Amidst the vast, sprawling corridors of the Spiritual Academy, corridors that had borne witness to countless tales of ambition and discovery, Articius felt an irresistible pull toward the library. This edifice was not just a building but a living testament to the ceaseless quest for knowledge.
Every brick and stone in its structure seemed to hum with the energy of countless scholars who had passed through its majestic doors. Inside, the immense room unfurled in a tapestry of towering bookshelves.
These monolithic structures, carved from ancient oak trees that once stood sentinel in forgotten forests, reached skywards, their topmost shelves obscured in shadow. The wood, darkened by centuries, absorbed the soft, flickering light from candles, creating an ambiance of hushed reverence.
Amid the methodical order of these repositories of wisdom, ladders, both static and on wheels, stood ready.