

#A SPACER STORY NOT OWNED BY ME I JUST WANTED TO SHARE IT SINCE IRT HAS BEEN ROTTING AFTER SPACER SITE WAS SHUT I WASNT ABLE TO CONTACT HIM SO IF HE CONTACTS ME I WILL REMOVE IT. # This is a sexual related story with lot of sublissive type of scenes so if not in to it dont bother. This is a story of character ryan who without his knowledge is being pranked for april fool by hyping the college babe by jack ( so called friend) that she is a submissive. check how the twist happens and his life turns upside down in sexual way

novelist101 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Ryan sighed sadly as well. "That's so fucked up. I've been sexually aggressive tonight, but consent was clear. If I'd ever heard 'No. Stop,' I would have stopped, no question." He sighed again. "I feel bad just for being a man."

Monica suddenly turned to him and said, "Don't feel bad. In fact, what the hell is wrong with you people?!" She waved her hands in the air towards Kate and Erin in particular. "What happened to the sexual fun? Why'd you stop all that licking and stroking?" She looked pointedly at his crotch, where there was no sign of a bulge in his slacks. "Where'd The Beast go?"

Ryan was incredulous. "You're kidding me, right? He's taking a nap."

Monica gesticulated even more earnestly. "Tell him to wake up! Kate, Erin, as co-girlfriends, you should do your duty. I know we kind of ruined the mood with a lot of serious talk, but I want the ultimate revenge here. I want these two douchebag pendejos to suffer! I want them to hear all the sexual fun that they're missing out on, and that they are going to miss out on for the next SIX YEARS! I want them to hear how good it can be to enjoy consensual sex. That's a million times better than fucking some lifeless, passed out body!"

Nancy suddenly came to life. "Yeah! Kate, Erin, do it, please! For me! I liked it when you were stroking and licking him, before. Somehow, it made seeing those two brought down low that much more satisfying. But don't stop there! Suck him too! Suck him good! Most importantly, suck him LOUDLY! I want to see them literally gnash their teeth and weep tears of frustration!"

Kate and Erin looked at each other. There was an unspoken "Should we?!" between them. Then big smiles crossed their faces as a non-verbal "Why not? Sure!" enthusiasm was conveyed. They were already standing next to him, so they simply dropped to their knees.

Nobody was making any noise, but Kate loudly shushed anyway. Then she said, "Hey, you two pendejos!" She giggled at her first use of that word. "Listen to this! You know what this sound is?" She followed that by dramatically unzipping Ryan's fly. Just to make sure they heard, she rezipped it and then unzipped it again.

Jack and Vince groaned with frustration, because they heard the zipping sound and they knew what that meant. They were ruminating on having to be celibate for the next six years, at least.

Unfortunately for Ryan, his penis had gone flaccid by the time he joined the group hug. The mood had turned so serious that he leaned down and whispered to the two vixens, "I'm sorry, but how am I supposed to get aroused in these circumstances?"

Kate and Erin were holding his penis, but since it was flaccid there wasn't much for two hands to hold. They realized they had a problem if they had to fake fellating him.

But within seconds, Kate came up with an idea. She spoke aloud. "Uh-oh! We've got a problem. It looks like Ryan is a normal, moral man and he finds talk of date rape to be the very opposite of arousing. We're going to have to do something extra special to get him hard."

She was going to say more, but she stopped because she noticed Brandy reentering the room. Since Brandy had a key, she'd let herself back in.

Knowing that the two jocks didn't know what was going on, Kate explained for them, "Ah, Brandy, I see you're back. How are things going?"

Brandy walked to where Kate and Erin knelt in front of Ryan and stood there. She said, "Good. What's

been happening here?"

Kate explained, "We finished explaining our terms to the two pendejos. They've already made some important confessions. We haven't asked for their reply to our offer yet though. First, I want them to listen to some of our recordings so they'll know we're not just bluffing. How's your recording work coming along?"

