

#A SPACER STORY NOT OWNED BY ME I JUST WANTED TO SHARE IT SINCE IRT HAS BEEN ROTTING AFTER SPACER SITE WAS SHUT I WASNT ABLE TO CONTACT HIM SO IF HE CONTACTS ME I WILL REMOVE IT. # This is a sexual related story with lot of sublissive type of scenes so if not in to it dont bother. This is a story of character ryan who without his knowledge is being pranked for april fool by hyping the college babe by jack ( so called friend) that she is a submissive. check how the twist happens and his life turns upside down in sexual way

novelist101 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


The party was going strong when Ryan and Monica walked through the door into the main room where most of the people were. Monica knew most of them by name. There were about thirty KKG girls there and thirty SAE guys. There were around forty others as well, most of them the dates of those from KKG or SAE. A good majority of those were in the vast main room they had just entered, although some spilled into nearby rooms or the backyard. There was a large empty space in the middle of the room for dancing, and dozens were dancing to the latest rap and pop hits.

Nobody seemed to notice the two of them arrive. The lighting had been turned way down from when Ryan had been there last, and the music had been turned way up, making it hard to talk unless one got close and spoke loudly. As a result, Monica was able to walk with Ryan to a dark corner where they could observe without being observed in return.

Monica started pointing people out. "A-ha! There's Nancy! She's the sultry looking one in the skimpy black dress. She IS here. That's a good sign. I wonder how long she's been here, since we were dawdling such a long time."

Ryan looked Nancy over. She was easy to make out in a crowd due to her light, flowing long blonde hair. Given his great and unexpected success with Kate, Erin, AND Monica, he figured he could at least be open to the possibility of seducing Nancy too. He didn't have plans to, due to their insistence that she was trouble, but he figured circumstances could change.

Not surprisingly, Nancy looked very enticing. She wasn't as full-figured and voluptuous as Ryan liked, like Kate, Erin, and Monica were, and her breasts looked to "only" be about C-cups. However, she looked very fit and hard bodied, and her face was nearly as stunning as Kate's. That was saying a great deal. It helped that she was wearing a very revealing black dress that showed off lots of cleavage and a nearly scandalous amount of leg. The dress contrasted well with her blonde hair and fairly light-colored skin.

Speaking into Monica's ear, he asked, "Are you SURE I shouldn't seduce her?"

She laughed. "I knew you'd say that. And yes, I'm sure. I can't get into it right now, but she's trouble. Trust me, okay?"

"Okay." He decided to trust her on this, at least unless and until he got good evidence to believe otherwise. He didn't want to just think with his dick and possibly ruin the really great thing he'd developed with his three girls tonight.

Monica looked around and spotted Brandy. "There's Brandy." She pointed. "She's the one with the white top and pink miniskirt."

Ryan scoped her out. Brandy was dancing in the middle of the dance floor, making her hard to check out amongst the moving bodies. He decided that she was beautiful, but not a jaw-dropper like any of his three girls. Like Nancy, he rated her a "mere" nine on a one-to-ten scale. (Naturally, Kate, Erin, and Monica were all tens, with Kate threatening to ruin the scale.) Brandy had short dirty blonde hair and fairly tanned skin. He estimated her breasts were in the C- to D-cup range.

He nudged Monica, and asked, "Can I fuck her?"

Monica laughed again. "NO! Besides, not even you could seduce her. She's a confirmed lesbian."

"Darn!" He was seriously disappointed. He liked the idea of fucking his way through all the girls on the third floor, to help keep their secret. He said, "Well, at least she won't talk if she finds out what we're

doing, right?"

"Not necessarily. Why would she?"

"Because, as a lesbian, she doesn't care what us straights are up to?"

"Sorry, it doesn't work like that. Anyway, she's nice, a lot nicer than Nancy, so I'm hopeful just the same that she won't cause trouble."

He asked, "Are you going to talk to her now, about the whole cock-and-bull story of how you'll be screaming your lungs out later?"

