
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

How they got together

After Jen left Nathan sat on his reinforced sofa and pondered over his girlfriend with a happy smile on his face. After he went to sleep when he helped with the relief efforts he awoke the next morning hungry as hell. So he had as much fibre as he could to fill himself quickly.

He checked his phone and found several messages from Ororo asking if he was safe and if he wanted to meet up. So after bathing he replied and told her he was fine, she responded quickly and offered to meet him outside to help some people clean the rubble. He smiled and quickly assented to helping.

He met up with her as she was dressed in heavy duty clothes that somehow still cling to her amazing body. She had her hair cut and combed to the side which he felt was refreshing. When she spotted him she smiled happily which made the skies part and the sunshine fall. That relaxing aura impacted him again making him happy.

They spent the rest of the day helping people, he demonstrated his innate strength in his base state which she could surprisingly match. "Your in pretty good shape Ororo, CrossFit?" "A little more spiritual training than that" the image of netero flashed in his mind when she said spiritual training but he quickly deleted that thought.

He just smiled "where can I sign up?" She just chuckled "how about you join me for a session tonight" which made him into a life sized bobble head. The place she took him to was actually a sauna yoga place, it's just stretching in a hot environment. The heat barely affected him and Ororo so they decided to go for a run. What he noticed was that she was much faster than a normal human.

As they chose to slow down he decided to just ask "so I can tell you aren't human Ororo, what species are you? Please don't tell me your an Angel I left the book of pick up lines at home~" she laughed "not an angel but close to that, I'm something along the lines of a god. My ancestor was a god of storms which they became through magic. My generation seems to have inherited it more so."

"God of storms huh so atmokinesis, you seem to be temperature resistant and extremely strong physically. Are you similar to an asgardian?" This statement made her beam with curiosity "extremely, I have Atlantan descent meaning I should be able to match them. Based on what I could confirm I could beat a regular asgardian, maybe a Valkyrie if I used my other abilities. My true talent lies in magic, my mother taught me our family branch of magic alongside a few of her friends. My dad taught me thievery skills and a bit of hand to hand combat but my mother's friends refined it. Your turn"

Well that is a surprise, she's much more open about it than I thought. "I assume you know I'm not human?" "Hmm my mother spotted you last night Nathan, she checked the constelatious codex which is an artifact that identifies extraterrestrial species. It couldn't get an accurate read on you meaning your a hybrid of some sort" I nodded and explained what I knew about appoplexians. She was excited to learn more about my knowledge of aliens.

"Alright settle down hermione, want to get something to eat and continue this conversation." So she led me home and I met her mother. Her mother's name was N'dare and she shared her daughters passion for knowledge. She cooked us up a massive feed, she's also a divine being so she needs to eat a lot. She prepares a dish called mutura which is a Kenyan sausage with a lot of protein. After that was nyama choma which is roasted meat with a lot of goat and beef, next was matoke which was a banana stew and it's delicious! Finally we had a big bowl of mendazi and Nutella dip.

Best part of the night was when N'dare asked "do you drink?" I don't know what kinda man doesn't drink so I told her "the human half is Irish, I'd drink you under the table". That made her have a Cheshire grin thinking about a lot of diabolical things. She asked her daughter to get the good stuff which made Ororo sweat "mother last time this happened you nearly started an international incident." "Now now my child, it won't get to that point. I can't let my daughter be with a weak man". This made her blush and scuttle away to grab the good stuff.

N'dare was a mean drunk who insulted everything and everyone. Except for her husband, he was on assignment in Xi'an so she decided to Skype him. He was delighted his baby girl finally found another man and one who could put up with his wife. The rest of the night was spent laughing and drinking, we watched Hell's Kitchen and laughed at the looks of despair on those contestants faces.

At 2am the three of us were hammered drinking Changaa, a Kenyan spirit that's the equivalent to moonshine. Their personal brew is designed to get a god drunk. Her mother passed out on the table so we carried her ass to bed. After that we collapsed on the sofa.

"I guess that means I get to date you" I asked drunkenly. I only knew her two days but I felt connected to her. She chuckled "I'll be honest Nathan, the last time I dated someone he hid a lot of things from me which spoiled our relationship. Then he became judgemental of me and my actions when I did the same as him. I don't want to do that kind of thing with you."

I asked her "what the asshole do to loose a gem like you Ororo." "He was a Prince" "ooo lala~" "yes yes, he had a group called the Dora milaje, they act as his body guards and wives. He partook of them rather frequently since his youth. I was annoyed at him for it so I asked him to stop it but he then started chasing a woman named nakia. I got angry at him and in an act of rebellion tried messing around with some of the Dora milaje. He didn't like that so I called him a hypocrite and he got all religious and swearing on Bast" she then sighed and took another sip.

I blew out smoke from my nose and sipped my own "well are you uncomfortable with someone having multiple partners?" "No but I feel that there should be a limit" "oh really? If we dated how many would you allow me" she scoffed "assuming I didn't drain you dry? Three but they have to catch my eye as well. I am a queen so my husband a king, no harlots allowed" so I laughed and said "deal" which made her freeze. "Wait what?" "I said deal, we're mates now." And then kissed her.

An appoplexian with lowered inhibitions thanks to alcohol is either flirtatious or more violent than usual. I'm flirtatious~ Ororo had dinner plates for eyes before closing them and leaning into the kiss. After I pulled back she breathed out "mwah hah that was hah hah intense hah. Can we try again" she asked heavily aroused. The rest of the time was a make out section till we passed out on the couch.

After that we spent the rest of the three weeks together when we weren't busy. She had classes to teach and I had pizza to cook. But we met daily and grew closer together. Her mother also approved our relationship and said "I prefer Garfield here to that mangy bagheera" I didn't know whether to be offended or not. Is this cause I cook a better lasagna than her I asked. We had a hard core shokugeki that night.

Now I'm sitting on my sofa pondering how she'll feel about the jade giantess. Time to go find out!