Brandy had been reluctant to say anything with Jack and Vince listening, but she realized Kate wanted them to know. So she said, "Everything's proceeding according to plan. All kinds of copying is taking place simultaneously. Soon, we'll have everything backed up in multiple locations."

Kate smiled wolfishly. "Excellent! Do you have a sample for them to listen to?"

"But of course." Brandy smiled triumphantly and held up her phone. "I've selected a couple of choice selections, right here on my cell phone."

"Good. Let's play that before we get their response. But before we do, I think it'll be more fitting if they have to listen to it over the sound of sexy slurping and moaning. As you can see, we're about to resume having fun with Ryan's cock after things got a little serious, but he needs some more inspiration. I was just about to ask if anyone would mind if I take my clothes off. I'm sure that'll straighten him out right away, so to speak."

Brandy was surprised. "Your clothes? All of them? In front of all of us?!"

Actually, Kate had only been planning on taking her top off. She knew how much Ryan loved seeing (and feeling) her enormous G-cups, and she also knew he wouldn't be able to see much more of her below her jutting rack while he was standing above. The "old" Kate would never have even gone topless in these circumstances in a million years. But she'd changed in a profound way over the course of the evening, and she decided to go for broke.

She didn't consciously realize it, but she longed to feel the kind of sexual humiliation she'd been feeling nearly constantly for most of the evening, prior to having to dress for the sting operation. She actually liked being exposed to others, as long as they were safe, like the other third floor girls. It would have been totally different had Jack and Vince been able to see.

She boldly said, "Yes, as a matter of fact. All of them. Does anybody have a problem with that?" She worried that Brandy might, so she non-verbally motioned towards where Jack and Vince lay, trying to suggest this was being done as part of their punishment.

Brandy didn't object, because she understood the ostensible purpose.

Nancy didn't either, because she was eager to see the two date rapists suffer. Since she wasn't allowed to physically hurt them, she figured this was the best alternative.

However, Erin said, "I object! Why should you be the only one to get naked? What about me?"

Kate smirked with relief. "Fair enough. Let's strip together!" She was secretly very relieved not to be the only one, because this was a big and scary step to take. In truth, the only reason either of them were willing to try was because they'd done even more embarrassing things for Ryan earlier in the evening and wound up having the times of the lives.

The sound of rustling of clothes followed. The two sexy coeds tried to be as loud as possible so Jack and Vince would know exactly what was happening and kick themselves for not being able to see.

Brandy couldn't believe what was happening. She didn't have a secret crush on either Kate or Erin, but that was only because she'd consciously tried not to. She loved big breasts just as much as Ryan did.

Her heart raced wildly as she watched first Kate expose her G-cups and then Erin expose her F-cups.

She clenched her teeth and clutched at her own ample chest as she thought, Holy mother of God! They're magnificent! Both sets at once! Pinch me, I'm dreaming! But I can't let on how excited that makes me. Shit! What delicious torture! And look, now they're unveiling the rest of their perfect bodies!

By the time Kate and Erin were naked from head to toe, Brandy was on the verge of crying from a mixture of joy and frustration. She knew she'd never see them the same way again, even when they were fully clothed.

Nancy also was powerfully affected by watching the two busty beauties strip. Although she considered herself completely straight, the two vixens were so outrageously gorgeous that just having them naked seemed to raise the heat in the room. She'd been far from aroused for a while, since anger and hurt relating to her rape was foremost on her mind. But her lust began to rise, especially as she recalled what she'd seen them do to Ryan's oversized erection.

Jordan had never been intimate with another girl, aside from the odd playful French kiss or grope here and there. But as she watched Kate and Erin undress, she thought, I consider myself mostly straight, but if anybody could bend me to at least dabble in a little lesbian action, it's those two! Good God! Are you kidding me?! They make even the rest of us third floor Kappas look ugly in comparison! Look at those asses! Look at those breasts! I swear, I wouldn't mind touching and kissing the both of them, everywhere!

I can't let on though. I am mostly straight, and it seems they belong to him. Damn!

