
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Winter has come.

Nathan was currently sitting beside Steve and Natasha watching Fury fake a surgery. I suspect that hill may actually be the skrull version of her right now because she keeps glancing at me from the corner of her eye.

"Can he smell the tetrodotoxin?" Is what she is probably wondering. Yes I can, I live in New York so I've tried expensive sushi before and know what pufferfish smells like. So I look at her and puff my cheeks. The way she flinched was hilarious, I felt a nudge at my shoulder and saw Steve frowning.

"Stop making faces at Hill" he berated not happy with my 'immaturity' during the situation. I sighed "sorry was just trying to break the tension, she's trembling a little you know."

He just sat down and exhaled before Natasha started questioning him about why nick was in the apartment. I watched the body spasm on the table before it flatlined. I closed my eyes to act dramatic, seems to be a thing with cap.

Then I exited the room and went to the bathroom, after dropping a duke I washed my hands and greeted Hill who was waiting outside. She stared at me until I spoke "so is it Soren or Maria?"

She bit her lip before asking "what gave us away?"

"The skrull ship cloaked near mars, I did my fair share of interstellar travel and picked up a thing or three."

"You can detect when someone is cloaked?!"

"Oh not me~ though the nova core did have some experimental tech being shipped off to Xandar that I happened to intersect with." I said with a Cheshire grin. She frowned pondering how they got such technology. Complete bullshit on my part but who knows? Maybe it does exist.

Soren/Maria then looked at me "will you keep quiet about Nick?"

"Of course! Josephine needs a little R&R don't you think? Who am I to spoil it." She stifled a laugh when I mentioned nicks middle name before she asked "what about hydra?"

"First pufferfish now calamari? I know I'm part feline but that's kinda racist".

"Must everything be a joke to you?"

"Would you rather I be incredibly aggressive all the time like my mothers side. Because I can do that, I'll happily rath out and go after a senator".

She stared at me and couldn't tell whether I was kidding or not but my track record can confirm that I am most likely not joking. She raised her hands "alright then, just needed to know if your participating in this so we can factor you into the plan."

I just smiled "all that time working at shield and you haven't learned the golden rule." She frowned at my statement and gestures for me to continue.

So I started raising my fingers " make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan."

As she was frozen in enlightenment I just walked past her and saw Steve going down the elevator brooding. I walked towards the vending machine before taking the pen drive with all the shield data on it that was improved from avengers.

Plugging it into my phone I heard a recording of Lunella chuckling meaning that the program was working efficiently. I texted her and told her to remove anything too horrible from the records.

Don't want people finding out about all the super soldier formula knock offs or giving Zemo an edge in the future now do we?

She texted back "what constitutes 'too horrible'" so I replied "if it's something that makes you ponder on it for more than five seconds then scrub it."

That may seem like a small increment but if you know who moon girl is then you'd understand that my standards are fairly decent. With her processing power it means that if it took longer than that to comprehend then it shouldn't be in government hands.

"That apply to just science stuff? Cause their R&D ain't to bad in some places."

"Make a back up of agent placements, make a list of hydra moles and compromised missions due to them, scrub research on infinity stones energy, check the index for any people you think would join our team and see if there is free money to appropriate."

"👌🏿" was all she texted back, she's going to copy anything that she likes anyway so may as well curb that shit storm.

I'm choosing not to interfere in hydra bullshit right now so Lunella can make a more comprehensive list. I'll hunt them on my own before joining the avengers to finish Von strucker. Plus Coulson team will be taking them out at their own pace.

Yawning I places the pen drive back before heading to the apartment to sleep. Entering the living room I froze as i saw a tall sexy blonde demon chick with glowing red eyes and an axe.

My senses told me she was definitely a demon, she was angry and horny? What the fuck is going on I thought while outwardly I just deadpanned before looking at Ororo who was making smoothies like it was no big deal.

"Care to explain sweetheart?" I asked her with a smile. She looked up and smiled " i had a wild time in San Francisco, firstly I found that old chi wizard you mentioned. Nice man but had an immense garlic addiction."

"You teach at a university, every student has a garlic addiction." To which she just giggled.

"Okay so after bartering with the uncle chan, he taught me an overview of Cantonese and Japanese chi magic. I then swapped some books I had for some scrolls he had in typical sorcerer fashion."

I just nodded along while keeping my eye on the demon. "I tried out a locator spell using a pufferfish" I grimaced as that's the third time I've thought about sushi today.

"It then informed me off a demon in the city obscured by my own magic. I investigated and found her, a demon named Belasco had removed her soul and stored it in a blood stone and bathed it In the limbo realm.

Her body mutated based on his magic, she got into it with him leading the stone to fall into the hands of someone named pixie who stole her soul sword fighting Belasco's daughter Ananym who had the blood stone. Whoever gained the others possession would fully gain her.

Her name is Darkchylde or Illyanna Rasputina, so I fought both the women and obtained both items before combining them. The two women are what you would call yuri yanderes? They wanted her badly.

So I discovered a ritual that would unify the items and made use of it to free her not realising that it binds the soul off whoever uses the ritual to the caster. So..."

"So?" I questioned back while questioning the wizard bullshit. Marvel is a crazy place with wizards being the main cause of it. In the mcu the mutants are either just enhanced individuals, in humans or a sorcerer of some kind.

"So meet my third partner for life!" Ororo announced with a smile. I just looked between Ororo and Illyanna who was shifting in her spot as if nervous.

Was she scared I was going to reject this or something? This household is all about openness, I turned back to Ororo "third life partner? Did you perform some ritual on me and Jen?"

"You accepted the claws didn't you? That's the dowry!" "We're Married!!!!!" To which she nods with a smile. Sigh~ I turn back to the demoness "Illyanna is that form the one your most comfortable with?"

She nodded slowly and then spoke to me in a Russian accent "yes, my powers are stronger in this form plus it gives me a better figure. Is there a problem with it?"

"You ever wanted to cosplay as hellboy?" I asked her with a fully serious expression. Both women blanched, cosplay? Ororo began laughing while Illyanna looked at me surprised "you don't seem scared of my form?"

In response I turned full Rath and towered over her, she looked at me from my toes upwards and simply said "ah". I then swept her up in a bear hug "welcome to the family!" I heard some popping noises so I released her and turned to Ororo.

Illyanna spoke in Russian, something about me reminding her off her brother. "Did you tell Jen yet?" I asked Ororo.

"Tell me what? Why's there a demon in the living room?" Everyone froze before turning to the smaller Jennifer hanging up her work attire.

What followed was a repeat off my reaction, she hulked out causing another "Ah" to escapes Illyanna's lips which caused us to laugh. Long story short we gained another family member so now for the next few weeks we all get to take turns taking her on dates to get to know her. Can't break a soul bond thing over pettiness, at least I won't.

"Does anyone like Borscht?" I asked cooking away in the kitchen watching three hands shoot into the air. On the TV was footage of a helicarrier crashing into DC.