
Birth of Eco grenville

Olivia grenville was in her labour pain and many maids were supervising her birth process........

Many nanny's were also present with her and that room had a beautiful garden attached to it....

From the early stage of her pregnency with eco she get specially attracted to nature and always feel like visiting garden a lot.......

when she use to touch any flower her baby use to kick , she use to wonder how the baby is happy seeing gardens a lot.....

At present in labour room Inspite of pushing hard she was unable to push the child even nannies were worried the maids were informing the king......

king oliver grenville was walking here and there taking long strides in the corridor.......

Nervousness was written all over his face he was very much worried for his wife and was desperate to see how she was doing.......

Inside the room queen Olivia was trying hard and she was worried of her baby and was struggling, nannies were comforting her and encouraging her to push the child.......

The royal queen's loyal maid name crysynthea was worried seeing the queen struggle.........

she suggested that from the day queen olivia was pregnant she had a great attachment to nature so why can't we arrange queens's birth in the garden .......

At first all maids and nannies were shocked......

Listening to her request and said its inappropriate to take the queen in the garden in such a tough situation and were quite opposite to it and it was tough to take decision on their own.....

At last seeing the objection on everyone's face crysynthea made decision to request king but she was afraid of king oliver grenville.........

king oliver grenville was aloof and cold and never have interaction with females.......

Thinking of queen Olivia's struggles she courageously went to the king and with lot of nervousness she explained the situation how queen use to feel relief in nature when she was pregnant.......

she felt that child birth will be easy if we can arrange the child birth in the garden.......

listening to crysynthea king immediately made arrangements in garden. Garden was covered with curtains and bed was carried by several maids into the garden ........

The garden was covered with various flowers and the fragrance of jasmine's made queen to feel at ease and baby movements improved a lot.......

With lot of efforts and struggles the baby was out and it was a baby boy........

what made everyone one worried is the baby was not crying they were unable to analyze his breathing.........

Nannies were beating the baby on his buttocks and rubbing his back smoothly , Inspite of it the baby was not breathing and was not crying ......

seeing the situation Olivia's tears were not stopping and loyal maid crysynthea was comforting her .....

Inspite of the comfort she was yelling at the nannies my baby ,why why is he not crying what happened to him please hand over the baby to me give it here ....

seeing her yelling one of the nanny said that he is not breathing listening to that queen heart aches and there was unbearable pain in her heart......

she ordered the nanny to handover the baby to her .....

Queen was lying on the bed as she endured lot of physical stress she didn't had any strength left in her.......

The baby situation gave her a lot of strength that she immediately sat in the bed and one of the nanny who was holding the baby had given the baby to the queen....

my baby please open your eyes see your mommy the queen was requesting her baby beating on his buttocks her motherly love didn't allowed her to beat the baby hard she kept the baby to her heart and prayed god to make her baby cry...

Meanwhile a very puffy squirrel who was enthusiastic was watching the scence in amazement........

I was fond of the baby from the time it was in the womb.......

whenever queen use to come to the garden for stroll it use to watch the queen secretly hiding from all soldiers who use to be with queen for protection.....

seeing the queen crying it was unable to stop itself and started to go to the baby....

seeing the squirrel all the maids and nannies frightened the squirrel to go away from the Queen's bed...

seeing the squirrel the queen ordered the maids to not to stop the squirrel ...

whenever queen use to stroll in the garden she use to see the squirrel and wondered.......

Every time she use to come in the garden she use to observe the squirrel and use to feel happy........

she use to feel amazed how the squirrel was smart in hiding from soldiers and watch her baby bump with love...

somewhere queen had a belief that the squirrel won't harm her and the baby...

squirrel came near the baby and released her air in baby's mouth....

In the next second the baby breathing was normal and the baby started crying .....

Everyone who watched the scence were surprised and amusement was written allover their faces...

Olivia's has a sign of relief and touched the squirrel lovingly ....

queen was very thankful to the squirrel and somewhere believed the the squirrel was the god's blessing....