For a while, Monica had been fully focused on dealing with Jack and Vince. She'd let her anger flow and her temper rise. She was still very emotionally worked up, but she was discovering that anger could quickly turn into lust. Her heart pounded even faster as she stared at the flawless bodies of Kate and Erin with unrestrained desire. She thought, I've started to have fun with them tonight, but that's just the beginning! We'll ALL be lovers, loving and fucking each other as well as Ryan. I can't even believe how lucky I am, to wind up with those two, AND the biggest and best cock in town!

Kate and Erin made sure to be especially noisy as they took their clothes off. The two jocks groaned and even whimpered in response to the tantalizing sounds. Despite their defeat, they couldn't help but start to get aroused from just imagining what Kate and Erin looked like kneeling naked in front of a guy with his pants down.

Ryan got erect even faster than they did. He was an unashamed "tit man," so it was no surprise that his cock shot up and out just as soon as Kate and Erin got topless. The rest of their undressing was just a bonus to him. He got a triumphant thrill knowing they were fully naked in front of everybody because of their lust for him.

Kate didn't waste time. After a sexy walk to Ryan, undulating her ass cheeks all the way, she quickly dropped to her knees in front of Ryan. She moaned loudly and enthusiastically once she got busy licking his sweet spot. Aaaah! That's more like it! She could feel her cheeks reddening as the delicious humiliation she'd felt earlier in the evening came flooding back.

Then it was Erin's turn. She was blushing even more furiously as she walked to where Ryan was, because she could feel the eyes of Monica, Brandy, Jordan, and Nancy on her. Yet her humiliation was boosting her lust to the high heavens before she even reached him.

Once she was on her knees next to Kate, she closed her eyes, firmly gripped his shaft, and stuck her tongue out. She tried hard to block out all thoughts of the others and just concentrate entirely on pleasuring his cock.

However, there was a problem at first because both Kate and Erin naturally went straight for licking all over his sweet spot. As a result, their tongues soon touched.

The sensation was electric for both of them.

Kate felt shivers and goose bumps all over due to that tongue contact. Gaawwwd! Look at us! We're such sluts! His personal sluts! She felt an extra jolt of arousal from reminding herself of the "personal slut" title.

Erin felt shivers and goose bumps as well. She was tempted to stop licking and just French kiss Kate's beautiful mouth, at least for a little while. But she didn't dare with the others watching. Instead, she imagined an invisible line right down the middle of Ryan's shaft, cutting straight through his sweet spot, and she tried to keep her tongue on her side of the line.

Kate quickly got the gist of that idea, and focused on "her half" of his boner. However, both of them wanted to lick on his sweet spot more often than not, and it wasn't very big, so the tongue contact continued intermittently. Actually, neither of them minded at all.

Kate was in seventh heaven. She truly adored licking and stroking Ryan's thick cock, and getting to do it with Erin doubled or even tripled her pleasure. She found herself thinking, This is the future! It's such a joke now to think about the "dates" I had with my "boyfriends." I was the worst kind of cockteaser.

But look at me now! I'm going to be the world's best cock PLEASER! Especially because I actually LOVE sharing The Beast like this. It's like, I wish I could have more than one tongue so I could lick it everywhere at once, but I can't, but with Erin helping it's like I can!

However, despite her euphoria, she couldn't forget her shame of public exposure. Several minutes passed of dead silence, with nobody talking at all. Eventually, her curiosity got the best of her and she furtively looked around to the other girls as she licked. SHIT! She wasn't surprised to see they were all staring her way, but it was distressing just the same.

Her tongue bumped into Erin's yet again as they both loudly slurped on his sweet spot. But she was busy mulling over all those eyes on her. Why should I be afraid of what they're thinking? They're all wishing they could be in my place. I don't have to wonder what Monica's thinking! She's fallen in love and lust with The Beast, and I couldn't be happier for her. I think it's great that we'll be personal sluts together. It's kind of like we'll be best friends or even sisters, united in our love for serving cock!

