
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Intermission 1: Teacher of Mine

Few decades ago....

Monsters roamed around freely all over the place causing havoc wherever they go. Other beings fought them for their own survival.

These monster lacked consciousness of a sentient being and hence, they only knew how to kill without any reason and without any break.

Human's survival was at stake and then came the rise of heroes from within the human cities and formed a Knighthood to save humans from complete extermination.

Baimum Kingdom, a kingdom established by these mightiest Knights who fought with hordes of monsters to establish a safe haven for humans to live peacefully.

These seven Knights of both men and women sacrificed everything of theirs so the future generation never had to go through the same things they had to go through.

The kingdom formed by the descendants of these heroes flourished. People were treated equally and there was no one above the other.

However, soon the castle started to decay from within and soon a class system was brought up by the sovereigns of the Kingdom.

The sovereigns sat up at the top followed by other Nobles and normal citizens were treated as peasants. This class based division soon became the very foundation of every Human Kingdom.


Valya, was a small tribe of hunters living in the forest region situated in the periphery of the Baimum kingdom. These people avoided interaction with others and believed in self-sufficiency.

They have always believed that forest will provide them with everything and these were the teaching of the Neema, the Forest Spirit these people believed in.

They were provided water by the stream flowing through the forest, the trees provided with roof and building materials and finally animals and other fruit trees provided nutrition.

They never went overboard to exploit the nature and only took when and what was necessary from the nature.

The tribe was governed by the body of elders and they further appointed the strongest person as the Chief of the whole tribe who acted as the main head of the village.

Whoever wanted the seat of the Chief had to go through several tests assigned by the elders and finally had to defeat the current chief in a one-on-one combat.

Nitin was the current Chief of the tribe. He became the Chief at the age of 25 years which made him the youngest person to ever be granted the title of a chief in the history. He had defeated the last Chief, his father and earned the title in front of everyone fair and square.

After winning the title he proposed marriage to the most beautiful woman of the tribe Veena, who had been his friend since childhood. This caused many young men to rebel and challenge him to duel for the hand of the woman who held the title of the most beautiful which was nothing more than a curse for her.

When she became mature enough in her late teen years, there was no end to how many people had proposed to her. But her friend claimed her heart first.

A few years after marriage they were both blessed with a boy and named him, Iklavya. As a child, Iklavya has always been curious towards sword art and when he reached the age of 5, he casually watched the tribesmen practice art of sword.

Then with every passing day his curiosity changed into passion for sword art and by the time he was 8 years old, he started intimating the tribesmen sword art using a wooden stick.

People use to laugh at first when they saw a child trying to copy their complex moves. However, when Iklavya started making progress their laughs were replaced by feeling of pride that such a genius child has been born in their tribe.

When Iklavya reached the age of 12 even the Gods rewarded him for his hard work and he was granted Swordsman class.

Iklavya could not have been happier. He was quite afraid about what would have happened if he had gotten a class other than swordsman.

One day, Iklavya followed his father's hunting party to hunt a deer. Although archers and mage related classes were much more suitable for hunting, few men with warrior related classes always accompanied them to cover the archers from monsters that might attack them.

Nitin and other senior hunters were showing him skills related to hunt like how to track and prepare traps for hunting.

On their way, while tracking a deer they came across a group of soldiers guiding few children of same age as Iklavya. From the shining armors of the guards it was easily understood that these were royal guard and so the children accompanying them were Princes and other Nobles.

These kids were dressed in training clothes while travelling through the forest. Then suddenly an old man that was leading the party turned towards the guards and said, "This is as far as you can accompany these young men. After they enter this forest, they won't be princes or nobles rather they will only be my student. They will train and will become mightiest warriors."

The young men's chest puffed out with pride and they gestured their respective guards to turn back.

Then the old man looked at the kids and said, "Follow me."

They happily obliged and followed their teacher.

When they left, Nitin looked at Iklavya who had seen humans living outside for the first time in his life. His eyes were filled with curiosity.

Nitin chuckled and then explained, "The old man you saw was Gurdron, he is the most amazing instructor of all combat related arts and tricks. His students have become the most renowned and mightiest warriors in the world."

Iklavya just nodded but never turned once to look towards his father who was busy explaining him, his gaze was locked on the Gurdron.

Then he thought that if he has a teacher like him then for sure his sword skill will reach to another level. With this he decided that he will ensure that Gurdon takes him in as a student. He followed the group towards their camps where they would be training. He mapped out the way to their camps so he could find his way again.

It had been few weeks now, since Iklavya have been secretly listening to all the instructions Gurdron has been giving to his students and have been following them and had assimilated them in his training.

One day, he decided that it would be better to take lessons directly from the teacher than following pointers given to others for their shortcomings.

So he straight up went for the training camp and knelt before Gurdron and said, "Will you please take me as your student."

Other students started to laugh, this irked Iklavya but he remained calm and waited for the reply. He didn't care if others laughed at him, they didn't know his capability.

Gurdron looked at him for a brief moment and then asked, "It seems you belong to a tribe that lives in this forest, right?"

Iklavya nodded with a smile.

Gurdron looked at him and said, "I only take nobles as my students."

"Huh! Why does it has to be nobles only, I am confident of my skill that I am equal if not better to any one of your student present here." declared Iklavya which made other students laugh again.

"Go back to your mum peasant. Swords are for knights and nobles and not for some country bumpkin." said one of the youngsters with a sneer which made other chortle.

Iklavya gazed at him him for few seconds before returning his gaze towards Gurdrons and said, "It doesn't make a difference if I was born in forest and not some castle. As long as I work hard and with your teachings I might be able to surpass these nobles."

Gurdron sighed and shook his head and said, "I'm sorry child, I have pledged to the throne that I will only teach Nobles and no one else."

Iklavya was dumbstruck. After a while he stood up and with teary eyes he declared, "It doesn't matter to me. I have and will always follow your teachings and you will be the only teacher of mine"

After declaring that he left the training camp.

Gurdron sighed; he could not even remember how many people he has rejected due to his oath. But, he knew that this child was different it was either his charisma or aura that had made Gurdron somewhat curious in him.

But at the end of the day he had to reject him as well.

Meanwhile, Iklavya returned to his training spot with newly ignited fire within him to surpass every one of them and to show to his teacher that he was capable enough, to be called his student.

Story time!!

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