She turned to him and locked her gaze with his. Her eyes were alight with sexual desire. "First off, don't you EVER say the word 'cock' where I can't drop to my knees to express my oral admiration for The Beast! And don't say 'bull' either, since that's making me horny too! It's clear you're a bull and you're turning us into your little herd of busty beauties!" She looked down at the bulge in his slacks like she was seriously considering going down on him on the spot.

Actually, she was. She was a sexual fireball to begin with, but Ryan had sent her libido in overdrive tonight. In particular, seeing what had transpired with Kate on the stairs had left her pussy soaked and pulsing. She was trying to stay calm, but her sexual urges were slowly winning.

Then, seeming to return to normal in a heartbeat, she added with almost comical normality, "As for Brandy, I'll talk to her later. She's busy dancing." She smirked.

After another minute or so, Ryan asked, "Where's Jordan?" "I'm looking. I still don't see her."

"Uh-oh!" He was looking around too. "What?"

"I see Jack. He's over there." Ryan pointed to a bunch of guys clustered around the open bar. Monica frowned when she recognized Jack. "Shit! Steer clear of him!"

"I know! I was trying to appease Kate, but I'm pretty pissed at him too. I don't know if I could keep my cool near him, at least not right now."

She asked, "Where's the room he wanted to videotape your humiliation in?"

He replied, "We don't know for sure if he was going to videotape anything, but the room he mentioned is over there, though that door." He pointed to a door across the large room.

She nodded. Then she suddenly took his hand and started leading him around the edge of the room, away from Jack.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Away! Outside! To get away from Jack, and to see if Jordan's out there." She thought to herself, That's it! I can't take it anymore! I have to do something to quench this burning itch!

He let Monica lead him through a door to an outside patio. There were some space heaters on it, and a group of around a dozen people clustered around them. It was much easier to converse there, further from the music and the dancing.

But Monica went right past that group after confirming Jordan wasn't one of them. There were some people scattered beyond the patio, especially on the large lawn just adjacent to it. It looked like most of them were couples who wanted to talk or even kiss in relative privacy and greater darkness.

Monica let Ryan past the lawn too, still holding his hand all the way. There were many trees and bushes further into the darkness. All the vegetation was designed to create a ring of privacy around the sorority's mansion.

When she started leading him along a narrow stone path through the heavy greenery, and much deeper into the darkness, he asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see. We have kind of a hide-out where Jordan likes to go. We should check it out."

It was very dark now, with only the light of the moon helping a bit. He was following the sound of her high heels click-clacking on stone as much as following the shape of her very shapely body.

A few moments later, Monica stopped at the base of a particularly large tree.

Ryan noticed a ladder leading up it. He looked up and saw the bottom side of what looked to be a large tree house high up in the tree. "This sorority has a tree house?!"

She chuckled, "Baby, this sorority has EVERYTHING. You'll see. Come on up."

She led the way, crawling up into the darkness. He heard her knocking on the bottom side of the tree house. Then, when there was no response, there were some rustling sounds. He couldn't see what was going on, since it was nearly pitch black this far from the lights of the sorority. But then she opened a trap door and climbed up higher into the tree house. He followed.

Soon, the two of them were standing up - there was plenty of room to stand - and she had closed and latched the trap door shut. Then she went to a lamp and turned it on. It wasn't a lot of light, but it was enough to look around.

He exclaimed while looking all around, "A tree house? More like a tree mansion!" She laughed. "I told you we have everything."

Actually, it was far from a mansion. There was only one room that he could see, and it wasn't a very big one. But it had a proper roof, floor, and walls, complete with closed glass windows. It was well furnished too, with chairs, a sofa, a bookshelf, a small refrigerator, a heat lamp, and even a laptop computer on a desk. It was much like a tidy, rustic cabin. While it wasn't close to being a mansion, it was nothing like the kind of tree house he was imagining either, the type crudely cobbled together by children.

She turned the heat lamp on. That created a reddish glow that more than doubled the lighting in the room, but still left it mostly dark. She said, "I told you we have everything. You should see the view from here in the daytime. I could turn on more lights, but I kind of like it intimate like this, don't you?"

With that, she slid the shoulder straps off her shoulders. Then she started wiggling out of her blue dress altogether.

