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I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasy
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10 Chs


It was just like any other day. Sun, Saya and I were all eating lunch in the school courtyard. The school we go it is a sort of prestigous one in New Nipon, called Floral Palace, and as the name suggests the courtyard, and the entire chool really was filled to the brim with different assortments of flowers trees and other plants. We ate lunch in the courtyard because of the soothing atmosphere, but little did we know this would the biggest mistake of our lives on Earth.

One day in the chemistry lab, someone forgot to turn off their bunson burner, and a small vine caught fire. From the vine the fire spread without anyone knowing since it went outside the building and no smoke alarms could detect it. But it was fast, the fire reached the courtyard in a matter of minutes, and everyone inside was trapped and had no way outside of the now burning plants. Saya, Sun, and I huddled up in a corner as far away as we could, but it was all for naught. The fire spread so fast it caught our clothes on fire and began burning our bodies. Large bubbles, and bright red skin with hives all over it formed across all of our bodies in excruciating agony, and to this day I can remember it like it was yesterday which hurts all the more as I remember it.

Needless to say, we died. Simple as that we were killed by the fire, but ended up being luckier than we thought. Just like out of a manga we were swept away into a white room with our fading consiousness, and were greeted by a 12 year old looking kid with green hair and eyes alongside suspenders a white dress shirt and beige pants. He was really cute, I'm not too sure what else to say about him except that.

In the room he waited a few minutes then approached us, and his words at that time would detirmine our entire fate in a world outside of death.

Hello, I'm Story Harnesser, if you haven't read my other stories go check them out, I think if you liked this the other two are very similar. As a bit of background I'm in eighth grade so be a bit easy on me in reveiews and things like that, and I just got my laptop fixed so I'll be uploading on all my stories more frequently. This story is just getting started, consider adding ti to your collection when more chapters get uploaded. hope you have a great quarintine :)

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