved robots and wanted to build a lot of them to help everyone's daily lives Anyway the blonde genius also had a major in Neurology since Jaune even when he first figured out his hyper intelligence was always fascinated how the human mind works.

The last major Jaune had acquired during his time his college was Energetics, Jaune before graduating completely held two minors of Coding and Business Management.

Jaune flips through the certification of his achievements before folding them and hiding them in his hoodie just underneath the white plated armor though frowning as heard talks among the beacon staff that he is going to be kicked out and blacklisted "4 Years of College getting enough degrees to show my intelligence but the one moment I tried to do something that my father would be proud of then someone does a dick move and rats on me...." the blonde genius exclaimed harshly to himself however Jaune scratched his head trying to figure something out.

"But how did Cardin figure out my false transcripts? I had the best forger make those as well as adding a few half truths in them to make them more believable...hmmm?" Jaune asked himself putting his right index finger and thumb onto his chin trying to figure out how his bullies could figure out the truth until this train of thought had been broken when the door to the room was opened showing a stern blonde woman with glasses "Mr.Arc...The Headmaster would like to see you now" "yes ma'am" Jaune responded back respectfully getting up to walk around the bed he was sitting to follow Glynda.

The Witch of Beacon walks through the halls of the dorms with Jaune behind her nothing being said at the time since there was nothing to be said "Mr.Arc..." the stern woman spoken out prompting Jaune to look up curiously "...I tried...I tried to get Ozpin to change his mind, to get him to give you a chance...but he wouldn't budge..." Glynda was shaking with sadness and anger most prevalent within the witch woman.

Jaune however knew the stubbornness of Ozpin and his refusal to do anything but his own actions therefore placing his left hand onto Glynda's Shoulder comforting her slightly smiling "its alright Miss.Goodwitch, I knew the risks when I submitted the false transcripts. I just hoped it would pay off but it's a gamble with Lady Luck" Jaune have a strained smile which Glynda stopped to look at him also smiling at Jaunes optimism so both continued there walk towards the main tower of beacon academy.

After a few minutes of silence on the walk to the elevator in the main hall as well as the elevator ride up until the doors revealing the office of Headmaster Ozpin, the clicks of the rotating gears from above with the meaning of time however Jaune looks at ozpin who held a very serious look.

Glynda shook slightly but was overlooked by Ozpin though she grabbed Jaunes left shoulder since she was on his left then slowly moved him forward under the guise of bringing in a criminal "Jaune Arc....no, Mr.Jaune" Ozpin spoke before correcting himself on the last name which earned a confused look prompting the silver haired fox to sigh then decided to explain his words "Mr.Jaune, after I was informed of criminal actions of submitting False Transcripts by Mr.Winchester I was forced to inform your family and least to say...they were not happy" Ozpin explained half of the story.

Jaune however flinched at his family figuring out what had happened but the old man continued with a shake of his head "they were mad, mad being the objective word...though I waited for them to calm down and your father had informed me that because of your action that soiled the arc name, you have been disowned and no longer an arc." Jaune was shocked, not just shocked but crushed that not only is he going to be kicked out because of a coward but to have his own name stripped from him was something that hit hard, VERY hard.

Ozpin saw the crushed look from Jaune and felt strangely pleased that someone like him is getting what he deserved for not only breaking the law but possibly compromise his war against the queen of Grimm "now Mr.Jaune, my orders by the council is to bring you in with cuffs-" Ozpin spoke of his intent but Glynda adopted a horrified look while letting go of the Blonde Genius stepping in front of Jaune "Ozpin! That is too extreme! He's just a child!" She yelled at him but Ozpin glared back not wanting to be interrupted again "Glynda, these are orders from the council and I must go through with them but I'm a generous man...I'll let Mr.Jaune a full day to run and give him a chance to leave on his own accord before sending an Arrest Warrant to the VPD".

Glynda is mortified that Ozpin is treating one of his students as prey in some fucked up game of Hunt and that isn't from the orders of the council "Ozpin!" "Professor Goodwitch, one more outburst from you and I'll be forced to enact disciplinary action on you" Glynda stopped as Ozpin was never this serious before thus held her tongue before Ozpin continued looking down at Jaune as if he were an ant.

