
there a monster living

I wake up with my whole body hurt but I change to my school uniform and walk to school.

"ugh did I over do it"(katashi)

I walk into my classroom and go to my seat after a while the class started when class end I go to the bath room to wash my face.

"hey katashi you look like you want more beating"(Teruo)

I look at him and as usual with his gang for 5 people I did not respond and teruo walk up to me.

"I hate your face"(teruo)

he throw a right cross I ducked and hook him in his right rib that book help me a lot he take a few step back and look pissed.

"YOU BASTERD"(teruo)

he ran at me and throw a left hook slip I ducked and put all of my strength into this uppercut when the punch connected teruo fall to the ground and his gang was surprise and stood there froze then one of them ran at me and throw a left hook I ducked and uppercut him in his stomach.


he fall to ground holding his stomach I look at the 4 of them and there were an opening I run through them then the bell ring I ran to my class.


I ran to my classroom and wait till lunch time if I tell the teacher I will be in the wrong again so I kept quite and when lunch time come I eat my meal I though that I hide in my classroom but I look out side the window and saw them searching for me.

I left my classroom and go to the rooftop to hide I don't know if I can beat all of them I look below the school and they are hunting for me.

"what a fucking massed up school life"(katashi)

"no look how fucked up my life is"(katashi)

I stayed up there hoping they don't find me after many hours passed the door open and teruo was there with his gang and there is a tall guy and he look strong.

"ah there you are TREASH"(teruo)

after say that he run at me and throw the same punch right cross he has not been in a real fight before I step back and throw jabs at his jaw.

"I'm losing to a trash like you"(teruo)

I he started to throw a furry of punch I dodge each one of them then he reel his left hand this is my chance when he throw is left punch I slip through to left cross and left hook him his left rib.


after that punch he hold the spot I punch him and he seems to be out of breath I rush at him and he lift his hand to cover his face his stomach is open I throw a left uppercut him in his stomach and I follow up with a left hook in his jaw.

"you bastard"(teruo)

I keep my guard up teruo was out breath then the tall guy come rush at me and throw his right cross I again slip through his right punch and right hook him in his rib then I look at teruo rush at me trying to taggle me I step to the side I quickly look at the tall guy and he was one of my bully.

"you little shit"

he rush at me I knew he going for a left cross I slip through his left side he knew that I'm going to hook him again I throw a fake left hook he guard his left rib then I change my pattern and aim for his face and it landed.

"this bitch"

he started to throw a furry of punch I was looking for a opening then.

"OUT OF MY WAY!!!"(teruo)

the tall guy step aside I can't dodge I can't counter either teruo taggle me I fall and the back of my head hit something the edge of wall for a second I feel pain then I black out.

(teruo pov)


I was about to punch then I notice blood dripping from behind his head I look behind his head and blood don't stop dripping.


I was panicking.

"teruo what are you gonna beat him?"

"shut up blood is dripping from the back of his head"(teruo)



we scream at each other then.

"LET'S HIM HERE!!!"(teruo)



he drop the body and we leave.

(several hours later)

I open my eyes slowly I get up and the back of my head hurts I put my hand behind my head and I feel like water I look at me hand and there blood I don't remember what happen.

"shit what happen"(katashi)

I stand up and walk to the nurse office and there are no student here when I go there the nurse was not there too I go in and tried to find the first aid and I found it I open it and patch my head with bandage.

"ouch I need a hoodie"(katashi)

I go my classroom and people already leave I go to my beg find a cap I put it on walk home while walking my head his hurting a lot and where I go home I feel tired so tired I fall to the ground and trying to catch my breath I stand up and go the bathroom wash my face a couple of time and I look at the mirror I let out a sigh when I look at the mirror again my face was angry I wipe my eyes.

"what was that?"(katashi)

I stand up and go look at the mirror again after a while nothing happen.

"haha maybe I'm dreaming"(katashi)

"tell me are you gonna live like a this?"

I look around trying to find where the voice come from.


when I hear that voice I look at the mirror.

"w-who are you?"(katashi)

"me? I'm you"

"what happen to me"(katashi)

"you don't remember? you get taggle buy teruo"

when I hear teruo I remember he taggle me and I felt pain in the back of my head.

"remember now those people do not deserve to live they must be punish"


"now my question are you gonna live like this where people treat you like trash stepping on your head and everything WHAT ARE YOU A PUPPET?!!!"

"I'll ask are you gonna live like this until you die? our parents call you a scumbag useless worthless and she says that you are not her son and our father agreed"

then I hear a voice and a image in my head.

"we should kick him out not only he's his talentless and he's a scumbag for not accept the fact he did that on purpose he's not worth our money"(mom)

"but he's our son"(dad)

"he is not think about it he's worthless he should be living on the streets"(mom)

"hmm he is talentless unlike his brother"(dad)

then I snap out of that I was looking at the sink.

"do you remember now? they not the only one who say something like that behind your back your sister Yanagi says that you must be switch from birth and blamed you for something she destroyed"

I can hear the voice again


"ah"(kid katashi)

"katashi your coming with me"(mom)

I can hear my self crying and says that I'm not the one who did it.


"katashi answer me did you tell you sister to get that for you?"(mom)

"no I did not"(kid katashi)


"DON'T LIE!!!"(mom)

these memories are the memories I tried to forget.

"see? our mother don't believe you that not all our father take to shopping when you asked to go too they rejected you?"

another memory and voice.

"dad are you going shopping can I go too?"(kid katashi)

"no katashi stay home and study you don't need clothes anyway"(dad)

"but..."(kid katashi)

"he said you should stay home and study"(mom)

"oh dad are you going shopping can I come?"(yanagi)

"dad mom please can I come too"(kid katashi)


I watch as they walk and close the door I can feel tears falling.

"no don't cry"(kid katashi)

I feel rage sadness

"see they don't love us they made us suffer for something we did not do is this hell we been enduring we were never been loved they the one who is hurting our feeling they don't care about us we have nothing no we are nothing"

"what should I do am I lost?"(katashi)

"we both lost they want us to be the kid they wanted were never been forgiven what we need is a goal"


"yes set your goal"

"my goal..."(katashi)

I think for a while I recall my memories with teruo always treat me and use me as a punching beg now.

"have two goals first get strong and second destroy teruo gand and break teruo arm if he bring more guys I'll kill him"(katashi)

I lift my head and look at my refection.

"in 7 days I'll crush them every last one"(katashi)