
Arabella Academy: Perfectly Imperfect

[Book One of the Arabella Academy Series] Four teenagers, one dead girl and a whole lot of secrets surrounding a school. What happens when a murder that absolutely had nothing to do with you... simply had something to do with you? For Marcus, the news of Sheila's death was just another unfortunate circumstance in the daily life of Arabella Academy. However, the unquenchable desire of not minding their own business gets in the way of him and his best friend Jeff, causing them to plunge themselves into the world of detectives. Pretty soon the clues start coming up, and together with two other friends they embark on a journey that receives its fair share of good and bad. Will they be able to make it to the end and finally unmask the killer... together with finding that priceless necklace that everyone seems to be looking for?

musembee · Realistic
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61 Chs

Double Date: Part One

Saturday soon arrived and everyone woke up eager to investigate. The weather was quite cloudy, but did not show signs of raining any time soon. The morning was quite quiet, save for the occasional chirping of birds and the usual argument between Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, caused by the husband coming home in the morning drunk and wasted.

Marcus paced up and down the living room fidgeting. It was half an hour past the time Michelle had agreed to come for him. He had pleaded that he be the one to come for her but Michelle adamantly refused with the excuse that her father, a serious law-enforcer and strict father, would freak out if he found out she was going alone in the company of three adolescent boys. Hence it was agreed that Michelle would pick up Marcus while Luis would pick up Jeff. They had changed the initial plan of meeting at the town square and decided that each party would go to their respective places to save on time. They would then meet at Marcus' house the next day for a debrief.

Jane stared at her son quizzically. Her son was behaving weirder than usual. She went back to reading the newspaper when suddenly the doorbell rang. She glanced outside the window and saw a girl impatiently standing. Marcus, on hearing the doorbell, hurriedly picked his monkey bag and went to hug his mother goodbye.

"Don't break the girl's heart like your father broke mine," Jane joked.

Marcus looked at Michelle through the window, smiled and told his mother, "No, we aren't dating."

Jane shook her head. "Well she looks pretty to me. In fact, let me go introduce myself," she said and even before Marcus tried to stop her, she was up and opening the door.

Michelle was surprised to see the door opened by a woman grinning so wide her lips were about to tear. She spotted Marcus behind her, sighing and shaking his head disappointedly.

"Hey you! You must be the girl that Marcus speaks so much of. My name is Jane," said Marcus' mom, and extended a hand of greeting to the speechless Michelle.

"My name is Michelle," Michelle responded as she took Jane's hand. "Are you sure Marcus mentions me here," she asked, and glanced at Marcus, who was wishing that the earth would open up and swallow him.

"Yeah, a lot. I actually thought you were dating because of the way he praises you. He tells me your cute, smart, caring, and even a little perverse," Jane lied, and turned back to wink at Marcus, who in return glared at her unbelievably.

"That's enough mom!" Marcus growled at his mother.

"Relax son, I was just helping you shoot your shot," Jane surrendered and stepped aside giving Marcus way to step out. Marcus stood beside Michelle and for a second he was confused on how he should greet her. He was about to hug her when Michelle extended her hand, he ditched the hug for the hand greeting but Michelle went for the hug instead. In the end they just hugged each other, their bodies barely touching. They then made their way outside.

"Make sure you tell him to take you out to a nice restaurant for lunch," Jane called at Michelle.

"I will be sure to remind him of that," responded Michelle, surprising Marcus, who was already hurrying to save himself from further embarrassment.

Jane looked at the two kids walk away. She smiled to herself and realised that her son was no longer the young boy who needed help to make his decisions. A chill of fear and sadness crept through her veins as she realised that her son would soon be leaving her for the world. Dismissing those thoughts, she went back inside to continue with the newspaper.

Marcus and Michelle arrived at the Middletown Museum at half past eleven in the morning. The museum was an old place, its ancient brick structures contrasting the modern buildings surrounding it. One could almost confuse it for a church. Marcus and Michelle made their way inside. The museum was rather empty, with two or three tourists passing by to go see the ancient artefacts. They were standing unsure of their next step when a youthful man stepped in front of them.

"Hey there," he began, his charming smile welcoming them. "Welcome to Middlewood Museum, how may I help you?"

"We are here to do a school research. We were told to find out about the monarchical system of governance here between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century," Michelle replied. She had prepared herself all week with that excuse.

"Then you've come to the right place then," the guide answered her. "Come on, follow me. Name's Ronald by the way."

They made their way past some ancient drawings, past artefacts, models of ancient houses, statues of some prominent rulers and some models showing the evolution of human kind. Marcus and Michelle were dazzled by the beauty of the ancient objects, and loudly gasped whenever they saw something that attracted them.

"How come I've never been told there is such a place like this right here in Middlewood?" Marcus loudly wondered.

"Technology has taken over our market," Ronald replied. "Nowadays if you just want to see something, you google it and voila! They give you more information about it than my brain could carry. Heck! I'm not sure whether I'd still be having this job by next month."

They went on until they reached a chamber under the banner 'The History of Middlewood'. They entered in and found an array of pictures hung on the wall. Beneath them were the names of the people and the years they supposedly ruled Middlewood for.

"As you can see in the pictures hung on the wall, The following were the kings who ruled Gaffernon at its time," Ronald started.

"Wait, did you say Gaffernon?" Michelle interrupted.