"Mr.Jaune, you'll be given 24 Hours to leave vale city before I send out an arrest warrant. You will be escorted off beacon ground immediately and any possession that you have came with will be confiscated under criminal investigation. And while I'm on the subject of criminal activity...what you have committed Mr.Jaune I am forced to blacklist you from beacon as well as the other three Hunter Academies. No ifs, ands or buts. Am I clear?" Glynda was far to shock that Ozpin was being incredibly harsh to the young man even more so then herself and Glynda had earned her reputation as the one to follow rules religiously but the witch teacher held a soft heart and is known to show every so often.

Jaune looked down but nodded at this figuring out this was probably the best solution outside of going to prison with marks of becoming a veteran prisoners prison bitch "yes sir..." Jaune said weakly which Ozpin looked over at Glynda "escort him off of Beacon Grounds" He ordered which Glynda weakly nodded turning to escort Jaune back into the elevator.

Glynda couldn't even walk after the elevator ride feeling almost devastated that Jaune was receiving the blunt end of actions, while can be heavy enough for prison but she felt that the blonde prodigy was soaking up so much information that he could easily be placed as one of the top academic students and was in fact since Jaune aced every test was given to him.

The Blonde Witch stopped in front of the docks where a bullhead was roaring in its place indicating it was ready to send on back to vale city where he will have 24 Hours to do whatever being he was eventually hunted down like a dog, Jaune stepped onto the platform before turning back with a smile "don't worry Miss.Goodwitch, failure is not the end. Only those who gives up can but those will gets back up from the fall will persevere in the end game, no matter how many times I fall...I will always get up" Jaune finished his last saying to the woman before turning around to enter the bullhead.

It's been 8 Hours ever since Jaune had left Beacon Academy and being the most hated individual has shown no one really cared for his leave such carried on with there day as if nothing ever happened.

In Juniors Bar which was opened due to it being dark which business bloomed for a night club however the man Xei Houng was cleaning a glass while purposely watched one of customers who was Jaune Formerly Arc muttering unintelligible nonsense, about College, Intelligence and so Forth however the bar owner checked before serving the kid alcohol and learned his Student Huntsmen License was denied showing he was kicked out but Hei learned from the blonde prodigies drunken rambles was his five college degrees under the scientific boundaries which made Jaune almost on par of a senior scientist who studied years in ones practice, as such made the Former Arc one of the youngest scientific prodigies in years.

Hei remained silent while continuing to listen to the drunken rambles from Jaune before his mind stopped when he heard "4 Years of collage to obtain 5 Majors and 2 Minors before submitting false transcripts to beacon just so I can get that 'Atta Boy' from dad *hic* only to ratted out by some bastard with a grudge...*hic* now I'm back to being alone...*hic* *hic*" slowly lowering his head and sounds of sobbing is heard along with "so alone, so alone"

The Bar Owner felt that strike in his heart as he had felt Jaunes pain before, no one especially someone like him should be alone so he prompted to leave the bar for a moment until speaking to one of his men by a door next to the bar "keep a close eye on the blonde male at the bar, he's shown signs of being a chatty and crying drunk. Keep an eye Incase the angry drunk makes an appearance" Junior ordered his man which he nodded "yes sir"

Junior nodded then walked into the back which more precisely is his office, sitting down on his boss throne that the man affectionate calls his chair then frowning about the kid in the bar while he doesn't know what the kid went through personally all Hei knows is that kid grew up alone with that sort of intelligence so the bar man is going to call someone who will not only help the kid achieve his dream of being a huntsmen but also form bonds that were not careless and fragile made.

Junior opened the bottom drawer showing an old scroll with a partial cracked screen showing its age being well over 20 Years due to the crack and the fact that it's an older model of the scroll, turning it on to click on the phone app then moved to a contact named Samara Midnight.

Hei stared at the name for a while now obviously thinking before submitting then pressing the name placing a call through CCT going through all the way to Vacuo before it was accepted by Samara, the video feed comes through showing a surprisingly young woman even if she was in her late 40s but shown to be no more then early twenties "Well Well Well...if it isn't my Darling Nephew Hei, how long has it been since we last spoke...10? 15 Years?" "12, Auntie Samara but unfortunately this isn't a social call." Junior gotten right to the point which Samara nodded.

