

#A SPACER STORY NOT OWNED BY ME I JUST WANTED TO SHARE IT SINCE IRT HAS BEEN ROTTING AFTER SPACER SITE WAS SHUT I WASNT ABLE TO CONTACT HIM SO IF HE CONTACTS ME I WILL REMOVE IT. # This is a sexual related story with lot of sublissive type of scenes so if not in to it dont bother. This is a story of character ryan who without his knowledge is being pranked for april fool by hyping the college babe by jack ( so called friend) that she is a submissive. check how the twist happens and his life turns upside down in sexual way

novelist101 · Realistic
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57 Chs


Jordan reluctantly pulled her lips off and sat back.

She was conflicted. On one hand, the more she sucked Ryan's cock, the more she loved it. She'd been having a great time since shortly after she'd started sliding her lips, and once she'd begun playing with her privates at the same time, her arousal had soared to dizzying heights. Since then, she'd had two quiet orgasms and she'd been closing in on a third. At the same time, she'd been striving hard to get him to cum and she could tell that she'd gotten tantalizingly close.

But on the other hand, her mouth had been getting very, very tired. She could hardly lick another lick, and her lips were ready to cry "uncle" as well. Merely having his enormous shaft removed from her oral cavity was a tremendous relief.

She ultimately decided that she was glad she'd been told to stop at that time. That way, she could maintain the illusion that she could have gone on even longer. Okay, close call. But what about next time? And the time after that? Am I the only one who ran out of gas?

She looked at the three other girls. What about them? This is their first night cocksucking him too, and they don't have my athletic stamina. Sucking normal-sized cocks is an entirely different thing and doesn't help at all. They can't be veterans at it already, can they? Shit! I'm going to have to redouble my efforts not to be left behind!

In truth, the other three suffered the same stamina problems Jordan did. But, like her, they were careful to hide it. And it didn't take long before they felt fully recovered and were ready to go again.

That was well illustrated by the fact that as soon as Jordan pulled her lips off Ryan's cock, Kate got off his lap. She wanted to kneel between his legs, but Jordan was still there so she kneeled to the side of his chair instead. The key was that she faced his crotch and she immediately wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began stroking, before the others could think to do it.

Monica saw that and threw her hands up in the air. "Oh no! Arrgh! Now Kate's got you. I'm NEVER going to get fucked! What does it take for a girl with a teeny tiny, needy, tight little cunt to get fucked around here?!"

Ryan chuckled at that colorful language. "Don't worry, Mon. It's going to happen, and very shortly. But give Kate a minute or two to get reconnected with my dick, okay? From the look on her face I can tell she needs this."

"I do!" Kate exclaimed. "In fact, this is what I really need!" She suddenly dropped her head down and began to lick, right on his sweet spot. But as she did so, she hastened to say, "Don't worry, Monica! Just licking, I promise!"

Monica sighed again and ran a frustrated hand through her raven black hair. "Grrr! 'Just licking,' she says. 'Just licking.'" She glared at Kate's stroking fingers. "So what's your hand doing, then?!"

Erin was trying to stay out of this little argument, but she couldn't resist commenting, "She had to hold The Beast in order to lick it properly. You know that. And once you're holding it, how can you not stroke it some too, especially when it's all wet, throbbing, and hot, like it is now?"

Monica sighed once more. "I suppose. I swear, La Bestia is going to be the most loved, sucked, and licked cock in the entire universe!"

Erin chuckled at that. "That's probably true."

Monica sighed yet again. "Ugh! I hope being a personal slut isn't going to always be as frustrating as

this. There are four of us in this room alone and only one of him, you know. How many others will we have to share him with?! We talk a big game of sucking him for hours on end, and I'm sure there will be some of that, but even The Beast needs a lot of recovery time. We're going to have to wait for our next turn a lot of the time."

Erin thought, We will. Which is where the lesbian loving comes in! I need to find out if Jordan has bisexual potential. If she does, she definitely will have my vote to join us. Ryan thinks he's going to have a third floor sexual utopia, and he will, but so will the rest of us! I especially love the prospect of making love to Kate. She can use her new tongue licking skills on me too!

