
Apple of my eyes

a girl who had lost her family goes in search for them... she meets many different people... learn about life... learns how to survive.... finds a way to enjoy life even with all the hardship she faces....

kida_bhoo9421 · Teen
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



all the members were still in their rooms....

"Stephen.... Stephen... Stephen ..." a beautiful young woman came into the base shouting....

"who are you mam.... how can I help you??"

Lucy received her as she was the only person in the hall....

"where is Stephen ??" demanded the woman...

Lucy decided that she was his sister by the looks of her....

"he is upstairs.... 1 minute mam .. I will go get him.." Lucy moved forward...

"No need... i will go get him..." she said and went up to his room....

"stephey .... look who is here.... steph..." she barged into his room shouting....

"wh..who is it... what happened??" he woke up with a flick....

"ohh Stephen ...." she put herself over him.... hugging him

"aghhh steph ... i missed you.... how are you...." she said...

"oh... jenny.... ya ya i am... i am fine... what... what brings you here.." he asked her.... patting her and still a bit confused because he was sleeping until she barged into his room....

"aghhh how long has it been?" She asked as she released him....

"yes... so what brings you here??" He started taking as he was getting up from his bed...

"come on let us go out and talk... " he took her out to the hall.... and saw Lucy standing there all confused...

"ahh Lucy this is my younger sister.... jenny.... jenny this is Lucy.. I don't think. I should say more about her you must have seen her in the TV and news..."

"yes... this is the famous Lucy the whole town has been talking about...."

" Hi jenny.... is it ok if i call you jenny.."

"ahh call her whatever you wish.... she is younger than you.."

"ahh Stephen..." she said pouting...

"so what brings you here jenny??" asked Stephen...

"what shouldn't I visit my brother.... "

"okok... you can.."

"by the way were is Jeremy and Damon??"

"aghh you finally remembered us uh??" asked jeremy as he was getting down the stairs....

"Jeremy.... how are you.. " she ran towards him.... held his hand and started swinging it right to left..

"i am fine... how are you..."

"How do I look?" She stepped back showing herself and spinning...

"you look just as good as the last time.." he said chuckling...

"how long are you going to ignore me this time??" asked damon as he came down... correcting his hair..

"Damon.... i wanted to see you the minute I came here...."

"ahh has it been only an minute since you came here??" He asked her mocking her...

"come on... they came down one by one not letting me to ask about you"

"okok.... how long are you going to stay this time..."

"not clear yet... but for a while a think.." she replied...

"ok then...."

"Can you help me to my room please.." she asked holding her baggage....

the members went quiet.... she always used to stay in the only available room which was now occupied by Lucy.... the whole base had only 4 rooms which each of the members occupied... the fourth room was free until Lucy came in.....since they were not very famous their funding was also small.. and their room was also small... now they have a room shortage...

the members looked at each other's face .... Lucy too understood the situation... they cannot have a girl sleeping in their room no matter how close they are....

"she can stay in my room...." she said...

"But isn't your room small... it won't be enough for two people to stay in the same room...

"i can sleep on the sofa.... she can take the bed... this will be enough for me to sleep in" she said patting the sofa....

"ohh it will be uncomfortable for you.... why trouble yourself..." said Stephen...

"it is no trouble.... i can perfectly fit in this... and i like sleeping in small places... i even surround myself with pillows to feel that way.. so it is a work less for me.. "

"ok then i will take your room... thank you..." she said....

the members took her luggage into the room... left her to settle down.... she came down after a while... after arranging her things....

"Stephen I saw your debute that day..... it was awesome... whose song was that... who composed it?? and why didn't you say anything about recruiting a new member?? "

"it all happened so fast that none of us even had time to process it fully by ourselves.. and for the composer... it was Lucy who totally did it.... she had already composed the whole song... we just made some changes and adapted to it... afterall the preparation time was only 7 days... " he said...

"That was great composition Lucy... i really loved that song.. you made all of the listeners feel the way you feel.." she complement her...

"thank you jenny... you flatter me..." lucy was embarrassed...

jenny's stomach started growling....

"Stephen I am hungry.... do you have something that I can fill my stomach with??" She asked...

"wait let me see if there is something....." said Jeremy...

he went up to his room to look if there was something for her to snack on.... but there was nothing that she would like to eat.. nothing that would suit her taste...

"There is nothing in my room too.." he said sadly..

"let me make you something...." said Lucy...

"what do you want... you can name it.." she continued

"i want fried chicken.." she said..

"fired chicken uh... ask your brother to buy me some chicken I will make it for you..." she said looking at the members...

"Buy me will you...." she said seeing Stephen

"come let us go together.. " he said...

both of them went out together....