He exclaimed, "What are you doing?!" He was incredulous, but his penis started engorging in response to seeing more and more of her fabulous and flawless brown-skinned body coming into view.

She replied with a smirk, "Isn't it obvious? I'm seducing you!" "But what about Jordan?"

She finished taking her dress off. She tossed it on the floor, right at his feet. "Awww, she's somewhere or another. We'll find her later."

He was puzzled why she would toss her obviously expensive dress to the floor like that, but it became clear as she knelt where he was standing. As she unzipped his fly, she explained, "I don't want to get splinters in my knees." Although the tree house was unexpectedly luxurious, it was a tree house, and it

was made out of unpainted wood.

He was seemingly helpless to her charms, and failed to act in response to her movements. As she gripped his newly engorged erection and began stroking it, he said, "You don't have to seduce me, you know. I thought I seduced you already."

She looked up at him, grinning impishly. "I know, but just to be on the safe side. Besides, I'm still your sex slave until midnight. Kate got you really worked up back there, mere minutes go. Isn't this the kind of thing sex slaves do to help their masters?"

"Well yeah, but..."

She laughed because she had him so tongue-tied and surprised. She immediately started licking her way around his cockhead.

He asked in sheer disbelief, as well as rapidly spiking arousal, "What are you doing to me?!"

She replied cheekily while she continued to lick, "For being such a studly guy, you should know what this is called already! If you must know, I'm doing this for me! I'm putting out the fire!"

"'The fire?!'"

"The fire you lit in my body! It started in my pussy and nipples, when I saw how you treated Kate upstairs! Can you believe she really said, 'If we do fall in love, will I still be one of your personal sluts?' And do you remember what she said next?"

"Hell, yeah!" he replied suddenly breathless and sweating. "'Will you still spank me and control me and fuck me, and especially make me suck your cock all the time?'"

Monica was tilting her head this way and that, trying to lick him everywhere at once. She was pumping on his long pole with two hands for good measure. "Can you believe it?! I mean, KATE! You have no idea what a frigid cocktease she was until you came along! And then, everything that happened on the stairs?! ¡Santa Madre de Dios!" ("Holy Mother of God!")

She was working his erection so intently that her entire body was swaying with her rhythmic effort. But still she kept talking through her licking. "By then, the fire had spread and spread! I tried to act normal when we got to the party, but I realized it was useless! You've given me no choice, you big-cocked bastard! I just have to do this!"

She started to slide her lips over his cockhead. But her lips reached the ridge of his crown and she had to stop. She realized she hadn't opened her mouth wide enough, or fully prepared herself. She had to pull off and try again.

She exclaimed, "¡Me va a desencajar la mandíbula!" "What does that mean?" he asked between ragged breaths.

"I'm talking about The Beast! 'He's going to dislocate my jaw!'" She took a couple of deep breaths, as she prepared herself more carefully this time.

He glanced to the side and noticed a full-length mirror going nearly down to the floor. By luck, he happened to be standing right in front of it, giving him the perfect view of his body and especially Monica's brown-skinned naked body. He thought it was one of the most incredible, and incredibly arousing, sights he'd ever seen. Not only was her body flawless and hard bodied, but the heat lamp was casting most of the light on her nudity, bathing her in a reddish glow, just as if she had been kneeling in front of a raging fire.

To top it all off, her huge tits were bouncing and swaying on her chest, due to the breathing exercises

she was doing to ready herself to suck his cock.

It was all so inspirational that he actually felt he was going to cry tears of joy.

Just when she seemed ready to go, she looked up into his eyes, and said, "It's a good thing I couldn't manage your size just then, because I have something VERY important to say!" She continued to lick and stroke him, actually pumping his shaft faster than ever. "I'm not just going to suck your cock! NO! I want you to FUCK MY FACE! ¡¿Me comprendes?!" (Do you understand?!")

She went on, "I would have you fuck my cunt, because that's what I really need right now, but the three of us girls made an agreement that we'd be there for each other during our first time with you. So you're going to fuck my face just like it's my second cunt until I cum and cum and cum, just like you keep making Kate cum! And that's an order!"