Monica's eyes locked on Ryan's as an important thought came back to her. "Hey! Ryan, you keep dodging the question of how many other personal sluts you have already. But now that you've converted all four of us, don't you think it's time to hit us with the truth?! We deserve to know!"

He stroked Kate's hair over his lap as he carefully considered how to answer that. "Good point. But have I actually converted all of you? I'm not so sure. I'd say only Kate has fully accepted her new role at this point. Erin, you and Monica are warming to the idea, but you're still partially holding back. And Jordan, I don't know where you stand at all."

The focus suddenly shifted to Jordan as all the others looked her way. She was still kneeling between his legs, mostly because it was hard to get out with the table above her. Nonetheless, she looked up at the others and replied, "Um... that's a hard question. I must admit that I still am kind of on the fence."

She stared up into Ryan's eyes. "I like the idea of being your slut, even exclusively. I'm psyched to be a part of this group. We could have so many great times together! But I don't know about the 'personal slut' title, with the total devotion and obedience aspects. Is it kind of an 'all or nothing' deal?"

"It is," he said firmly. He was mindful that he had a role to play. He had to act tough. She frowned and bit her lip. "Can I still... think that over?"

"Of course you can," he quickly replied. "And that goes for you two as well." He looked at Monica and then at Erin.

They nodded in understanding.

He ran a hand through Kate's hair, since her head was right in his lap. She was eagerly "reacquainting" her tongue with his sweet spot in particular, but it wasn't so arousing to make him worry that he was going to lose control. Aaaah! Nice! Kate really is something. How many drop dead gorgeous girls love licking cock this much?

He looked back to Jordan between his legs. "I don't want to press anyone to do anything they don't want to do on their own, especially something as important as this. We're not just playing around here. This is a big, big commitment. We're all going to be students here for years to come. But it could well go beyond that. Once I have you, I might not EVER want to let you go!"

Kate had been planning on sticking to her promise to merely lick, but she was so excited to hear his "years to come" commitment talk that she couldn't help herself. She immediately engulfed his cockhead once more and began to bob with all the love and devotion she could express through her busy lips and tongue. She brought a second hand in to help stroke his long shaft as well.

Monica saw all that and slapped her hands against the sides of her head in frustration. "AGGGH! Kate! You promised!"

Erin said, "She did, but Mon, I think you could cut her some slack. She's fully committed to the personal slut lifestyle now, and she's fallen hard for our man on top of that. I'm sure she's feeling like she wants to serve him and his big cock forever. And now she just heard him say that he might feel the

same, and he might want to own and control HER forever, maybe literally decades and decades to come! How could she resist sucking his cock after that?! That's a big part of who she is and what she does now, you know. Her head is probably filled with visions of the countless thousands of hours she'll spend naked and kneeling, worshipping and loving The Beast with her lips and tongue."

Kate was thinking, Thanks, Erin! You're so right! Aaaah! So much jaw-breaking joy! I love how this never gets any easier. "Countless hours" - I love the sound of that!

Monica griped, "I know. And I'm glad for her, I really am. A part of me is also thrilled, to think that that could happen to me as well." She stared longingly at Kate's sliding lips, and found herself licking her own lips. Dammit, why does she have to suck so loudly? It's making me hungry! Hungry to have MY turn getting my lips stretched!

She continued, "If I fully commit, that could also be a permanent thing! That's pretty damn amazing and exciting, don't you agree, Erin?"

"Oh definitely," Erin replied. "I must fully confess... Something kind of broke inside me tonight, and I don't mean that in a bad way. What I mean is that I was fighting hard against the very idea of something like being a 'personal slut'. But after he spanked me, and I came and came with the biggest orgasms of my life, my resistance more or less broke. And then when he fucked me so good and so hard, what resistance was left broke again! So when I heard him say that, I find myself wanting to be like Kate, to totally submit to him, forever. Frankly, if I'd been the one licking him at the time, I'd be passionately bobbing on him right now too, all promises to the contrary be damned!"

Monica sighed yet again. Me too! I can't even stop salivating, from just watching.She glared at Erin almost angrily, but she was much more lusty than angry. "Aaaah, fuck! Damn you for saying that, because I feel the same way! I'm a proud and strong woman. I never thought I'd feel like this, but... A part of me still resists, but another part wants to completely break, completely give in!"

