
Apples and Oranges

A young boy is alone in the world and likes it that way until he meets a girl who's so jolly. He fascinated by her yet wants to keep his distance.

Sunsets_starsrises · Realistic
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5 Chs

Black and White


Students call it a hell but I call it white room torture. Plain uniform with lights you can't tell the time of day with and the never ending feeling that your sanity is being slowly draining. Same fifty odd faces with their plastic smiles but we all know they're fake. I looked at my phone to see my timetable and just my luck I had English first. Oh fabulous, let's see how long it will take for me to stop the urge to stab myself in the neck with my pen!

I walked into the English class and sat down at that disgusting gum filled table. In front of me; the empty chair of the kid that has only be in school once this whole year, behind me; the kid that always eats and her at the window; little miss candy floss.Her uniform shone brighter then the others and her hair dyed hot pink was radiant and tanned skin was so- "Morning class, I say English is the best way to start the day we will be doing creative writing!" my English teacher's most likely rehearsed lines made my eyes automatically roll. "The theme is 'a time you felt happy' get writing class" Ms jolly show host continued. I turned to see little miss candy floss writing like she needed it to survive. Yea no thank you I'm out of here. I'm not writing some sappy story about happiness rah rah bull shit. "Ms can I go to the bathroom?" I said speaking out of turn.

"So you can smoke up the boys bathroom again?" she retored hand on hip

"No, so I can piss." My blunt remark made the class erupted into laughter. "Fine you have fifteen minutes or you'll be in detention again." Ms not so now jolly teacher said sternly.

I left to go the school gates and smoke. I wasn't in the bathroom so what could she do? My mind was so much clearer when I smoked who cares about the side effects. Just me and the nicotine filling my lungs. "Hi!" a girl like voice filled my ears causing me to turn around.

"Oh it's you, little ms candy floss." I said as I turned back around giving her my back.

"You're funny! No, it's Scarlett, you're Dominic right?"

"Yea, why are you talking to me?" I said putting the cigarette to my lips.

"Well~ we've been in the same English class for two years now why not? Plus you seem kinda cool!" I was taken a back by her response doesn't she know anything about me? "Don't you know about the rumours about me?"

"Yea! But rumours are rumours I doubt they actually hold any truth. Plus I believe in second chances!" Well then her world view was definitely going to be shattered sooner or later. But- maybe- No don't be stupid! Little miss candy floss is no one why should you even care about her? Why do I even care about her? "Well then it's been nearly fifteen minutes and I dont want to get in trouble," little miss candy floss said curling her beautiful hot pink hair around her finger. "I better get back to class. Hey I'll cover for you so Ms doesn't suspect anything!"

"Why would u do that?" I said turning to face her once more.

"Because why not we're basically acquaintances now and my dad didn't raise a snitch!" her smile lit up her gorgeous face. Maybe miss candy floss wasn't so bad herself. "Here!" she soft hands pushes a piece of paper in my hand.

Her number.

"Just in case!" she said skipping away to class. I looked at number and smiled then folded it carefully and I put it in my pocket. I might just text little miss candy floss later.