
I want to see...

Left and right was brutal fighting. What is this.. what happened to laws What happened in life..? Just while he was thinking a man kicked his back, the force made him pummel to the ground. He looks at the attacker.

The attacker had a crying face on him.

"I just want to LIVE!!"

The attacker cried and punched him repeatly. All he could do is block. But all that ran through his mind was.. what can he do. A danger in the way why was I questioning myself shouldn't I be surviving? The attacker punched him repeatedly.

"I need to think.. I need to survive."

It was an unfair situation from the start.. the weak will perish first.

"Come on you weren't national champion in chess for nothing right? Think come on THINK"

The sound of ticking appeared.. Tick. Tick..Tick...Tick...Tick.....Tick

Time slowed down it was him and the attacker, this was his time,he saw the attacker going for a liver punch. He used his hands to push him out the way, but he was also effected by the slow time, slowly he dodged.

After dodging, he slowly got back up. He needed to win. Even if that meant killing. In a rush he slowly ran and put his hands at the attacker throat, his thumbs pushing down slowly at his esphoragus. It was a killing method he learnt from his grandpa in the military. Time moved fast again. The man started to choke.

His gargling and foam coming out of his mouth as he desperately tried to get them grip off. He pinned the attacker on the ground and pushed with all of his force with his thumbs. It wasn't long until he was dead...

"You have completed Act 1. The gods are happy:)"

"Teleporting to waiting room."

The light flashed him again. Transporting him to another room. It was a lounge with a brown leather sofa in the middle. He sits down and sighs.

The guilt of killing someone has been on his mind but it doesn't help to worry. If anything he needed a smoke. He checked his pockets to find his lighter and cigarettes there. He lights one out and blows out a puff.

"What do I do now.. he shuffles around before a screen appeared in front of his face.

"Profile Unlocked. Do you want to see?"


He rests his cigarette on his mouth and says calmly.


"Opening Profile... Profile Succesfully Opened"

"Name: Jinxi Hang"

"Attribute Stratergist (Epic)"

"Songs: N/A"

"Items: N/A"

"Achievements: 1%"

"What's strategist?"

"Stratergist provides passive ability Stratergist Zone."

"What's Stratergist Zone?"

"Stratergist Zone slows time down for the user to create a stratergy at a split second but the user is also affected by the slow time."

"So that explains why time moved so slow when I was fighting the attacker."

Jinxi stared at the wall and sighed. If he wasn't smoking he would have probably lost his mind."

"Next act is in 24 hours. Food will be given because food are for winners :)"

"Wow thanks."

He slouched back on the sofa.

"I want to know this entire situation."