"At one point didn't you say you have a knack to determine potential in your students at Shade Academy?" Junior asked Samara since she is the current Headmaster to the Shade Hunter Academy, Headmaster Midnight nodded at the claim "I like to pride myself on having a good eye but what is this about my Darling Nephew?" Junior sighed slowly looking up before looking down "do you know a kid named Jaune Arc?" Midnight shook her head at this "no, is he famous? I can ask Professor Blaze" Samara spoke then looked up from the screen.

"Professor Blaze! Come here for a second" She spoke with sounds of heels clicking the granite covered floor before another feminine's voice came through "Yes Professor Midnight?" "Do you know a young man by the name of Jaune Arc?" Junior was looking intently curious on what this 'Blaze' knew about the blonde drunk in his bar though what he hears next was beyond what the bar owner would've thought "wait...Jaune Arc? THE Jaune Arc? Tall, Blonde, Scraggly?" Samara was unsure of blazes questioning just that she looks down at the scroll where Junior was on the screen.

The Bar Owner nodded at the description prompting the Shade Headmaster to look back up to nod "Yes, what do you know about the young man?" "17 Years Old, Comes from the prestigious arc clan who are settled right around Mistral, born with awakened aura and is in fact one of the greatest Scientific Prodigies in his generation" Blaze spoken absentmindedly though earning a confused look from junior who Midnight used to face the feed of his side to the red haired professor with glasses while Samara held a far more interested look "how do you know all that Hera?" The shade Headmaster asked curiously.

Blaze gotten out of her stupor with a slight blush grazing a hand through her long and tied red hair "hehe sorry, I know Mr.Arc from a Website Forum for Scientists. This particular site is highly intertwined into the reaches of cyberspace that only particular individuals are able to locate it. We call this Science Space which Doctor Watts and Doctor Polendina named that, it's where us scientists go to speak with other like minded people as a way to escape the norms" Blaze stopped her talk as to see two looks of confusion of her rant which she blushed a bit "sorry! It's what we call...no offense, but it's what we call stupid people..." Samara chuckled lightly while Junior snorted a bit responding to that comment "it's fine Professor Blaze, a lot of my employees are idiots"

Samara however was thinking about this young man, 17 years of age no less to have discovered such a secret forum for the smartest of society but to have made such an impact with Professor Blaze who was the one that teaches science in Shade as such Midnight could feel the potential from the young man just without meeting him "My Darling Nephew...how do YOU know Mr.Arc?" Midnight asked moving the scrolls feed back to her though what was said next made the older woman's blood boil.

"the kid is drinking himself stupid in my bar, he's a chatty drunk. Talking about how he was kicked out from beacon, blacklisted before getting hunted like some dog to be sent to prison...just looking at the kid, he has a bright head and a big heart-" Junior was talking about the many things Jaune said through his drunken rambles before was stopped when Samara asked "how did he get kicked out Hei?" Junior blinked thinking before answering honestly "several months ago, I directed the kid towards a friend of mine that does one of the best forgery works. My friend also informed me to that he placed in all the kids academic achievements as well as some fake combat achievements to balance out his transcripts so if I had to guess...the kid had his forged transcripts discovered then is paying the price-" Junior stopped with his aunt interrupted him.

"Hei, send me a list of the kids academic achievements. I want to see what Mr.Arc is capable of" The Headmaster asked which the bar owner nodded to moved to the messaging app to start typing in the achievements as well as pulling up the list from his digital computer.

By the time junior finished the list it spanned up to 12000 Characters but the mans fingers started to cramp from all the type and such decided to cut the academic achievements short as to save himself the ache in his fingers as well as some time though he nearly dropped the scroll after he sent when he heard "THAT ARROGANT, POWER HUNGRY SON OF A BITCH!" Juniors aunt is known to be fair and kind towards all her students and many civilians but to hear that towards the Headmaster is kinda shocking to the bar owner "BLAZE! PREP MY PERSONAL BULLHEAD! WE ARE HEADING TO VALE TO CONFRONT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Samara shouted ending the call with junior.


Here we go guys, the first chapter of my take on the Business Arc Trope. Fun thing is that me and a good friend of mine built the foundation together.