
Apotheosis: Path to Supremacy

Since his onward existence into the world,Noah Ramsey was deemed by many as the embodiment of 'perfection'.He was born with a rare perk of enhanced memory that easily brought him to the human peak.Be it educational knowledge or Martial arts,he absorbed all of them like a sponge. With his exaggerated intelligence,he revolutionized the medicine sector with various cure for terminal illness such as cancer and many others,in addition, he made his world a technological advanced civilization. Despite being 'humanity's hope' he could not elude the ravaging clutches of time even after theorizing various scientific notions from fictional realities to find immortality. In his last moments of breathing,he wished to have a second chance at life so that he can find a solution to escape the ravages of time and achieve true immortality. .... By stupendous working of fate,his undying wish was realized and he found himself in a foreign world full of infinite possibilities. ... Journey with our MC in his search for true immortality and Supremacy.At the end of his journey,will he truly be eternal?Will he reign supreme?! Find out in the novel,'APOTHEOSIS' ... My novel will be pure fantasy. Don't expect any point of realism. The characters I have written are of pure fiction so any person with the same names as my characters is just pure coincidence. Bring out your support to a newbie writer here.This is my first work The novel in its starting phase would be somehow fast-paced .... The cover art is not mine.All thanks to the producer. you can find me at: Discord: unfettered_sage#4757

unfettered_sage · Eastern
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12 Chs

Primordial Source Scripture part 1

"So you are finally ready,huh?"An alluring voice could be heard from the living room."Yes I am finally ready. I am itching to start it at any moment,"A valiant voice replied and the room retained its silence.

A barefooted raven-haired woman could be seen lying sideways on the big sofa, her slender hand supporting her head. She wore a rather revealing one piece dress with a long slit on one side,which exposed her milky supple thighs. The way the dress accentuated her curvaceous figure had a seductive touch on it and any man would rather abandon everything to just be her puppet. Her shapely breasts were straining against the dress as if demanding attention and her exposed cleavage truly a temptation. Her red luscious lips were sexily,forming a sultry smile on her mature attractive face. She was like an embodiment of sexuality,and both genders would easily fall for her.

Opposite the sexy mature woman, seated on another sofa was an equally attractive young man with a perfectly sculpted face and well-defined muscular figure that was quite rare for someone of his age. His beautiful eyes were clear and determined but if you looked deeper into them you would surely get lost or tranced. A slight curl could be seen forming on his thin yet sultry lips as he took a cup of tea from the table separating them and took a sip each and every movement he took was filled with superiority and elegance.

Those two were Lady Luan and Jian Wushuang. The mother and son pair could surely be mistaken to be couples.

"Good,very good. Let me sought the technique that will be suitable for you to start your cultivation journey,"Lady Luan said as she started perusing through her storage ring by sending a wisp of spiritual sense and finally took out a cultivation manual book from it.

Jian Wushuang on seeing this was not surprised. He had learned that there are various storage artifacts which have a small confined space refined by artifact refiners. This space could further be used to store non-living objects. Truly wondrous, he wouldn't be shocked even when there are storage artifacts with sealed spaces that can store and support living beings.

"Before I give it to you,I think I should indulge you about various grades on these techniques. From the lowest grade, yellow , profound , earth and finally the highest,heaven grade. They are then further sub-divided into low-tier, mid-tier, high-tier, peak-tier and lastly supreme-tier. These techniques are not like garbage so that you can find any cultivator with anywhere because even a yellow grade technique is quite expensive. Fights over cultivation techniques are also common especially among rogue cultivators who have no support from the sects or the clans. A profound grade technique even the low-tiers are usually closely guarded by those sects and clans. Don't even imagine an Earth grade technique which can easily cause bloodshed if not closely protected,"She finally finished explaining about the Cultivation techniques.