As for Jordan, who does she think she's fooling? I saw that lusty look on her face. She can't wait to choke and gag on this monster too! Miss Sluttypants is a natural slut, just like the rest of us. I suppose she's going to be one of his personal sluts before long as well, and I can't say I mind that much.

MMMM! This cock is just too much! It needs so much tender loving care. I don't know if the four of us will be enough! Mmmm... YES!

She'd mostly caught glimpses of Monica and Jordan the first time, but she dared to take another furtive peek, and this time she carefully eyed Nancy and Brandy. They were staring with rapt interest, but their faces were less obviously lusty.

As she went back to bumping tongues with Erin, she thought, I wonder what those two are thinking. I'm sure they must be shocked. They've never seen the like, no doubt. Not just the sheer size of The Beast, but the fact that Erin and I are acting like this, and buck naked too. They must be thinking, "What the fuck is Princess Kate doing? I thought she was a cruel cockteaser." Not anymore, girls! Now, I'm all about pleasuring my honey's cock!

I wish I could convey to them the sheer, overwhelming joy I feel when I hear him grunt or moan in response to my tongue work. Although now I can't tell if he's responding to me or Erin, or both, and that's just TOO HOT! Gaawwwd, I love it! He's put me in my place, shamelessly worshipping his cock despite everybody watching. This is the ultimate in sexual wantonness! And we're getting to torture those two asshole rapists as a bonus!

With that last thought in mind, she was reminded to make more noise. She was already slurping loudly, but she augmented that with more sexy panting and moaning.

Another minute or two passed without anybody speaking. Although Kate was loving life, she couldn't entirely rid herself of her worries. I'll bet Nancy is cool with this, due to her need for revenge. I just hope Brandy doesn't rain on our parade. I'm sure we're safe with Jordan though. In fact, knowing my studly honey, it won't be long before she and I are bumping tongues on his sweet spot! Oooh! More shivers! And Monica of course is no problem at all. We'll definitely be bumping tongues a hell of a lot, and maybe not just while licking his cock!

I swear, if the others weren't watching, I could cum so easily. It might just be the biggest one yet. Sharing cock with Erin gets me so hot! Especially with all this tongue contact. But I have to hold out. I don't want to shock them too much at once, especially with Brandy on the fence. Imagine if they saw me shiver and shake and scream my head off!

Erin's feelings were nearly identical to Kate's, though maybe a bit less intense. Like Kate, she was exhilarated by licking and stroking Ryan's thick cock, and being "forced" to share made everything that much more naughty and thrilling. She also loved all the tongue touching, as well as the way their fingers often made contact. They'd both had to switch to more of a fingertip holding style for there to be enough room. But sometimes they interlocked their fingers together to stroke as if their two hands were one. It wasn't as effective, but they both loved doing it for the symbolism and the emotional bonding. They felt united in their dedication to serving his cock.

But Erin remained very embarrassed too, and her face stayed just as red. She tried to keep her eyes closed, but she couldn't help occasionally peeking to see how the others were responding. Like Kate, she noticed Jordan's very obvious lust, and she suspected that Monica was actually furtively playing with herself through her clothes. But due to her more frequent peeks she could see that Nancy and Brandy were horny as well. It's just that they were being much more careful trying to hide their feelings.

She also checked on Jack and Vince from time to time, just to make sure they weren't trying to escape. Every time she did, she was reminded to be loud with her slurping, moaning, and even breathing. Of course that was driving the two jocks crazy, but she didn't realize how much of an effect it had on everyone else. With her and Kate's head so close to Ryan's cock all the time, it often was hard to see the action. But everyone could hear their very sexy noises, causing imaginations to run wild.

Not surprisingly, Ryan was having the time of his life. His pleasure was incredible and unending, like experiencing the total rush of orgasm, except for minutes on end. And yet he didn't feel the urge to cum just yet. It was as if his body had cum so many times over the evening that the climax trigger had broken and shut down. But what really blew his mind was the idea that the two lusty vixens were actually holding back on him. He couldn't imagine how much better it could get if they sucked his cock instead of "merely" licking it.

