
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Life is great

Life is great.

No matter how cliche it is, my current situation can be defined by this one line.

Life is indeed great.

''Sir Caspian, would you like one more drink?''. A pretty lady sitting close to me asked.

''Of course''. I answer while pushing my empty tankard towards her. The pretty lady takes it from my hands and nestles the half wooden half metal tankard into her ample chest.

While I stare she holds it very still and pours some more mysterious liquid inside, then she gestures for me to go ahead and pick up the tankard.

Who am I to refuse.

I stretch my hand toward the tankard without a handle and make sure my palm is firmly around it for a few seconds, just so I don't spill it of course, before slowly pulling my hand back.

The pretty lady just looks my way with a kind smile on her face, showing no sign of refusal, ahh life is great.

It has been a while since I've been so relaxed, I have to remember to thank the madam for the extra service.

That's right, I am not here for pleasure but for business, earlier today the madam, Olan's wife, called me over to inform me that the pelts have been processed and they are now ready to be turned into whatever I want, for a price of course.

I had reached the brothel as the sun was setting, and thankfully the madam was busy doing something at that time so she sent one of the prettier ladies to take care of me while I waited.

And she's doing a great job.

''Sir Caspian, I have heard much about you and your great exploits''. She says while leaning forward pressing herself against my left side.

I can't help but swallow and feel my dry lips with my tongue. Even the air tastes naughty.

''Is that so, and what exactly have you heard''. I try asking back out of curiosity, I know that people are talking about me but I don't know if it's in a positive or negative light.

Leaning further into me the pretty lady says. '' Only rumors, of course, that's why I would like if you could tell me about your adventures yourself''. I am fairly certain she's lying, but then again she's doing a great job at it, all the ladies here must know that men like talking about themselves and their own exploits the most.

''Whatever you heard I'm sure it must have been exaggerated, I am but a humble merchant''. If I am to make a list of things I am most scared of, it would go like this, monsters, irrational people, then disease.

Without changing her expressions she continues. ''Don't be humble sir, I have heard from the courier that is bringing us firewood every now and then''. Ohh it must have been one of the beggars running around on errands.

Leaning my own weight into her I ask with a smile. ''And what exactly did you hear''. She falters for just a moment.

''The courier said that you sir are probably the youngest head merchant in the city, all the other ones are very old after all''. Oh that, not very interesting then.

It was about the head merchant business, after all, its nothing major, just what they call the owners of the workshops, for example, the man who owns the smithy is not the blacksmith but his father who retired from blacksmithing, so right now his son, the current blacksmith is the owner all but in name, but still the father is recognized as the head of the workshop, therefore, the head merchant, I've heard about this before.

Seeing me not respond she continues. ''I have also heard about your residence, a sailor once told me that at night, when gazing at the city, there is a tall building with a shiny wall looking towards the sea''.

A shiny wall, that's the window looking towards the sea, that must be my window, its probably reflecting the moonlight or something, it's more surprising that it can be seen from the sea, I guess it is very close.

First thing first tho. ''I see, and how do you know that it truly is my residence, it could be just another house after all''. As I speak she burrows her head into my side, her hair smells like herbs.

''It's common knowledge around here sir, many craftsmen come by and some speak of some strange man that wanted a glass wall built so he could gaze at the ocean, isn't that romantic?''

Listening to her I feel my face heat up, hearing about what people think of me, and it being so far away from what I think about myself causes a moderate amount of embarrassment after all my intentions were all but romantic when I ordered the wall demolished then rebuilt out of glass, looking back on it I may have gone a bit too far, maybe a tinier window would've been fine.

As I try to recover from the emotional damage I hear a series of loud steps heading in the direction of the room. It must be time.

With a shrug, I gently push the pretty lady off me and stand up. ''I had a lovely time miss, I will personally give my thanks to the madam''.

The lady that is now sitting alone on the narrow couch stretches her hand and grabs the hem of my shirt. ''Do you really have to go?''. The expression on her face is close to what I would call devastated.

With a smile still on my face, I gently push her hand away and move towards the door, her acting was fine, a bit exaggerated at the end, but most men would be captivated by her.

As I touch the door preparing to leave, a heavy weight sets on my heart and the smell of citrus tickles my nose.

I don't blame the pretty lady for trying to fool me, it is her job after all.


I am back to sitting on a couch, only this time it is several times larger and of much better quality. the madam's office did not change at all since I've last visited, it is still large and opulent with a kind of foreign beauty to it.

The madam sitting across from me says with a smile ''I trust that you had a good time Caspian''.

I had expected it so I reply in a previously prepared way. ''Of course, thank you for the warm hospitality, it truly was a marvelous experience''.

''I am glad you enjoyed yourself, I hope the attendant was acceptable, I told her to treat you as an important guest''. With how much I am about to pay, you better make sure they treat me well.

''She was a very pretty lady and we had quite a pleasant conversation, but enough about this, you called me to talk about the pelts, correct?''

Waving her hand she leans back and looks at the drink on the table. ''Yes, I am correct to assume that you have not changed your mind''. I nod, this is not the first time the madam and I talk about this, in fact, she knows perfectly well what I want to do with the pelts, the reason she called me here is to talk about how much it will cost me.

''Then I will have them prepared and sent you your residence, as for the coin...''. It doesn't matter lady, you're probably expecting me to haggle, but I won't bother, it's not worth the hassle.

''I will send Ubam over as soon as the products arrive, no need to worry''. Looking satisfied she claps her hands and asks.

''Anyway are you really sure you want to use the pelts like that, you know what type of creatures Vulnogs are, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, it's just odd''.

Leaning over and grabbing the tankard, a different one from before sadly, I too lean back and say while taking a sip.

''I am very sure, now, if you'll excuse me it's getting late and I need to get back home''. I sit up and the madam does the same, I know she is not against my decisions or anything like that, it's more a combination of curiosity and lack of understanding.

Slowly we make our way down the stairs to where my giant guards are waiting to escort me back home.

On the way there I see the pretty lady that was attending to me earlier leaning onto a rich-looking man, she still had the same kind expression on her face as she talked to him.

A sigh escapes me as we turn the corner.

It truly is only business.