"Take this,"Lady Luan said and threw the Cultivation book towards Jian Wushuang who easily caught it. "That's a mid-tier earth grade qi technique I have given you it would surely increase your speed of cultivation by a very large margin,"She then added her voice laced in nonchalance as if it was worth nothing. The heavens were truly unfair. It was quite contradictory to what she had recently said about techniques not being garbage and here she was throwing it away as if it would tarnish her hands, Jian Wushuang's mouth twitched as he wondered about her mother's mysterious background. Also since he had not yet started cultivating he couldn't know her cultivation realm. She just looked normal, no overwhelming presence, her unnatural transcendent beauty was what spoke otherwise. From what he had discovered when walking around in the city , cultivators with good looks were not rare especially the women almost all of them had dashing looks. I guess one of the perks of cultivating to higher realms for the women is retaining youthful looks and increasing their beauty. Something worth noting, when he had asked for permission from her mother to tour the city she had insisted he wears a mask covering his face and the maid-servant Ah Ma had to accompany him. When he asked the reason for the facemask she retorted sharply that his exquisite face would surely attract attention especially the women. The probability of being seduced or kidnapped was surely high and she said she couldn't take any chances.

"I guess I can't underestimate my godly looks,"Jian mused shamelessly and then concentrated his attention to the Cultivation book in his hands.

A gleam of excitement reflected in his starry blue eyes.

He elegantly stood up and walked gracefully towards her mother and quickly gave her peck on the lips before sauntering to his room leaving the woman speechless.

"Just you wait,"Lady Luan muttered, a playful yet seductive smirk adorned on his lips and a dangerous glint appeared on her enchanting vibrant emerald green eyes. Whatever plans she was cooking would surely make Jian Wushuang afraid. Sadly, Jian Wushuang had already locked himself in his room and he couldn't witness this scene.

Jian Wushuang hurriedly sat in a lotus position and calmed down his mind. He took a long breath and exhaled to calm his breath. He simply wanted his state to be optimum when starting his cultivation.

He carefully opened the book and read whatever was written inside .

{"Abyssal Devil Body Refining Technique"}

That was the name of the technique he found written in cultivation manual book. It was both a body and qi cultivation technique. By practicing this technique, a cultivator would have to persevere through the pain of tempering the body to have the mightiness of an abyssal Devil whose body was both superior in strength and defense.It even added that when a cultivator reached grand accomplishment in the technique his body would truly be comparable to Abyssal Devil. The combat prowess of the cultivator would also be terrifying as he could supplement his qi attacks together with body strength. The downside of this technique are the many resources needed to further progress the mastery to higher levels but he wasn't worried about it since it was said cultivating it from initial achievement to medium achievement didn't require any resources.

He removed all distracting thoughts from his mind and started meditating on the technique according to the instructions given in the manual.

He started by sensing the spiritual qi in the air and guided it into his body through the pores inorder to start the first step in body tempering: the skin forging stage.

All of a sudden, the spiritual energy he had guided inside of him disappeared and he was dumbfounded.He repeated the same process again but still got the same result. The spiritual qi mysteriously disappeared,it was as if something was denying its presence in his body.

What the hell is going?!Jian Wushuang frowned. I did all the processes right but it seems something is interfering with the spiritual energy. Is there something in my body? He continued questioning himself, there was no way someone like him would leave a matter like this without finding the problem.

But he was frustrated since he couldn't find anything wrong with his body, considering the fact he had complete control over his body.

"Am I really not going to cultivate?" he doubted silently while his mind started calculating possible solutions for his problem. At the end of it all, he only had one main possible answer, the problem may have occurred because of his Soul. His soul was the only thing in his body he couldn't investigate.

Damn,no wonder I couldn't feel anything wrong in my body,he berated himself.

'Is it because my soul is otherworldly or reincarnated that I can't cultivate?'He asked himself ,his eyes focused in concentration and his surroundings simply muted.

It was at this moment that something stirred deep in his soul and he felt it right to every cell of his being.

He felt as if he had been sleeping all this time and was finally woken up.

An ancient voice resounded in his mind and a message appeared,{"THE ALMIGHTY PATH OF THE BEGINNING AND THE END - THE PRIMORDIAL SOURCE SCRIPTURE"}