In fact, Kate was feeling very tempted to switch over to sucking. Pretty much since she started licking him, she'd been craving the sensation of having her oral cavity crammed full of his hot, throbbing pole. She didn't want to be selfish and cut Erin out of the fun, but she figured they could take turns, with one bobbing while the other licked whatever was left over. In fact, she very nearly lost control and had a big cum just from thinking about all the many hours they would spend taking turns bobbing on him.

She couldn't wait to get started, and the humiliation of having the others watch only increased her eagerness.

But she was mindful there was some business to attend to first, before she lost the ability to speak. So as she kept right on licking with her eyes closed, she said, "Hey, everybody, I just had an idea. Brandy,

please play that recording you've got. And Monica, you can take charge of the discussion. I want to go in!"

Monica had been standing back, which allowed her to furtively finger her pussy through her clothes without the other observers seeing. Everyone was fully focused on the cock licking anyway. But she snapped out of her lusty reverie to ask, "'Go in?'"

Kate gleefully clarified, "Sorry, I mean swallow his entire cockhead! So I can bob on his great fat knob. In short, I want to SUCK COCK!"

Monica giggled. "Ah. I definitely get your meaning now. Cool. I say go for it!" Then, taking her hand off her privates, she looked around and asked, "But what above everyone else? Does anybody have any objections to that? Speak now or forever hold your peace!"

Jordan, Brandy, and Nancy stayed silent (except for their heavy breathing). In truth, the three of them were very eager to see the cocksucking begin, but they didn't want to reveal their true feelings to everyone else. Even Brandy was excited. As a lesbian she wasn't interested in the actual cocksucking, but she couldn't get enough of Kate's and Erin's nude bodies, and she figured the new activity would mean more movement and repositioning.

Monica said, "There you have it. Go for it, girl! Jack and Vince, eat your heart out! Oh, but Kate, I hope you save some of that piping hot cock-meat for Erin."

Kate looked to Erin. She actually pulled back a bit to do so, since their noses were nearly touching right over his sweet spot (which was the case more often than not). She whispered, quietly, "Can I? Please? I need it!"

Erin chuckled. She whispered back, "Very well. But when I tap your shoulder, I get MY turn. Okay?"

Kate nodded. Then she craned her mouth as wide open as she could manage, took a deep breath, and engulfed his cockhead from above.

There was a collective gasp from all those watching, including Ryan looking down. Most of the others actually moved in closer to get a better view.

Kate sighed with profound satisfaction as his thickness filled her mouth. Aaaah! Soooo good! I can't get enough! Damn, I'm really showing myself to be a total slut, but I can't help it. God, it's just SO THICK! But I love the way my jaw stretches almost to the breaking point. This cock is too delicious! What's more, it was just in my pussy. It took my virginity! How exciting is THAT?! I think it needs to be rewarded with a nice long cocksucking!

She briefly glanced at Jack and Vince where they lay on the floor. Forget those two losers. Forget everything and everyone else. I don't even care if Nancy or Brandy are offended at this point, because I can't stop!

Nancy was watching Kate's oral work intently, but she wasn't offended. At first, she was astounded. Ryan's erection looked to be twice the size of any of her own boyfriends'. Even though it had been out in the open for a while, she simply couldn't get over that fact, especially now that she'd moved in for a closer view. But Kate's behavior was even more startling. The sheer passion of Kate's every movement was obvious and it left Nancy breathless in amazement.

As she continued to watch, Nancy was startled to realize just how horny she was feeling. She had resumed dating in the last month, but her heart hadn't been in it and she hadn't done more than a little obligatory good-night kissing. She still felt affected by Vince's date rape many months before, and that left her unable to enjoy herself. So she was surprised to feel real, intense arousal for the first time in a very long time. She knew she wouldn't be able to act on it until she overcame some of her issues, but

just being able to let those feelings flow was invigorating and encouraging.