She thought, There! I said it! It's too late to turn back. He's going to own my ass!She continued in a dreamy, inspired voice. "Can you imagine, if the three of us or even the four of us all decided to go all in with being his personal sluts? It would be endless sexual ecstasy! All those hours of cocksucking, every single day, until our lips fall off! Well, practically, anyway. And then getting fucked! Can you imagine getting fucked in the cunt, and the ass, by The BEAST?! Screaming your head off in utter rapture pretty much every single day?! The more I think about it, the more I like it!"

Jordan still felt like a latecomer and a bit of an outsider, so she didn't speak her mind. But she thought, I know exactly what they mean, because I feel like something broke inside me tonight too. And it's not a bad thing! I'm having the time of my life, so of course I want more, more, more. Sure, it's disturbing to be dominated by him and his Beast. I definitely never thought something like this would happen to me. But it really could be the doorway to "endless sexual ecstasy", just like Monica says!

Monica added with growing enthusiasm, "That's why I'm so frustrated that he hasn't fucked me yet. I feel my resistance breaking too. And I'm thinking that if getting fucked by The Beast is as good as I hope it'll be, and even as I expect it'll be, he'll smash through the last of my resistance just like he'll plow deep inside me, and I'll completely succumb to the power of his cock! I have to admit I WANT that to happen. I want him to fuck my indecision away. Then I'll wind up just like Kate, living a happy, care-free life of an endless sexual paradise, right here on Earth!"

She suddenly looked down at Jordan, just beyond Kate's bobbing head. "Sorry for my mad rambling. We must sound totally crazy to you. I mean, I'd never even MET Ryan before tonight, and now I babble on about permanently committing to him. And I have to speak up to be heard over someone else slurping on him! Tell me honestly: do I sound crazy?"

Jordan chuckled. "Monica, look at me. I'm still wedged in between his thighs after giving him a prolonged blowjob. I'll bet there's cum and drool on my chin and tears on my cheeks. Is there?"

"There is," Monica admitted.

Ryan leaned forward in his chair to see Jordan's face over Kate's bobbing blonde mane. Wow! She's got a sexy face to begin with, especially framed by that almost white hair of hers. But she looks even sexier with the cum and tears, not to mention her fine sheen of sweat. And I love her blushing red cheeks too. The classic "freshly fucked" look!

She made eye contact with him, making her feel abashed. She brought a hand to her face to wipe it clean.

So he said, "Don't wipe anything, please. You look even more beautiful that way. You truly belong here, with the very most gorgeous girls in the whole university!"

Jordan smiled widely. She'd been feeling uncertain about even being allowed to be a part of this, and that reassured her a lot. She withdrew her hand and whispered, "Thanks!"

Then, looking back to Monica, Jordan went on in a normal voice, "I might have thought you at least partially crazy a mere half hour ago. But since then I've sucked him off for the first time, and it was one of the most intense and arousing experiences of my life! I've kind of fallen in love with his cock too, just from that. I'm thinking that although that was my first time bobbing on The Beast, it definitely won't be my last!"

Monica smiled and held a hand up. "Give me five!"

"Just a sec!" Jordan crawled out from under the table and then stood up. She'd been meaning to do that for a while now, and the high-five was a good reason to motivate. She slapped Monica's hand up high.

But it turned out that wasn't the end of the mini-celebration. Monica enveloped her in a big hug, despite the fact that they were both naked.

Since Jordan and Monica were the same short height, their big racks were pressing directly into each other, with their stiff nipples actually touching. Jordan was trying hard to ignore that, but she was still so horny that her body loved it.

Monica seemed oblivious to all the tit rubbing, even though she was secretly enjoying it. (In fact, it wasn't an accident that she'd started the hug in the first place.) As they hugged, she told Jordan, "Congratulations! I totally know how you feel, because you're where I was, oh, a couple of hours ago."

Jordan asked, "Does it get even better?"

Monica was all smiles. "Oh, it gets better. MUCH better." She couldn't resist sliding her hands down and cupping Jordan's bare ass cheeks as she talked. She was impressed at how round and firm they were, even firmer than her own.