He laughed, overwhelmed with desire and delight. "You don't sound very much like a sex slave!"

"No, I guess I'm a bad slave! But you'll see that, despite my size, I'm going to be a GREAT cocksucker for you!" She had a flair for the dramatic. So as soon as she said that, she took a huge breath, opened her mouth as wide as humanly possible, and lunged forward.

Just like that, in a matter of seconds, she managed to get all the way past his cockhead!

But she wasn't about to rest on her laurels. In fact, she wasn't going to do anything at all, because she expected him to take charge. She briefly took her hands off his boner and waved them in the air, as if saying, "Come on! Come on! What are you waiting for?!"

It dawned on his sexually overheated brain that if this was meant to be a face fucking, then he needed to take the lead. A rush of arousal swept through his body as he realized, Whoa! A face fuck! A FACE FUCK! That means I get to fuck her face! Her incredibly beautiful face!

He took another look in the mirror and nearly passed out as he saw a side view of her jaw craned open wide and her lips stretched around his thick cock as if she'd fit the thick end of a baseball bat in her mouth. His legs nearly buckled out from under him and he felt a surge of feeling to his head akin to an "ice cream freeze," except it was pure pleasure.

He realized he'd better not look in the mirror anymore if he wanted to last longer than a minute or two before cumming.

Gathering his wits and his willpower, he started to thrust in and out of her mouth in earnest.

Unfortunately, the experience wasn't all he'd hoped, at least not at first. He soon realized that since it was a near miracle she'd gotten her lips around his cock at all, it was an exceptionally tight fit and sliding would be hard going. Luckily, he was a little thinner just beyond his cockhead, right where his sweet spot was. He'd been expecting to wildly and quickly slide many inches forward and many back with each thrust, but he realized that wasn't going to happen. He would have to be more careful.

He started slowly thrusting forward and back just an inch or so each time. He had to look down, despite the almost unbearably sexy sight below him, to keep an eye on her facial expression and make sure he wasn't pushing her too far.

She seemed just barely capable of handling even that much. She looked up at him with obvious fear and worry in her eyes to go along with a great deal of lust. Clearly, she was starting to have second doubts about what she was getting into. In her unquenchable desire to suck him, she'd forgotten just how very difficult it was. Already, less than a minute in, she was starting to shed tears.

That disturbed him. But it also reminded him of how she'd fervently sucked him last time even while she was sobbing, her face soaked with tears, and that inspired him even more.

Their eyes remained locked in a kind of deeply erotic understanding, as was becoming her style with him. It thrilled him to no end. He loved how Kate got too embarrassed to look at him, but he equally loved how Monica got so bold that she would look nowhere else.

He kept on making slow, short thrusts, just an inch or so over his sweet spot each time. It may not have looked as dramatic as what he had been envisioning, but in terms of sheer pleasure it was hard to beat, since that was his most sensitive region.

She thought, Fuuuuck! There I go, thinking with my pussy again! He's just too fucking thick! Why didn't I remember the sheer difficulty of it all? There's a good reason it's called The Beast!

However, she was determined, and very, very horny. Since he was only moving a little bit, and slowly at that, she started using her tongue on him too. All the way, she kept looking up at him with an intense gaze of boundless lust.

It was unnerving for him, but very thrilling. He started to wonder if it might actually be less arousing if he kept an eye on her through the mirror instead. He took another glance at the mirror and decided, No, that's too much! That's like looking at Medusa's head, except instead of turning to stone, it's like my body turns into one giant hot and throbbing boner that's fucking hard as stone! Jeeeesus! Just look at her dark-skinned body in the reddish glow of the heat lamp! No tan lines, no blemishes, nothing! Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz would both weep in envy at her much more voluptuous body! Seriously! Why are they famous and she isn't? Fuuuuck!

He closed his eyes for a while, since her tongue work showed she had to be doing okay. He concentrated hard on simply trying not to cum just yet.