Brandy was interested in the cocksucking action, but in a more clinical way. She'd never seen a blowjob on any kind of real penis, much less such an exceptionally sized one. It was an impressive physical feat, as if someone managed to fit one's entire hand in one's mouth. But as a lesbian, her true interest remained enjoying Kate and Erin's nude bodies. Her pussy pulsed and leaked as she imagined they were licking her pussy instead.

Jordan was standing close, and her reaction was very lusty indeed. She had already seen much, for instance when Kate got fucked, and she was tired of just watching. She couldn't wait to try sucking Ryan's cock herself. But she didn't know how or when to get started. It seemed ridiculous to imagine that she could just tap on Kate and take her place. She was suddenly annoyed that she was fully dressed, and she longed to be buck naked just like Kate and Erin. But she was shy to do so, with all the others in the room.

As a result of such feelings, her pussy and nipples felt like they were on fire. She longed to masturbate, perhaps furtively under her clothes, but she was afraid to do that too.

Again, Monica was bolder. Like before, she was careful to stay a little further back than the others so she could basically fondle herself through her clothes to her heart's content. She was confident that nobody was about to turn around to look her way.

As the minutes passed, nobody said a word. Everyone was endlessly fascinated by Kate's fervent cocksucking effort. Even Erin pulled back and just watched for a while, salivating and licking her lips while taking mental notes on the things Kate was doing that she wanted to try on him too.

All the while, Jack and Vince were practically dying of frustration. They repeatedly lifted their heads off the carpet, hoping against hope to be able to see through their bandanas. But Monica had been careful in how she'd covered their faces and they still couldn't see a thing. Still, they kept lifting their heads, hoping that would at least help them hear the bobbing and slurping noises a little better.

As soon as Kate started sucking, she all but forgot about the two jocks. She had intended to suck extra noisily to twist the knife in them that much more, but she was so captivated and overwhelmed with cocksucking joy that she forgot all about that. However, due to her great enthusiasm and effort, she couldn't have sucked any louder if she'd tried.

Monica was keen to resume leading the group after Kate had told her to do so. However, curiosity got to her too. She had been standing near Jack and Vince. However, she walked to another spot in the room where she had a better view of Kate's talented cocksucking, while still lingering back enough to continue fingering her pussy through her clothes. She bit her lip longingly and salivated copiously.

Dammit! I want in on that. She's having so much fun!

Then it occurred to her that she could watch and lead at the same time. She said, "Hey pendejos. You stupid motherfuckers. Do you know what that sound is? That sexy, slurpy, sound? Yes, it's what you think it is: Kate is sucking Ryan's cock like the princess that she is! Yes, she is a princess, but not the kind people think. She's the princess of cocksucking! No, make that the queen! She's going to town with her lips and tongue like you wouldn't believe! And you should see her fingers sloshing and sliding all over his endlessly long shaft, along with Erin's. Together, they make such a great cock-pleasuring team."

Her furtive fingering was bringing her dangerously close to climax. That's why she unexpectedly exclaimed, "OH MY GOD! His cock is SO THICK!" She forced herself to calm down a bit, but continued enthusiastically, "Just how does she even fit all of it in her mouth?! Who would believe that she could act like such a shameless slut?!"

Jack and Vince moaned and groaned in tortured agony. Their dicks were erect, painfully so, but they could find no satisfaction. They kept on lifting their heads up, also to no avail.

Monica looked back at the two jocks in response to their moaning. She smirked when she saw their obvious sexual frustration. She decided to play things up even more. "Oh, so that idea arouses you, does it? It's such a shame you can't see, because Kate is totally naked! Yep, she's in her birthday suit! And Erin is too. My God, it's just about the sexiest sight imaginable! But I'll tell you what's REALLY sexy! Tears are leaking down Kate's face. Not because she's sad. No! Those are tears of joy AND exertion. I know, because I've felt that strange mix myself when I was sucking on this same cock earlier. It's such a non-stop battle just to keep it in your mouth that you can't help but leak tears of struggle. But the reward and pleasure of mastering it is so great that you shed more tears of ecstasy as well!"