Jordan sucked in her breath in surprise. But since nobody said anything about Monica's ass grab, she decided to act cool and not say anything either. Besides, their mutual tit rubbing was even more arousing and distracting. She kept her hands on Monica's back though.

Monica continued, "For instance, think about the next time you blow him. You can take everything you learned from the first time and basically hit the ground running. You'll be cumming hard in a matter of minutes!"

Jordan beamed. "Wow! I can't wait!" She added in her mind, And not just one orgasm either. It's hard to believe, but I think I'd rather go down on him than have him go down on me. Bobbing on him while playing with myself makes me cum again and again!

Erin quipped, "You're not the only one. In fact, do you hear those lewd noises? It sounds to me like Kate is practicing her choking and gagging even as we speak."

Monica hadn't noticed, because Kate was generally loud with her cocksucking style anyway. But she broke the hug, came around Jordan to look, and clenched her fists in the air when she saw and heard that Erin was right. "ARRGH! Stop that, Kate! Please! I swear, it's like there's some kind of conspiracy against me! WHEN the hell am I going to get FUCKED?!"

Once again, Ryan had mostly stayed silent (not counting for his lusty panting and moaning) because he loved to hear the girls talk like he wasn't there. But Kate was working on her choking and gagging technique, and it was highly effective indeed. He knew she wasn't trying to be selfish and she simply couldn't contain her cock-lust and general enthusiasm. But he also knew it wouldn't be fair to Monica if he did cum in her mouth. And he was getting very, very close.

So he decided it was time to be decisive. He grabbed the sides of Kate's head and held tight. "Okay, my love, that's enough. I love it, but it really is Monica's turn. Please! Stop already!"

To his great relief, Kate did quickly stop. But she wasn't entirely done with him. As soon as her lips were free, she exclaimed, "My love, you just called ME 'my love'! That makes me so happy! I would suck your cock so much more, but out of respect to Monica I'm gonna kiss you instead!" With that, she plopped her bare butt back in his lap, threw her arms around him, and began smooching him like a woman possessed.

Monica was pleased that at least the cocksucking stopped, but also slightly chagrined. "Damn. That's better, but still... are we EVER going to see him again without Kate on his lap or between his knees?"

Erin quipped, "Oh, definitely! There will be all those times she'd lying under his humping ass in bed or riding him cowgirl style. Not to mention lying across his lap getting spanked."

Kate's eyes lit up hearing that, and she kissed him almost fiercely. Ryan, honey, where have you BEEN all my life?! It's like you're my savior. You're going to fuck and spank all the spoiled princess right out of me, even if it takes decades! And I'm going to love every second of it!

Monica shook her head. "Sharing him is going to be tough, isn't it? By the way, I noticed how he somehow dodged having to answer how many other personal sluts he has. I'm still dying to know!"

Ryan tapped on Kate, indicating he wanted to speak.

Very curious about what he'd say on that vital question, she relented and broke the lip-lock.

Looking back and forth between the other three naked girls, he said, "I don't mind answering that. In fact, I thought I'd answered it already. I think you all know I'm new to this university. I've only been here a month. I've been waiting and observing, wanting to be careful and very selective about whom I choose to be my personal sluts. Tonight was the first time I'd made a move. So the answer is: NONE! I don't have any other personal sluts at the moment."

The girls were all very relieved to hear that. In fact, there was an audible, collective sigh of relief. Kate immediately asked, "But what about the ones from before?!"

"As for the ones back home, I sadly let them go. True, we had a great time, but the brutal truth is that I could tell that I could do a lot better. I only had a couple hundred girls to choose from there, and here I have over 10,000 with the female undergrads alone. So you've caught me at a time when I'm basically starting anew."

Of course, his entire answer was a careful mixture of lies and truth. He felt he'd maintained his studly reputation while also clearing the deck so he wouldn't have to keep lying about other girls who didn't


Kate exclaimed, "Finally! That's the best news ever! Honey, you did kind of explain that, but we all had the feeling you were holding something back. But aren't you at least fucking SOME girls? A total stud like you, you can't go a whole month without, can you?"