"Yes," Ronald confirmed. "Back then there weren't such names like Middlewood. The name Middlewood actually came after the Gaffernon Shift." He continued even before Michelle had the chance to ask what the Gaffernon Shift was.

"The Gaffernon Shift refers to the time when the Gaffernonians decided to adopt a democratic system of government. This happened after the mysterious disappearance of the ruling Queen, Her Majesty Queen Gaia and her husband, King Liam; and yes, it was the queen who descended from the ruling family, not the king," he answered Michelle's next unasked burning question.

He then led them to a picture at the far end of the wall. In it was Gaia herself. She looked fair enough for a middle-aged woman. She was wearing a purple royal dress and a red crown on her head in the picture. She seemed angry in the picture, ready to burst out of it any minute and pounce upon those who were staring at her. That gave her the appearance of an old woman, although she was not, as Marcus was about to find out.

Marcus went to the board below the picture and read aloud what was written.

'Queen Gaia Smith of Gaffernon,


Michelle had a question for Ronald.

"Hey, Ronald. Are these the years in which she ruled this Gaffernon?"

"No, no, no," the guide corrected her, "Those are actually the years in which she lived. She only ruled Gaffernon for two years, before her alleged disappearance."

"Why did she disappear?" asked Marcus.

"The exact reason is not known. However, it was around that time when the famous Dragon Pearl Necklace also disappeared," answered Ronald.

"So the Expiravit story is true?" Michelle brought it out more as a statement than a question.

"No, I honestly don't believe that story is true," Ronald countered. "The revolution of Alberia was a peaceful one, and the King and Queen of that time respected the people's decision. Upon electing a new leader they had retired to their ranch to rest, where they died peacefully, unlike the violent story they tell you in that myth.

"Well Luis isn't going to appreciate that correction," Marcus muttered to himself.

"I think that's all we needed to know sir. I will make sure to include your name and support in our report," Michelle concluded.

"I'm flattered," Ronald gushed. "You know, you are actually the third people to ask to be given a tour in this section."

"Really?" Marcus asked, his interest suddenly aroused. "May I ask who the other two were, that is, if you don't mind?"

"The first one was some guy with ginger hair and a serious fetish for shorts, while the other was MPD's Chief of Investigations," Ronald recalled.

"Okay, thank you. I hope we meet again, soon enough," Michelle finally said and dragged Marcus out of the museum towards the exit.

"We know about Timothy, but who's the other guy?" Marcus questioned.

"Don't give it too much thought, maybe it was a curious tourist," Michelle answered.

They made their way out of the museum and were going back in the direction they came from. Suddenly Marcus spotted a restaurant on the other side of the road and got an idea. He held Michelle's hand and pulled her across the road.

"Hey! Where are you dragging me to?" Michelle exclaimed.

"To lunch. As you promised my mother."

They chose a table at the far end of the restaurant. After ordering their food, the both stared outside, each one occupied with their own thoughts.

"Your mom's pretty nice," Michelle started, startling Marcus, who up until then hadn't mustered the courage to bring up the topic.

"Don't mind her. She just loves jumping into conclusions. Imagine she thought we were dating!"

"Well that would certainly be awkward," Michelle said, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, very much awkward. I can't imagine us dating. I mean you and me.... I don't even believe my sperms would be good enough for babies."

"You are already thinking about marriage?" Michelle asked, astonished. Marcus then realised that he had spoken too much and tried to cover it up.

"I meant maybe if we grew up still dating, but couples don't usually date for long these days, do they?"

"Some still do," Michelle replied. "My parents were actually high school sweethearts."

"They must be lucky then. My dad just impregnated my mother and ran off. Pretty much an idiot I guess," Marcus said, his tone portraying a sense of sadness. Michelle noticed it and attempted to comfort him.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you are doing better than when you had him."

"Yeah, I think so. But sometimes I can't help but ask myself whether he knows I exist," Marcus said, rather to himself.

They were interrupted by the waiter bringing their orders. He lay the food at the tables and then left them to eat.

"Let's just forget about it," he shrugged as they got to their eating.

They munched their food silently, the weight of their previous talk still weighing on them. Marcus thought it would be apt to change the subject.

"Hey Michelle, why did you trust us? I mean, why did you tell us about what you had got from Sheila?"

"I guess the secret weighed heavily on me," she confessed. "Plus I've been watching you since we were put in the same class. You have the determination of a buck in rut."

"So you've been stalking me?" Marcus joked.

"Really now?"

"But thank you for telling us," Marcus voice was now serious. "I promise you that we will find out why they killed your best friend. In the meantime you are welcome to join Jeff and I."

"Yeah but I'm not sure whether I'd be comfortable in the midst of two men who still watch The Merger," Michelle quipped.

"It's a good show!" Marcus defended himself.

They finished their food and paid for it. They both then made their way out of the restaurant and headed home, arguing and laughing all the way.


The spy was sitting at a table next to the two, but not too close. He had been following them all day, also entering the museum when they went in. As he watched the two walk away, he took out the phone and dialled the same number he had been dialling all week.

"Anything today?" the voice at the other end inquired.

"Yes. I think that we might be having a big problem with the kids."

Hey There!

I am happy to announce that Arabella Academy finally has its own website and Discord Fan Club!!

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Have a wonderful day!

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