

Whatever it is. Can you believe this? Even at the end of the tunnel, there is a way, but it is not sure that it is the right one, and the future, be that as it may, in this life or the birth of a god? Or is it just our imagination playing with us? Or not?

SAzuraS · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The epitome of orientation

His soul has already let him go. A tiny drop of strength left his body, whose every movement had failed the boy, only the wind played with his body, which slowly covered him to the ground, that was all.

Kiritsuya: - Well, that was a feeble attack, but don't worry, I'll take care of you.

The boy picks him up on his shoulder and goes back into the house.

Kiritsuya: - Where is the girl?

Ophenius: - I brought her a long time ago, I didn't have to use much force, because she immediately collapsed from fear.

Kiritsuya: - So you used your power on a weak girl.

The man holding the chain walks over and punches Aika's kidnapper in the stomach.

Kiritsuya: - I am the leader here, I command, never use your power again until I say so, remember this.

They drag the two prisoners into a building made of bars and lock them in one of its cells.

After roughly half a day, Mizeya gets up.

Both were chained and staring at each other, one sitting on the bed and the other lying on the floor.

Aika: - You finally woke up.

The boy wakes up, then looks around, but sees only cells in front of him, and walls to the sides.

Mizeya: - Where are we?

He stood up, then felt the weight on his hands, chains.

Mizeya: - What is this on me?

The boy grabs his chains, then starts hitting them on the ground, harder and harder, almost making music with them.

Aika: - Calm down, we're locked in, can't you see?

He picks up his chains, pointing them at her.

Mizeya: - Then what should we do?

To this, the princess answered.

Aika: - How would I know? You are my bodyguard.

This journey would have been quite important for me, it can't end here, there has to be a solution, I can't fail here, and I even have to get the book somehow, but how?

Sorrowful doubts and throwing up for hours, who did not even reveal his face, who was able to dispel Mizeya's strongest attack without defense, whose intentions are still shrouded in mystery, pray for yourselves, oh wretches.

Mizeya rips off his light armor.

Aika: - What are you doing?

Mizeya: - It's very hot in here.

It elicits almost no reaction from the princess, it was done by a young boy who is only a child. As Mizeya reaches his top, he takes it off along with it, then sits down on the floor and begins to think.

The look of the princess tells quite a lot as if she has a hard time believing something or it is so incomprehensible that she can hardly believe it.

The young 14-year-old boy's body is full of cuts, and scars, and all the muscles are almost visible under his skin.

Could this be the body of my bodyguard? A child's body? How hard was his life anyway?

Aika: - Mizeya.

The boy now turns to Aika.

Aika: - What happened to your body?

He is visibly uncomfortable with the question, but how will he avoid it in response?

Mizeya: - It's a long story, I don't want to bore Miss Aika.

Aika: - You say that, but if you don't want to talk about it so much, then forget it.

Why did you get mad at me now? I don't understand women. Mizeya thinks to himself.

A loud noise, someone draws a sword along the cell doors, then an unknown man stops in front of the boy and the princess's cell, who has an unusually familiar aura that Mizeya notices.

Mizeya: - You are very familiar to me.

Unknown: - So it would be you, but why did my little brother put you in prison?

He completely ignores me, even though I'm sure I've met him somewhere. Mizeya's thoughts.

Mizeya: - What do you want to do with us?

Freed from his large cloak, he gives the impression of a kind and friendly person.

Mizeya: - Shimazu? Is that you? What are you doing here?

The boy is full of questions, caused by the appearance of his childhood friend Yoriko's only family member.

Shimazu: - Keep quiet kid, let me think about why he locked you up.

In the corner of the huge building, right next to the door, there is a large table where people are replaced, after each appointment, Shimazu is standing there right now, scratching his head over something.

Shimazu: - KIRITSUYA!

He started calling our kidnapper's name quite loudly, maybe we are here by mistake?

Almost immediately he appeared in front of Shimazu as if he was afraid of the old man, terrified of him, but why was he afraid of a nice person like him?

Kiritsuya: - Welcome Brother, what brought you here?

Shimazu: - Do you know how you dared to lock this boy up?

Kiritsuya: - Say hello to Opheius, but why can't I lock them up? When I catch them to give.

Shimazu: - My unfortunate little brother, but you even fought with him, so are you so blind? You are so blinded by money, your greed has taken your mind.

Kiritsuya: - What are you talking about my dear brother?

Shimazu: - Didn't you see the boy's sword? How could you forget about him, the only one who could stand up to him?

The man starts to walk up and down, then squats down and starts chewing his nails, I can feel the fear in him.

The man, drunk with fear, stands in front of Mizeya and can only say a few lines in a stuttering and trembling voice.

Kiritsuya: - Forgive me, oh glorious hero, whose mighty sword cut the sky in two, whose soul rages with rage and cruelty, but is as calm and pure as water.

What are they talking about? I'm not a hero, and that boy, yes, that boy is long gone, I don't even know what I'll do if I ever see him...

Mizeya: - What hero were you talking about? Uncle Shimazu.

Shimazu: - You don't know? The hero chose you, and your sword is your proof.

Did you choose me? Would that boy be the hero? I wasn't sure who he was, but I owe my strength to him, without him I wouldn't be anywhere right now.

Shimazu: - Enough staring, let the boy out Kiritsuya.

He grabs Shimazu's shoulders through the cells.

Mizeya: - Wait, what about Aika?

Shimazu: - With the girl? Is it very important to you?

Mizeya: - I can't leave her here, she has to come with me.

Kiritsuya didn't like the idea, especially not that Shimazu wanted to let the girl out, it was enough to look Mizeya in the eyes.

Shimazu: - Let the girl out too.

Angry, the man let the girl out and stormed off in his anger.

Shimazu: - I know you have a lot of questions, but that's later, there's still a place I need to take you.

I followed the old man, whom I have known for a long time and well enough to know that he did not want to harm me or the girl.

We left the building, and then a horse-drawn carriage was already in front of the house, waiting only for us or only for me.

Mizeya: - Where are we going?

I asked with a slightly restless and sweaty look, it was really warm in the cell.

Shimazu: - Home.

I saw the small smile on your face, you old man, I knew that your family is important to you and I also knew that you like to do business, you king of thieves.

We drove on such pleasantly even ground, exactly when our journey was starting to become comfortable enough, that I fell asleep in the car, but a small gentle hand started to poke my shoulder.

Aika: - Don't fall asleep for me here, what if they want to attack us again?

How could I forget? When I overtook Shimazu on the way home, I calmed down quite a bit, even though we are still being chased, they want to kill the princess and maybe me too...

The wheel of the carriage hit a small stone, and because of this, I hit my head on the ceiling, from which I knew that we were standing in front of Shimazu's house.

Whenever I went to Yoriko, I was just so lame that I kept falling into that pebble. Still, it might not be just a smooth stone, but a whole rock, because my curiosity was so strong that I was able to dig around as far as I could, but within 2 meters I gave up and wrote off this blow of God as a curse.

Shimazu: - We have arrived.

I'm finally home, a relief embraces and squeezes my heart, like the warmth of a small but strong sunshine.

As I got off the carriage with Aika, a familiar figure or a small ray of light from my life stood in front of the door.

That girl is familiar, maybe you were the only one waiting for me or you are in front of me for completely different reasons, but one thing is for sure, you are more important than everyone else, I would protect you from anything and anyone, maybe even God...