He lied, "Of course. I've been fucking a few hotties here and there. But they're just to pass my time. I haven't even mentioned the personal slut idea to any of them, because they wouldn't qualify. Frankly, I've been living a very low key life, watching and observing, waiting to make my move. Most people think I'm just a normal guy."

He added to himself, That's because I AM a normal guy! At least I was until tonight. With my new big cock "super power", anything is possible!

Kate exhaled with great relief. "PHEW! I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that! But the other important question is, are you going to stop with just us?! Or do you have some other targets in mind?!" She added sadly, "A stud like you, you must fuck so many girls..."

He considered how honest he should be. In the end, he decided on another careful mix of truth and lies. "If you must know, there are a few other sexy girls I've been keeping an eye on, and my plan was to seduce them soon too. But Kate, you were my number one target, so I started with you. And after what's transpired tonight, I'm not so sure. You all keep talking about endless hours of fucking and sucking. If you're really THAT into it, it could be I end up so sexually satiated that I won't have the time or energy for anybody else."

Kate stated very, very firmly, "GOOD!" She looked to Erin, Monica, and Jordan in turn. "Did you hear that? That's the best news ever! Girls, it's up to us! If we can keep him totally satisfied at all times, we won't have to share!"

Erin was secretly very glad to hear all that news too. But she couldn't resist teasing Kate a little. "I don't know. I've gotta warn you, that means there's going to be a LOT of sex, every single day. Think of all the countless orgasms, the spankings beyond number. All the sexual humiliation. The incredible pounding and impaling of his fat cock in all your orifices, in every possible position. The glorious titfucks and handjobs, plus so much cock-licking. And, of course, the blowjobs. So very, very many blowjobs! Girl, you talk a big game about spending half the day on your knees with your mouth full, slurping and bobbing on The Beast, but if you're serious about keeping those other hotties away, you're going to have to actually live it!"

Kate was incredulous. "You call that a warning? That sounds more like the promise of an ideal sexual utopia to me! I've had at least ten huge orgasms already, and since then I've lost count. And I've found the first man I've truly loved. So of course I'm serious! This whole night has been the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I proudly call myself my honey's one and only official personal slut at the moment! At least until you get your sexy asses in gear." She grinned and wagged a teasing finger at the other three.

Then she grew more serious still as she looked at the other girls in the eye one by one. "But I sincerely hope that the three of you will fully join me. Call me a dreamer, but I think we have the perfect situation here, for all of us. The Beast is like an endless orgasm machine, for US even more than him! And we have such fun together too, don't we? I feel like I've found new friends and new love and so much more. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that way."

The others girls nodded thoughtfully.

Kate added, "I think we've successfully silenced Brandy AND Nancy from gossiping about us, so we can do whatever we want in our rooms and nobody else will know!"

Erin was more skeptical about that. "We hope."

"True, we hope, but I'm optimistic. My life has been such a bummer lately, trapped in my gilded cage and falling for all that Princess Kate crap. Now that everything is coming up roses I'm not going to let anything or anyone fuck this up. There's a lot we can do to help make this work. What if we end up growing closer and closer to each other, and make our sexual servitude a permanent arrangement? I'm confident that if we work as a team, we will be able to keep him fully sexually satisfied!"

Ryan was secretly extremely gleeful. Pinch me, I'm dreaming! The truth is, I'm sure Kate could keep me fully sexually satisfied all by herself. She's insatiable! But with the other three joining in, I truly will be the happiest and most highly sexed guy on the planet!

His erection was currently untouched, but it remained as stiff and excited as ever, thanks to all this talk about their promising shared future.

Surprisingly, Monica growled impatiently, "That all sounds well and good. but it's something we'll have to talk about later. Right now, do you realize what's happening? Our man is just sitting there without anybody touching The Beast at all! If we're really going to work as a team to keep him satisfied, that starts now. And I've got a cunt that desperately needs fucking and he's got a cock that's softening and in danger of going flaccid altogether!"

She smirk-smiled as she knowingly asked, "How can we solve both of those problems at once? Hmmm!"

Actually, she didn't see any visible signs of his hard-on softening, because the enthusiastic discussion was keeping him very excited. But she hoped saying those words would help spur some fucking action.