Without realizing it, he started to thrust faster and deeper. Many minutes of excruciatingly incredible pleasure passed, so it was hard for him to tell. But by and by, he noticed that while she definitely could slip her lips past the wide ridge of his cockhead, she was making it much further down his shaft. He figured she was near her limit, since deep throating was obviously out of the question with his size and her extra small mouth.

She was enjoying herself more and more as the initial agony faded away due to the sheer pleasure. It helped greatly that she remembered one important lesson from the last time, and began fingering her pussy and clit continuously almost from the start. In fact, since he was leading the way and holding his own shaft, that allowed her to use two hands to play with herself, increasing her pleasure still more.

He couldn't resist taking a look at her through the mirror from time to time. The sight was even sexier than before, now that she had one hand on her tits and another at her crotch most of the time. Wow!

She's like a sex goddess come to life! In the dim light and with that reddish glow on her, it looks like she's almost inhuman, like her burning passions are actually lighting her body from within! But the scary thing is, as sexy as she looks, Erin looks just as good, and supersized! And Kate looks even better! I'm the fuckingest luckiest fuck in the history of this whole damn school!

The problem with looking into the mirror was he couldn't take it for long. It was almost like staring into the Sun. It was just too much to take!

After more than ten minutes of this erotic torture, he decided he simply couldn't cope. He needed a rest. However, he knew it was extremely difficult for her to get him back into her mouth once she'd pulled off, so he decided to simply rest standing there by stopping all of his movement.

That worked for about a minute.

As he huffed and puffed, he looked down at her and saw her gesticulating up at him with her usual intense gaze. He couldn't read her mind, but he didn't need to, because it was clear she was essentially

saying, "Hey, what's with stopping? Let's get the show on the road!"

She could tell he was dying to take a break, but she was feeling devilish. She simply took over. She yanked his hand off his shaft and took hold of it with both hands. Then all ten of her fingers started to slide and stroke at the same time her lips back to bobbed back and forth over his sweet spot. Even after this many minutes, the tightness of her lip-lock felt simply out of this world.

He cried out, "Uh! No! Gotta... gotta rest!"

But she wasn't hearing it. She wanted his cum, and she wanted it now. Even though she'd stopped masturbating for the moment, she knew she was right on the verge and she could cum just as soon as he did. She loved the idea of having him cum all over her face and tits and then going back to the party after only the most cursory clean-up, so she would reek of his cum.

He hoped she was just teasing and would stop soon, but she didn't. She purred like a contented kitten, slurping and moaning around his jaw-busting meaty pole, bobbing her head back and forth that one crucial inch like a maniac.

He suddenly got angry that she wouldn't honor his obvious desire to take a much needed break. He actually got very angry, all out of proportion to her "crime," because the lines between lust and anger were crossed for him, and he was about as horny as he could possibly be.

He suddenly roared, "Oh, so THAT'S how it's going to be, is it?! Well then, we'll just see about that! You WHORE! You SLUT! What kind of insatiable sex slave are you when you can't even stop sucking cock for one freaking minute?!"

Now it was his turn to yank her hands off his long shaft. He immediately resumed his thrusting, and even more aggressively than before. Since she was trying to get him to cum when he didn't want it, he decided to "punish" her by getting her to cum first. He still was very limited in how far he could thrust up and down his erection, but he made up for that with speed and intensity. His eyes were alight and his face was livid as he pumped his cock in and out of her mouth relentlessly.

He grabbed the sides of her head, which changed the equation considerably. Given how thick his cock was and how much trouble she had breathing through her nose, that upped the danger to her considerably. That's why he'd been avoiding holding her head, but now he was so very turned-on that he couldn't resist.

He shouted, "Fuck you, you cum whore! If you're not my personal slut, then what are you? You're my personal whore, that's what!" Of course he didn't mean that literally in terms of someone who trades sex for money; it was just something nasty and sexy to say.

But she loved it just as much as he did. She was back to masturbating herself, focusing on her clit and slit with both hands as her orgasmic need grew extreme and unstoppable. She wasn't cumming yet, but it felt to her like she was. The ripples of pleasure radiating from her hot wet core were growing in strength with each passing second. Her heart was racing and her pussy was quivering and dripping as she endlessly moaned around his sliding thickness.

