
Arata Tamura

ArVo5644 · Action
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6 Chs

Haruto Sasaki 2

After i was done eating with Haruto he said "Let's watch the fights in the second lunchbreak ok?","Why?","Because it's my job,all of the low ranked have a job like activity,they do for the leaders of their class,that they can get protection from bullying or rather said they force you to do a job or they will beat you up.","What kind of job are there?","Most of them are cleaning or give them your homework in short you become their slaves.Oh there are other ways to not get beaten up.","Then why do all take the job thing and not the other thing.","Because the other thing is to give them protection money.","Does the school even do something about it?","Why should they if they are hoping that something like that happens,the school hopes that mobbing exist,because if that exist nobody want that to happen to them and because of that they will try to become strong to protect themselfes and that's how the also create strong fighter."