Kate giggled. "Okay, I get it! You're dying to get fucked. And you're way overdue. Look at me. I'm getting off his lap." She gave Ryan another scorching kiss and cuddle, but she kept it relatively brief. Then she really did get up off him.

Monica tilted her head up and raised both hands high in the air. "Dear Lord! Did you see that? It's a miracle!"

Kate rolled her eyes, even though she was smiling. "Don't be so funny or I just might sit back on him again."

Even though Monica figured Kate was teasing about that, she nonetheless acted fast. "Oh no you don't!" She moved like lightning, plopping down on his lap and wrapping her arms around him. "A-ha! I've got him! Maybe now I actually will get my turn!"

Jordan began clapping. "Yeay! I'm glad for you, Monica. It sounds like you've been very patient, and you deserve it. I'm kind of late to the party. Why HASN'T he fucked you already?!"

Monica said, "It's a long story. Let's not worry about it. The main thing is it can happen now." She looked right into Ryan's eyes from close up. "Right? Please say 'yes!'"

Staring back at her, he replied, "Yes! But." "Uh-oh!"

"Don't worry, it's not a big 'but'. It's just that I was pretty darn close to cumming, especially when Kate did that incredible choking and gagging thing. My dick needs a little time to recover, or I'm liable to blow my load just as soon as I enter you. I know you're going to hate this, but I need at least five minutes of no stimulation, no sexy talk, no nothing." He looked pointedly at her naked body cuddled up against him. "That means no touching at all."

"Aaah, darn! Really?! But I just got here."

"I know. But look at it this way. My dick IS pretty worn out and my resistance IS low. If I go straight into fucking you, I'm only going to last a minute or two, at best. But, if I genuinely recharge, then I can make a proper fucking out of it."

Monica hopped off his lap like he'd turned into a hot stove. She started waving her arms to move the others away. "Okay, people, stand back! There's nothing to see here! Stand back!"

Kate put a hand on Ryan's shoulder and smiled benignly at him. "She's a riot, isn't she? Such passion!"

Monica turned around and saw Kate's hand on his shoulder. "Hey! He said 'no touching'. I call that touching!"

He said, "Mon, I appreciate your efforts, but let me handle this. I want you and Jordan to go to the other side of the room. Take the time to get better acquainted. Meanwhile, there's something I need to discuss with Kate and Erin. And don't worry; it's NOT sexual in nature, and there will be NO touching."

The raven-haired babe folded her arms under her round E-cups and stared at him skeptically. "Do you promise? Especially about the 'no touching' part?"

"I do. Believe me, my penis DESPERATELY needs a break!" He looked around, and added, "Note how I'm sitting on this side of the table. I'll make sure they sit on that side of the table. Okay?"

Monica grumbled, "Well... okay." She was secretly miffed that he didn't want to include her in whatever the conversation was about, but she felt she didn't know him well enough to press the issue.

He seemed to sense that worry in her, and added, "And by the way, don't read anything into the fact that I'll only be talking to Kate and Erin. I swear it's just about a logistical thing that right now only involves them. We are a team, and nearly everything will be discussed freely amongst all of us."

Monica nodded, and she felt relieved. But she also thought, He says that, and I think he means it. But even so, it's as plain as day that Kate is going to be his favorite. And it's almost as certain that Erin is going to be his second favorite, if only for purely physical reasons. Just look at her body AND her face. She could be a supermodel or famous actress if she wasn't so ridiculously busty. She would be the unquestioned hottest girl in the whole university had it not been for Kate being here too. She's a lot bigger and taller than me too. There's more of her to love.

Normally I'd try to make up for that with my sheer passion, but I think they're just as passionate about him! I suppose I'm always going to be third place at best, maybe tied with Jordan. Which I wouldn't mind that much if it were just about sex, but I think I'm falling in love with him! That's a problem.

When a guy rocks your world as much as he's rocked mine, how can a girl not start to fall in love? It's probably hard-wired biologically, since sex is an emotional bonder. It sucks! What a wild night. My whole life has been thrown into confusion!

After a little more small talk, Monica and Jordan did go to the other side of the room, well out of hearing range. But Monica made a mental note to keep an eye on the others to make sure the 'no touching' promise was maintained.