He slammed his cock into her face, over and over. He thought exultantly, So THIS is real facing fucking! I like!

He humped her mouth with abandon and real anger. He worried he might be too rough with her, but he glanced at the mirror yet again and saw how she was fingering herself with a passion, so he figured she couldn't be too upset.

She was anything but upset! In fact, she began to cum, and she could tell right away it was going to be bigger and longer than any climax she'd ever had before. She moaned and groaned, feeling utterly

helpless that she wasn't even able to scream. Her mouth was so stuffed full that all that could be heard was a long muffled noise that hardly sounded human. She desperately breathed through her nose, petrified that she'd pass out at any moment, but unwilling to pull her lips off to take the necessary deep breaths. That sense of danger was rocketing her orgasm into orbit.

Halfway through her climax, he suddenly cried out, "Oh, FUCK! NO!" He began cumming too. He really didn't want to. He knew he could only cum so many times in one evening, and he was trying hard to save his cum for later, so he could cum into Kate's, Erin's, and Monica's pussies, probably in that order. His goal was to get Monica to cum so hard that she'd been too overwhelmed to keep the blowjob going, allowing him to save that precious cum load until later. He was frustrated and even angry at himself, because he could see the finish line in sight when he suddenly lost control.

Despite the fact she was going out of her mind due to her own on-going orgasm, she did all she could to heighten and prolong his. At first, she let him cum straight into her mouth. The feel of his thick hard- on crammed deep in her mouth and spurting straight down her esophagus and into her stomach was mind-boggling. Her entire curvaceous body shivered and shook as she gagged and moaned around his cock.

But then, halfway through, she recalled her naughty desire to have him cum on her face and/or tits so she could wear his cum to the party. This inflamed her lust so very much that she moved like lightning. Taking control of his shaft with two hands again, she pulled her lips off and aimed his cum blasts this way and that.

Unfortunately, half of his cum load was already down her throat. But she managed to evenly divide what was left between her face and her tits.

With that accomplished, she took several deep breaths, finally getting enough air to put her worries about passing out from lack of oxygen to rest.

But her climax wasn't finished, not by a long shot. Like a glutton for punishment, she craned her mouth open wide again and swallowed all of his cockhead and more! She knew his orgasm was done and his dick would probably start going flaccid shortly. But as long as it was stiff, she was determined to suck him to the very last.

She briefly wiped her eye sockets with a hand, enabling her to resume staring up into his face. She'd been doing that nearly non-stop for the entire cocksucking session, even when he had his eyes closed or was looking into the mirror. Her hope was to suck him with such gusto that he wouldn't go flaccid at all, and they could do it all over again. Her entire face positively hurt from so much sucking and face fucking, but her desire for more of his cock trumped everything.

Sadly for her, her multiple orgasm eventually came to an end, with several sharp mini-orgasms following for the next couple of minutes. Then, even worse, she began to feel him going flaccid in her mouth.

She finally conceded defeat and pulled her lips off for the second time. Heaving for air again, she kept on staring into his face unnervingly. "God, that was good! Mmmm!"

He looked down at her. Dribbles of spittle and cum drooled from the corners of her luscious lips. He loved that look, but even more inspiring were the strands of cum splattered here and there on her face and her dangling tits. True, it wasn't nearly the heavy cum load he'd blasted all over Kate, but it was still impressive given that he knew half of his cum had gone straight down her throat.

His anger with her was finally satiated. He realized he needed to sit down, and fast. Luckily, he managed to make it to the sofa before his legs gave way. His slacks had remained down around his knees the whole time, so he had to awkwardly shuffle his way there. Luckily, it was only a few feet


However, it seemed like her anger at him was just beginning. She remained on her knees, but turned somewhat in place to continue to face him in his new position. She put her hands on her knees and leaned forward, allowing her cummy tits to dangle down even more enticingly.

It was an outrageously sexy pose. So he was shocked when she narrowed her eyes angrily, and shouted, "You bastard!"


