
Arachnoid Unleashed

Centuries have passed since the dark blight. the dark elves were defeated by the great army led by the celestial hero. the world has become safer ever since, or at least that's what the celestials thought as something very powerful and evil have already settled and spread its roots deep in the world, waiting for its bearer to come. After losing everything, he didn't hesitate to sell his soul to seek vengeance, a dying old man getting reincarnated into a monster. As he struggles through countless hardships and challenges only then he will unlock the hidden power in his Ancient bloodline. climb his way to the peak, becoming the most powerful evil in existence throughout all realms, Only to realize later, the gravity of such actions will only pull more challenges. this book will be on Meganovel

Panfsij · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

4- The sweet taste of revenge

They've been out of the orphanage for several minutes. They had finally arrived at the mine entrance. Philip was relieved that they had gotten out of town without fighting, since it was much peaceful here. That, however, did not endure long.

Many dwarf dead were scattered around the shore and the mine entrance as they came closer. The children were exhausted and had difficulty breathing. Philip turned to face them and stated quietly, "As there appears to be no one else in the area, we should proceed south along the beach untill we reach the grey mountains, It'll be a lot safer if we ".. Philip came to a halt in his speech as he sensed a projectile approaching at an incredible speed. Philip rapidly erected numerous arcane shields to protect the party,

The projectile, however, shattered them all and lost its magnitude at the final layer. The weapon was a Spear. Philip had no idea how strong whoever threw it was.

They didn't have time to react because another spear was approaching. Philip realized his shields were no longer useful. Instead, he used a shockwave to push the group of kids away and quickly avoided the spear.

******* BADAMMMM BUFF*****

Philip took a look around, and the second spear snatched a large chunk of sand and the trees behind them in an instant. When Philip regained awareness of his surroundings, he realized they were surrounded. Philip quickly turned to the children and said, " quickly, Get to your feet. Everyone into the mine " He dashed into the mine, picking up anyone who couldn't get up from the shock.

The once lively mine is now filled with bodies and the odor of blood; the sight was not pleasant for the children, but they needed to survive, and this is the only place they can go. The enemy was formidable in terms of both capabilities and numbers.

Philip was not pleased when he arrived at the large spacious room at the end; he was well acquainted with this location. but he was looking around. The once metallic walls had turned into ordinary rocks, the once majestic waterfall had dried.

What was remained of the Altar in the middle and the fractured pedestal platform behind it, where the waterfall used to be, were the only things that reminded Philip of his memories.

Despite the numerous new channels and tunnels that have been created as a result of years of mining. Phillip knew there was only one way in and out of this large, open space, and he didn't know what to do, so he ordered everyone to take cover behind the altar. as he would try to talk this out or do everything in his power to push the enemy back, even though he knew that defeating them would be an impossible task, especially after witnessing the power of those spears. These were the only available options...

Philip could hear many heavy footsteps arriving during this tense circumstance a few moments later. Philip retained his stance and stood upright in a room filled with over a hundred veteran Kolon veil troops; he didn't care about himself, he was a 67-year-old one-handed Oldman, but he was concerned about the group og orphans behind him. He was startled in the middle of his thoughts by the same deep voice he had heard previously.

" oooooldmaaaan, I have to tell, I am really pleased by your mana control; you know how to vanish." But, as you can see, attempting to save the children and be the hero merely leads us to you; it was quite simple to track those unfortunate little ones." As he looked around at the group's directions, the shirtless guy laughed out loud.

Philip's expression was a mix of fear and rage. "Why do you do this, what are your goals?" Philip shouted angrily as he went forward with his magic shield and a spell in his hand.

"We have no goals," the shirtless man said with a sneer, "we already have the mine, we are just here for a little fun," the man stated sarcastically as he shrugged.

"Hey Dirk, quit messing around and finish this already, we have another area to raid after this," remarked another voice from behind. It was a different individual.

Another man approached, accompanied by two more girls, and their magic density was higher than Dirk's. Philip assumed the warrior, who was dressed in gorgeous steel white armor and had multiple spears on his back, was the one who had attacked him before.

"Hold on Randy, I'm the one who saw him first, I'll kill him now," Dirk stated as he turned to face them. Dirk blinked when he said this. Philip, who had been paying close attention, was startled to see Dirk in front of him, holding a burning fist to his stomach.



Philip's body screamed back and slammed into the wall. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the strength. His eyesight went dark, his ears buzzed, and his thoughts went blank for a few moments as a result of suffering the damage of a single punch.

His injuries was terrible, and he couldn't even breathe since his body had failed him. The next several minutes were brutal, and all he could do was stare...

Philip's face was expressionless as he watched his entire group get slaughtered right in front of his eyes, and his mind went blank.....






