
Chapter 2

Soon we had arrived.

The women walked me into the orphanage and I met the Matron. I didn't know if she was mean or nice but then I got into a conversation with her and she had seemed really nice.

Soon the business lady had left and one of the caregivers had showed me to my room and introduced me to other girls in the orphanage. I met a girl named Esmeralda who was always alone and had never talked to anyone. We became friends very quickly.

I learned the caregivers names pretty quick and how to get around my room by myself by feeling the wall. Esmeralda always used to be all worried about leaving me on my own.

I love her for that.

I also met other girls but they weren't as kind as Esmeralda had been to me. 3 girls named Anastasia, Drizella, and Ursula used to bully us. Anastasia and Drizella were twins while Ursula was their ring leader.

They bullied me for my blindness and Esmeralda for her weight. Esmeralda didn't have a good temper so she would yell at them and hit them. We would get punished by ruler strikes and sent to our rooms.

Ursula and those twins used to get away with everything. Well me and Esmeralda are tired of it we're running away today. I'm taking this journal with me and Esmeralda and I are going to Washington D.C.(The orphanage we're at is in Kansas).

10:30(An hour after bedtime)

Esmeralda and I are leaving right now but I think I hear someone following us down the hall.

I'm scared someone might catch us.


YAS! Esmeralda and I are out the door and on our way to the train station.

We're on our way to Washington D.C!

A/N: Oh My God! I can't believe I'm posting this.