"I hope you're happy with yourself!" She seemed really pissed off. "I was loving your cock too much already, and now you've turned me into a whore! You called me a whore, and you were right, because I AM a whore! But not someone who'll have sex with just anyone for money. No, you've made me your exclusive cocksucking whore! I need to suck your cock, for free, just for the sheer god damned pleasure of it!"

He chuckled, relieved that she wasn't really angry at him after all.

However, she looked it. She rose up higher on her knees, striking another ridiculously arousing pose, made all the more so by the heat lamp's red glow. "What's so funny?! Do you find it amusing that you've turned me into an insatiable cocksucking cum slut, constantly hungry for your ridiculously massive Beast?! Is that amusing to you, turning me into your exclusive, cum-starved, dick-gobbling whore? Are you going to laugh when I have dreams of burying your thick pole balls-deep inside my throat, so you can grind your throat-clogging cock-meat into my face?! Well, fuck you!"

He realized she wasn't just trying to arouse him for another round; she was genuinely upset.

She continued, "This is a problem, a real problem! I don't want to be one of your personal sluts! Fuck that! Nobody can make a slave out of me! But, apparently... you can! And that really pisses me off!

How can I say no to being your personal slut now?! I can't! You haven't even fucked me yet, and I know I'm going to need you for the cocksucking alone! Gaawwwd, you have no idea how incredible it is! How INTENSE! The struggle and the pleasure and the sheer difficulty of absolutely everything about it - what a pure RUSH!"

She suddenly stood up, and spread her legs wide, striking yet another exceptionally titillating pose. "It's like you're a heroin dealer and you just turned me into a junkie! I hate you! I'll hate you forever!"

He didn't know what she really meant and what was hyperbole. He asked worriedly, "Really?!"

She shook her head and rolled her eyes, and then sighed heavily. "No, not really. But kinda! But not really. God, I don't even know!"

She brought her hands to her round E-cups and began rubbing his cum into her skin. "Look at me! You know what I'm doing?"


"I'm wishing that Kate and Erin were here, that's what! If they were, I'd lie down somewhere comfy and have the two of them lick the cum off my tits like thirsty kittens! And then they'd lick more off my face, and snowball it back and forth between the three of us-" she stopped to ask, "Do you know what snowballing is?"

"No, what?"

"As a guy with your own fucking stable of personal sluts, you really oughta know! It's when one of your sluts feeds your cum into the mouth of another one of your sluts with a long and sloppy French kiss! So there'd be a lot of that, and fingerbanging, and cunt licking, and all-around fondling and

loving! But since I'm here without them, I can't do any of that!"

His penis was down for the count, but his mental arousal was off the charts. He pointed out, "No, but there will be other times, many other times. All that will happen and more, I'm sure."

"I know!" She wailed in lust and frustration while she continued to smear the cum in. "That's why it's so fucking unfair! I can't say no to your personal slut offer no matter how great the shame and humiliation, because the pleasure potential is too great! I'm too fucking horny!"

She began smearing the cum into her face too. "It's like you fucking BROKE me, you bastard! Do you know what I'm doing?! I'm smearing cum into my skin so it can't really be seen, but it's definitely still there, and it can be smelled! And this is ALL I'm going to do! I'm going to put my dress on, sans bra or panties, of course, and go back to the party like this! And you know why?"

He was panting again. "No! Why?"

"I don't know why!" She looked like she was on the verge of another orgasm from just rubbing the cum into her face. "Because you broke me! Because you're The Devil! Because you're a big-cocked bastard! I seriously don't know why I'm doing this except because I feel like I have to!"

She took a couple of steps forward until she was standing above him. She went back to rubbing her tits, though it seemed like she was more interested in just enjoying fondling herself and putting on a great titty show for him than smearing the cum in more. "Okay, you sexy FUCK! I'll be your personal slut!

¡Hijo de puta!" ("Son of a bitch!") "But I have demands! Big demands!" "Okay, what are they?"

She brought her hands together and began counting by resting one straight index finger across her other straight index finger. "One! I reserve the right to fuck other girls!"

"Agreed," he quickly replied, "but only on one condition. They have to be bisexual girls that I approve of, and if you fuck them, I fuck them too!"