Remarkably, every word was true. Kate really was leaking tears, and for the two reasons Monica just gave. Although Kate continued to blush cherry red with great humiliation, she also beamed with pride. To her, those tears were a sign of a cocksucking job well done.

Monica eventually turned her attention to Ryan's face. His eyes were closed and he wore a blissful, dreamy expression. He seemed lost in a world of his own. She was highly impressed that he hadn't climaxed yet and didn't even seem to be struggling with holding on. She asked, "What do you think, Ryan? Are you enjoying yourself?"

He was startled out of his erotic reverie. He even pointed at his own chest and asked, "Me?" He was riding such a great wave of arousal that he hardly knew up from down.

Monica chuckled. "Yes, you." She knew he was looking her way, but since it was him she didn't bother to stop playing with herself.

Ryan tried to mentally recover. He thought, Crap, I've gotta manage this. I've got a reputation to maintain now, of the studly, er... stud. I need to draw on Jack's advice, and present myself as totally in charge, and king of the world, and all that.

He looked down at Jack, lying there with a bandana across his face. Wow. It's so ironic. Not that many hours ago, I thought he was a really impressive guy. I looked up to him. I trusted his advice. But now look at him! He's a scummy rapist and was really awful to me too. Ironically, he was a key part of making my successes tonight possible, but I can't admit that to him now. Hell, it's probably better I never fully admit that to anybody.

Monica pressed, "Ryan? Hellooooo? Something got you a little distracted?" She giggled at that, since she had to speak up to even be heard over Kate's passionate slurping and bobbing. Plus she noticed that Erin had resumed licking lower down his shaft while she waited her turn. She was impressed that Ryan even managed to remain standing.

He finally focused on answering. "Um, yeah. Obviously. Just look at me. But I'm good now. What's up?"

Monica smirked. "You're VERY good. I was asking if you're enjoying yourself, but I don't think you need to answer. It's pretty self-evident, isn't it?"

He nodded with a great big smile. "Yeah!"

Then he groaned loudly, because Erin had just tapped on Kate's shoulder, and Kate had responded by pulling her lips off his shaft. Then, seconds later, Erin engulfed his thick shaft and started bobbing with the exact same rhythm Kate had been using. Kate didn't want to be completely left out, so she gently took one of his balls in her mouth.

Monica said, "For those who can't see, Kate and Erin just traded places. Now Erin is sucking his cock like there's no tomorrow!"

She thought, Dammit! Erin is one lucky slut! I want me some of La Bestia too! And not just more blowjob fun - I want to get fucked! Unfortunately, I've got these two pendejos to deal with first. I could toy with them a lot longer, and make them feel shitty, and God knows they deserve it. But let's speed things up so they can get out of here. Then we can have some privacy, and my fun can REALLY begin!

She looked to where Nancy, Brandy, and Jordan stood. As for them, luckily, it seems the threat of them telling all the other Kappas about our private business has been neutralized. Even with Nancy, which I didn't think was going to happen. It's pretty evident that they're all enjoying this show more than a little. If they thought they could get away with it, I'd bet they'd be masturbating too. Even Brandy, which is a bit surprising. Just look at the expression on HER face! Yeow! She's a total fox with that wanton look! Only she seems to be staring at Kate's jiggling G-cups instead of the oral action. I can't say I can blame her.

So that's all good. They can stay and watch, or not. I don't really care. One way or another, I'm getting fucked, and soon!

With that in mind, Monica said, "Brandy, do you have something for us? Before we hear from if these two want to make a deal or not, let's show them that we're not just fooling around. What have you got?"

Brandy was reluctant to tear her gaze away from Kate and Erin, but she knew certain things had to get done. She stepped towards the two jocks, so they'd be able to hear clearly. She said, "I've prepared a few choice selections. Here's one from when they were undressing you." She hit "play" on her cell phone app.

