
Appearances (BL)

Denji is at the pinnacle of his high school career with the perfect grades, the best girlfriend, supportive friends, and star of the baseball team. However, what happens when Denji discovers a secret that just might ruin everything. **Please note I do not own the cover page**

Goldfigure · Realistic
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Summer Bliss

As the four sat around the table Aimichan cleared her throat. " So who finished their summer homework?" Arata laughed and he shook his head no. Denji also shook his head no." we just finished the tournament. we can do like a group study or something? " denji suggested as Fumiko nodded, " but I finished my homework already. but Denji you could double check it." Denji smiled sure. Fumiko smiled," but before the study group will we be going to the Firework festival?" Aimi-chan beamed," of course. I got a new yukawa and I cant wait for you all to see it." Denji blushed and sipped on his milkshake " I cant wait. " Arata smile before asking," Denji your birthday is coming up. What do you want to do?" Denji looked around. "just hang out with you three I guess....maybe karaoking and some cake?" Aimi-chan beamed," that can be arranged. " The four joked around before leaving the restaurant. As they parted ways Denji stopped to tie his shoe. Aimi-chan took this opportunity to look back at the other couple walking in the opposite direction. She waited as Arata looked back in her direction for a second before grabbing Fumiko butt and kissing her. Fumiko giggled and wrapped her around his waist. Aimi-chan was jealous. As she looked back in front of herself Denji smile as he got up and gave her a peck cheek. She linked arms with him in frustration.

Fumiko took off her shoes as she enter Arata's house. Arata little sister and brother peeked their heads out and waved to her. She smiled

and waved back before going to his room. She sat on his bed as Arata came with two cups of juice and cookies. "so arata..." fumiko said as this was always the awkward part. she could never tell where she stood with him. " She's jealous. she looked in my direction again. but i ignored it like you said, " Arata said happily. Fumiko smiled but on the inside she was hurt because all she wanted was for him to look at only her. " When will you get back with her", she said getting nervous. Arata wrapped his arm around Fumiko before pointing to the photo of the four of them on a hiking trip. " this is the happiest I have been. Denji and Aimi-chan are something real. He even told me they will be going to the same University. I could say I do want her back but what? we could never be open about our relationship and she will graduate this year. I used to really want to break them up but now...I dont see the point. I have my best friend back. we are closer then ever. and I thank you for being here and dealing with all of this. " Arata said. Fumiko smile because she was unsure of what to say. " so do you want to be my actually boyfriend ?" Arata looked down at her then back at the wall of pictures. " yeah" he said before kissing her passionately. the more he kissed her the less he though of her and imagined she was Aimi-chan. They had similar body's and features but not identical. As he ran his hands all over her body she would moan. she was cute but it was not the same. When Arata lifted her shirt and saw a white bra instead of a sexy red one. he thought to him self it's not the same. When his hands tagged on her underwear she stopped him. He looked up at her. " this would be my first time..." Arata realized that she couldn't replace Aimi-chan. they were not the same. Arata had taken a few virginities in his past but it never ended well because the girl would become clinging. Very different from girls that were more experienced. also they had to be taught how to have good sex. Arata could train her to be like Aimi-chan but that wouldn't be fair to Fumiko. " We will not go all the way. Is it okay if I just pleasure you?" Arata asked. "Pleasure?" Arata could tell Fumiko was clueless of what he meant. Arata smiled and decided to just remain kissing her. He showered her with a rain of soft and hard kisses. Fumiko's heart raced as felt the she was finally the target of his affection.