She groaned in lusty frustration. "UGH! That's so fucking... HOT! Unfair, but too fucking hot to say no. Okay, agreed. Two!" She rested her index across two fingers on her other hand. "I get to suck your cock, a lot!"

"That's a demand?! From you?!"

"You bet your ass it is! You've created a craving in me that won't go away. I've heard Kate boast how she's going to want to suck your cock all the time, and Erin plays all hard to get, but I can tell she totally wants it too. And then there are your other personal sluts as well. So, given all that, I could easily be lost in the shuffle. I demand satisfaction!"

He had a hard time keeping a straight face. He loved how these "negotiations" were going. He said, "I'm afraid I can't help you there. The whole idea of being my personal slut is that you must obey my every desire, and submit totally to my authority. I can make a special exception about your point number one due to you being bisexual, but that's it!"

He quickly continued, "But let me say this: your cocksucking skills are fantastic! To be honest, the best I've ever had so far. And that's saying a lot!" He figured throwing that little lie in there wouldn't hurt. In truth, he'd never had any so far, before tonight, but he figured that if he did, Monica would almost certainly be the best anyway. "If you keep going like this, then of course I'm going to want you to suck me off every day!"

On a roll, he added, "For instance, how would you like to meet me deep in the bowels of the main university library? I'll want a study break, and I'll call you on my cell phone for a suck. You'll find me

in a certain spot between rows of books, and take off ALL your clothes! All of them! Because my personal sluts need to suck me naked! You'll kneel before me and unzip my fly, and ask my permission to suck!"

She put her hands over her ears and shut her eyes tight. She wailed, "Shut up! Shut up! Just STOP!" He stopped. "What?"

She took her hands from her ears and looked at him again. "Damn you! I don't even consider myself submissive, but I find that so fucking hot that I can't wait to do it already! Don't even say another fucking word about it because I'm going to get angry with you for making me too fucking horny!"

He smirked. "But I haven't even mentioned the part about Kate being there too, naked and kneeling and sucking and slurping with you!"

She slapped her hands over her ears again. "You BASTARD! I told you not to do that! That just makes it worse! We need to do that, like, fucking tomorrow!" She pointed a finger aggressively at him. "As soon as the library opens!"

He chuckled. "I can see you're going to be a very difficult personal slut, aren't you?"

She put her hands on her hips, striking yet another sexy pose. And that wasn't even considering the red glow of the heat lamp or the sheen of his cum not thoroughly smeared into her face and tits. "Yes, I am! Is that a problem? Because that's just how I am. I'm a fiery hot tamale. Nobody can tame me, not even you!"

His smile grew. "Hmmm. We'll see about that. It's gonna be a fun challenge, for sure. You're going to have a lot of spankings coming your way, I'll bet."

She threw her head back. "Awww, fuck! Don't get started with that, or I'm going to have to make you spank me right here!" She bent down and picked up her dress. "Come on. Let's get out of here before The Beast gets stiff again. I'm going to have no choice but to impale myself on you and churn and bounce and grind on your cock all night long! And if we do that, Kate and Erin are gonna be super pissed at me. So let's go!"

He chuckled some more. "I think you misunderstand how this whole personal slut thing is supposed to work."

She grinned impishly. "Well, I think it's going to work a little differently with me. You'll see. But trust me, you're gonna enjoy yourself."

She finally pulled her dress down over her head. Then she tried to straighten the fabric out. She turned to him again and struck a pose with a cocked hip. "There! How do I look?"

He got up and pulled his slacks up. "Not good. To put it simply, you look... fucked! Like you've just been ridden for hours."

She replied hotly, "Well, I have been fucked! It's just that you fucked my face this time. You rode my face like a cowboy whooping it up on a bucking bronco!"

He tried to ignore that, and said in earnest, "It's a serious problem! You can't go back to the party like that! Your hair is a mess, your dress is a mess, with dirty smudges here and there, and your face and tits are shiny with cum. I'm sure the smell will be totally obvious to anyone close enough to talk to you. I can even see a few cum smears to you missed here and there!"

She smiled wickedly. "Perfect! Let's go!"