Vince's voice could be heard. He griped, "God dammit! How many laces does this damn corset have anyway?"

Jack was heard replying, "Why is she even wearing a corset in the first place? She's got a fine, hourglass figure. One I can't wait to fuck!"

Vince replied, "Yeah, seriously. It's about time for some good old fashioned raping!" With that, both Jack and Vince could be heard laughing.

Brandy hit stop, ending the recording.

Monica said, "Thanks, Brandy. Of course, that's just the audio. We'd let you see the video too, but we don't want your rapey eyes uncovered. And we've got a LOT more of that. We could play more right now, but what would be the point? Clearly, you two morons seemed to go out of your way to incriminate yourselves."

Hearing the two jocks confess their rapist intentions cooled Ryan's lusty desire to the point that his boner started to soften a little bit. But Erin felt that in her mouth and wasn't about to let that happen for long. Like Kate, she had been pacing herself because their goal was to keep him endlessly tripping on erotic delight, not making him cum. But now she stepped up her efforts, using more suction and motion than before. It worked.

Jack and Vince thought they were in a bad predicament already, but hearing their own voices saying such things caused them to reach a new low. Even with their eyes covered, one could see the despair on their faces.

Seeing those faces, Monica said to them, "So... we finally come to it, pendejos. What's it going to be? The Navy or prison? I'll give both of you a chance to reply individually. And no soapboxing, no trying to cut a better deal. Straight up, Navy or prison. Those are your only two options. Jack, you first."

Jack let out a long, sad sigh. "Like I have any choice. The Navy." Monica asked, "And you, Vince."

Vince sighed in a similar way. "Yeah. The same. The Navy. God, this sucks so bad!"

Monica said, "It sure does, but you're lucky you're being offered a deal at all. Now, remember, no telling ANYTHING about what's happened here tonight. For instance, if I ever hear talk about Kate and Erin sharing a blowjob, we'll know you blabbed and we'll go straight to the police. The only way you're going to get out of this is if you do EVERYTHING we say, exactly as we say. Is that understood?"

Jack and Vince grunted affirmatively. Already, both of them were reeling from not being able to tell their buddies about the double blowjob. That was much more salient to them at the moment than the far greater penalty of joining the Navy, because they could hear Erin's loud slurping and they were horny as hell.

By this time, the "crisis" of Ryan starting to go flaccid had passed so Erin had eased up some, but even her "slow and easy" mode was like a symphony of constant erotic noises, especially while Kate was working his balls in her mouth too.

Those sexy sounds were very nearly driving the jocks crazy. The much more important longer term consequences seemed more like something happening to someone else.

Monica said, "Good! Now, let's get these two out of here! I feel dirty just being near them. Let's purge all of this unpleasantness out of our systems by having a celebration!" She didn't want to mention it in front of the two jocks, but getting herself fucked by Ryan was at the top of her list. (She forgot that while they were listening she'd mentioned she'd sucked him off earlier, but then again they wouldn't know if she really meant that or not.)

She looked around, and asked, "Just to be clear, does anybody else want to say anything to these two bastards before we kick them out of here?"

Nancy complained, "No, except good riddance! Get them out of my sight!" Her arms were cross and she had a very sour face, like the two of them even smelled terrible. Like Monica, she was finding that it was a thin line between anger and lust. Her anger was flowing freely now, but her body kept on buzzing with lust as well.

Then Brandy said, "Unfortunately... not so fast. Remember that I'm in the middle of making back-up copies in various nearby rooms. I worry that if we let these two out of our sights, they might try to sabotage those efforts."

Monica groaned unhappily. She didn't want to wait another minute before she got fucked. "Oh, fuck! How long until you're done?"

Brandy replied, "Oh, I'd say about ten minutes. We'll have more to do after that, but by then all the really important recordings will be backed up in physical form and on the Internet."