After everyone had been murdered, Dirk, Randy, and the soldiers were preparing to depart when they heard someone chuckling, which caught them off guard. As they glanced around. It had to be the Oldman. His lower body had been destroyed, as he crawled till the pedestal relying on his magic powers and whats left of strength for support

Philip didn't understand why he had to suffer like this, why everyone he cared about had been cruelly snatched away from him, he didn't understand why he had to suffer like this.

He doesn't want to put up with it any longer. He knew he was about to bleed out and die, but he realized he still had one trick up his sleeve.

..."Look at you, you selfish cold-blooded murderers, killing innocent people and walking away as if nothing happened, I admire how powerful you are, this old man is no match for you, but you filthy scums, this Oldman has one last gift for you, " Philip said loudly, shakily, with a big grin on his face as blood dripped everywhere.

Philip replaces the spider gem he had in his bag in the pedestal, the room begins to shake, and then....nothing happens. Philip was expecting a blood whirlwind from his memories to appear next to the altar, but nothing happened. His memories began to surface, he noticed that something was missing.

The kolon veil troops, randy, dirk, and others were frightened at the sudden quakes following the old man's movements, but their expressions softened after nothing happened, Dirk said irritably. As he began walking toward Philip, he said, "tsk you bothersome old shit, I should have given more strength to that punch, no worries, I'll finish you now for sure."

Philip was perplexed by the pedestal's outcome; he could definitely feel the rise in mana near the altar after laying the gem, but it wasn't enough ".. It's probably because it was fueled by high-grade stones they mined ".. He then attempted to inject his mana into the gem, which elicited a reaction, But it still wasn't enough; Philip was losing his mind; he was enraged; dirk had arrived at the altar; Philip attempted to inject all of his remaining mana in one go; mana deficiency was no longer an issue; he was already dead.

There was still no reaction at the altar when he injected the last of his mana, but Philip's countenance spoke otherwise.

Philip heard the whispers for the first time in 45 years...

"Do you want to kill them?" a quiet voice murmured in Philip's ear.

Philip's voice quiver as he said, " cough...cough ye.., yes."

"Even if it means your soul is on the line?" When the question was asked, the voice became very deep and demonic.




" I want this empire, this kingdom, the nobles.. i want everyone to suffer, I despise everything."

Phillip's entire life energy was sucked out when his body was placed against the pedestal.

Everything occurred quickly; Dirk shivered at the sight of the old man's corpse transforming into skin and bones as he walked right past the altar, oblivious to the massive whirlpool that erupted behind him.

Randy and the soldiers saw what occurred, but before they can warn or help their partner. a large sharp leg beheaded Dirk in a flash.  the smirk on his face changed to fear as the scene in his vision was revolving, the place became quite as the only sound heard was dirk's body falling with a thud

They couldn't scream or move because they were frozen, not just by shock but also by the overwhelming presence, the fear of whatever is coming out.  and slowly before their eyes,  they were able to see the rest of whatever that monster as it came out of the whirlpool... which turned out to be a massive black spider.

If Philip saw this, he would recognize that this spider was far larger than the one they had previously fought.

< inspect >

< Reishalion Soul: monster: Leader: Level ( 85 )>

Randy's face flushed as he read the data; they'd never seen anything higher than level 50 in their lives...

" SOLDIERS SHIELD WALL " Randy yelled as he drew two spears. he ordered the other females with him. "Vicky, cast all of your blessings immediately, Lex. Go and call for reinforcements outside and employ your barriers on your way".

The spider moved and blinked in front of the soldier's shield wall. what appeared to be a simple yet quick sweep  bashed and sliced all of the troops in half.

Randy realized they didn't have much of an option but to hope for the reinforcements to arrive and defeat it... As for now  they should survive and buy time.

" Perhaps my most powerful spear toss will make a difference or buy us some times " though Randy. flinging the spear with a ferocity that would make most current kingdoms' walls crawl in horror as he channeled most of his mana into this one attack. yet. The moment the spear touched the spider's shell as quickly as his spear flew ahead. It splintered into a million fragments.

No matter how hard everyone tried to battle and hold back the terrible monster in front of them, it was in vain. as much as they tried to make do with what they had. The spider outclassed them by brute force and speed.

"The general warned me not to meddle with the old man, but i didn't think for once that he would put us in such a situation" Randy remarked, knowing well well that no one was going to make it out alive.


The following scene consisted solely of A one-sided massacre in which none of the kolon veil troops survived.

The once lively room with a hundred living humans was now quiet, dyed in blood, human body parts and intestines were scattered everywhere, the once perfectly shaped room was now ruined, and there was only one person partially alive in that room, a body of what used to be an old man was laying next to the remains of the pedestal, with a wide dark grin on his face if one looked closely...

after a few moments the big spider returns from outside, fully covered in blood, the spider blurred next to the pedestal, approaches the body of the Oldman, leans in, and eats what is left of Philips's body. then it disappears